Inventory of food in "Gourmet Adventure" (cautious in)

  In the middle of the night by “Food Adventure” seduce a large wave of water [Reminder again: when you are hungry, you must be cautious when you watch the drama …], so the landlord decided to do it.Food ~~
  1: Chinese Food Chapter
  This article appears all the food that everyone is quite familiar.
  1 steamed bun (full steaming, all seas), buns (bun strong), flower roll (flower Xiaolei)
  Because these three methods are similar, they put them together.
  The history of steamed buns, buns, and rolls can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. In the “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms”, Zhuge Liang uses steamed buns to sacrifice the god of water.
  Add flour and water, sugar, etc. Foods that are steamed after fermentation. The shape of the finished product is hemispherical or long strips. When it is made, add meat, vegetables, bean Rong and other fillings to become buns. Add it.Stewls, hemp sauce, shallot oil, etc., pinch into folds is a flower roll.
  As the protagonists of “Food Adventure”, Baozi Martial Arts Gao Qiang is strong, the four seas are knowledgeable, and Xiao Lei Xiaolei has a seasoning bag bomb stunt.Of course, as the noodles of steaming attributes, they also have the characteristics of fear of water and dryness.
  2 noodles (ingenious)
  Noodles are also traditional Chinese food.It uses grain or bean flour to grind the dough (that is, noodles), and then press or roll into slices to cut or press, or use rubbing, pulling, pinching and other meansWide, or flat or round) or small slices, and finally a kind of food made, fry, stew, and fried.Noodles have a variety of patterns and diverse varieties.Such as Beijing’s fried noodles, noodles in Hebei, Shanxi’s knife noodles, Shanghai’s Yangchun noodles, Sichuan’s noodles, etc.
  The noodles are clever and beautiful.Because he was not afraid of water, he was almost a monster when he first encountered a bun gimmick.hehe.
  3 Dumpling (Dou)
  Dumplings are stuffed semi -circular or semi -moon -shaped, horny pasta.After the noodles, the cold water and flour are cut into several small dough, and then rolled into a slightly thicker dumpling skin in the middle to wrap the stuffing heart. A dumpling is ready.
  Dumpling fighting is a naughty child. As soon as he appeared, he grabbed Captain’s hat.Skills seem to be in the development stage.
  4 Crystals (Wanjin)
  Knead the good noodles to grow strips, and fry it into the oil pan into a long and hollow fried noodles, and the taste is crispy and tough.
  The churros are greedy for money and are afraid of death. The little cunning is still very cute, huh.
  5 big cakes (5 ()
  This is a kind of noodle cake made of flour, starch or wheat flour through the traditional Chinese craftsmanship, and then adding unique raw materials for local crafts.
  Big cakes are loyal and honest, and they are a technical man.
  Chapter 2: Vietnam Chapter
  Compared with the exquisite and rich Chinese or French cuisine, Vietnamese food is really a small witch, but the traditional Vietnamese cuisine has a unique place flavor. It is worthy of the foodiers to taste it.
  1 Vietnamese roll powder
  Vietnamese roll powder is simple and smooth.It is soaked in the selected rice or grinded into rice slurry, then add an appropriate amount of rice paste to stir well, and then cook it into a thin piece of garden -shaped powder with a hot pot, and then use the special bamboo knife with peanut oil.Remove the steaming cloth and add various fried dishes such as or crushed pork such as or celery or chives such as or celery or chives while it is hot.When eating, add ingredients such as rice vinegar, oil, sauce, and other ingredients. Such Vietnamese roll powder is very flavorful. Some people want to eat ten eight roots at a time.
  2 鳎 鳎 鳎 鳎
  Tragedy pirates are undoubtedly tower fish.This landlord thinks that it should not belong to local specialty foods, so I won’t write it.
  Chapter 3: Thailand
   Thailand is located in Southeast Asia. It is located in the Asian continent and is facing the sea. The ingredients are rich and fresh. Thai cuisine is very healthy because of its regional taste.Physical fitness.
  1 carbon grilled shrimp
  Choose the oven to high temperature, or warm up the fire barbecue.Season with salt and pepper in fresh shrimp and spray olive oil.Fresh shrimp is placed at 10 cm from the heat source, grilled for 2 to 3 minutes on each side until it rolled up pink.The taste is delicious.
  2 grilled eggs
  Baked eggs are divided into raw and cooked roasting.Raw grilled roasted quail eggs are more common. Broken the quail eggs and pour into the baked mold with bamboo sticks. You can sprinkle with salt, monosodium glutamate, spiced powder, cumin, pepper noodles, etc. according to your taste.Cooked grilled grilled eggs are more common with grilled eggs. They are cooked and marinated with various eggs, and then baked in the oven. The grilled grilled eggs are golden, delicious, and delicious.Centennial Confucian grilled eggs have the world’s first grilled egg production line. It can roast eggs, roast quail eggs, roast goose eggs, roast duck eggs and even roast ostrich eggs.
  The barbecue eggs in “Gourmet Adventure” are intact, obviously roasted eggs.
  Chapter 4: Indonesia
  The tropical Indonesia is a tropical rain forest climate and is mainly produced in rice. Therefore, its most common staple food is rice, followed by corn and potato.In addition, Indonesians also like to use banana leaves and palm leaves to steam rice or glutinous rice and eat them in a diamond -shaped. They are a bit similar to Chinese dumplings, but they are called “Kuda” in Indonesia.Indonesians also like all kinds of pasta cuisine, such as bread, noodles, etc.
Indonesians like to eat rice, but they do not eat with chopsticks like Chinese people. They like to grab them with their hands, knead the rice into a small group with their right hand and send them in their mouths.Put a bowl of water on the side of the dining table, grab the rice, and use your hands to dip the water from time to time to avoid sticking to the rice on your fingers.Those who like to grab the rice feel appetizing like this.
The taste of local dishes in Indonesia is relatively heavy. Spicy flavor is the biggest feature of Indonesian cuisine. They like to add coconut milk, pepper, clove, cardamom, curry and other spices to various dishes.EssenceBadong cuisine, known for its fried and spicy taste, is the most famous food in Indonesia. Passengers who like spicy food can try it.
  1 Nyonya cake
  Baba Nyonya BABA NONYA (or Tu Sheng Chinese/Overseas Chinese) refers to the Chinese Ming Dynasty businessmen and the Chinese Ming Dynasty businessmen who settled in Manjia (Malacca) in the early 15th century, the Manchur Boyi and Shi Lifo’s death country (Indonesia, Singapore)The children born in the local Malays.Men are called “Baba”, women are called “Nyonya”, and they are commonly known as “Baba Nyonya”.In addition, Nyonya is a diet culture, mainly a mixture of Chinese dishes and Southeast Asian dishes.Therefore, you can also eat a lot of Nyonya dishes in Malaysia, such as sweet pork trotters, fried pork slices, bamboo shoot stewed pork, etc.Those who like desserts can also find inscriptions in Nyonya Cuisine. The sweetness of Nyonya cakes made of banana leaves, coconut milk, vanchida leaves, glutinous rice, and sugar refined is full of sweetness and chewing.Niangya Cake Nonya KUIH is very beautiful and sweet, like a beautiful woman, she wants to bite it at first sight.

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