Light up the lamp of education and contribute to the university for rural revitalization

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Wei Zhiyue (a pseudonym) took a photo with Zhang Xiaoguang, a hero astronaut at Northwestern University of Technology.Interviewee confession

Wei Zhiyue (a pseudonym) took a photo with Zhang Xiaoguang, a hero astronaut at Northwestern University of Technology.Interviewee confession

This is a precious photo after 7 years and span thousands of miles.

The girl who smiled a little in the camera was named Wei Zhiyue, from the Rongshui Miao Autonomous County of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.Seven years ago, it was this photo with the hero astronaut Zhang Xiaoguang at Northwestern Polytechnical University, planting the seeds of brave dreams in her heart.

Rongshui Miao Autonomous County is located in the northwestern part of Guangxi. It was once one of the key counties in poverty alleviation and development in the country and 20 deep poverty counties in the region.Since 2016, Northwestern Polytechnical University has helped Guangxi Rongshui, encouraging and helping many children like Wei Zhiyue to establish great ideals and strive to pursue their dreams.

One -on -one help sowing dreams in the depths of the mountains

Data map: Northwestern University of Technology to help primary and secondary school students enter China Aerospace Day.Shining of Northwestern Polytechnical University

Data map: Northwestern University of Technology to help primary and secondary school students enter China Aerospace Day.Shining of Northwestern Polytechnical University

On April 24, 2017, Wei Zhiyue and 25 primary and secondary school students from Rongshui, Guangxi Rongshui, and Weinan, Shaanxi were invited to enter Northwestern University of Technology to participate in the second series of “China Aerospace Day” national main venues.

At the event site, Hero Aerospace officer Zhang Xiaoguang shared the story of his childhood longing for the vast universe and the pursuit of aerospace dreams after growing up.This group of children sitting in the front row listened to tears were moved.After the meeting, Wei Zhiyue took a group photo with the hero astronauts and fixed this moment.

“For me, this is not just a group photo, but also a testimony of dreams in her heart.” Wei Zhiyue said that she has treasured this photo for 7 years.It was this experience that she realized that although living in the mountains, dreams can cross thousands of miles and touch the stars.Since then, she is full of longing and hard work, and finally admitted to the ideal university.

Wei Zhiyue, who has already participated in work in Shenzhen, has also actively participated in social welfare activities in his spare time.She wants to use her actions to interpret the belief of “knowledge to change destiny” and encourage more children to bravely pursue their dreams.

The story of Wei Zhiyue is the epitome of western workers who have helped Guangxi Rongshui for many years.

Over the past eight years, the school has relying on the high -quality educational resources of small and medium -sized young and young, and has formed a one -to -one assistance relationship with the school 8 schools in Rongshui.The good help experience of talent, talent to teach, and talent “helps children in the depths of Da Miao Mountain to grow into talents.

“Three Airlines” built dreams to send teaching studies to bring a “butterfly change” effect

In the past eight years, Northwestern Polytechnical University has selected provincial and municipal teaching teachers to lectures, teaching training, college entrance examination preparations, and co -construction teachers’ studio every year.”Training”, focus on improving the educational and teaching concept and teaching level of Rongshui teachers.

After participating in “follow -up training”, Wang Wanting, a teacher of Rongshui Middle School, wrote in his diary: “I am an ordinary teacher in a mountainous area. Our students have too little knowledge and the horizons are not enough.Children broaden their horizons, do not stick to the water, but look at the whole world. “

In recent years, a group of backbone teachers from Rongshui have come to Western Engineering University to study, watching the small and small teachers affiliated to Moses to prepare lessons, walk into small and medium -sized classrooms, and experience campus culture.Teachers in the two places face face -to -face experience, continuously improve the level of education and teaching, and bring a strong “butterfly variable effect”.

Organize Rongshui students to come to Xi’an to participate in the “Sanhang Technology” dream summer camp activities. Organize more than 60 college student social practice teams to go to Guangxi Rongshui to carry out “Sanhang” popular science lectures and air model production.During his lifetime, he took root in melting water and enriched the teachers … The Western Institute of Technology was comprehensive and more measures to help the growth of teachers from melting water and students’ talents.

Practice the wings of flying in the same time

Yang Xiang, who is currently studying at the West Institute of Technology, also comes from Rongshui, Guangxi.In 2018, he was studying in junior high school.He recalled: “That’s the first time I have been in contact with Northwestern Polytechnical University. I got a scholarship. I was surprised and grateful. All the universities with a temperature buried a seed in my heart.”

It is reported that in order to inspire teachers and students to teach and love, Northwestern University of Technology has set up the “Labor University Solar Scholarship Award”, with a total of more than 2.8 million yuan award -to -prize -to -be -awarded money, and more than 2,000 beneficiaries.

With various efforts, in recent years, the quality of basic education and teaching of morality has also improved.In 2023, the number of people on the college entrance examination of Rongshui County made a breakthrough, which was doubled compared to 2016.For many years, hundreds of graduates have been admitted to Tsinghua, Fudan, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Zhejiang University, Sichuan University, and Western Technology University.

Education is prosperous, and education is strong.Facing the future, Northwestern Polytechnical University will move forward bravely, focusing on “the party’s attraction, what the country needs, and the hope of the people”, continue to play the role of educational and teaching characteristics and high -quality basic education resource radiation, and continuously help help regional education educationThe quality improvement contributes to the university for rural rejuvenation.

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