Lin Gao: Surprising the business environment high score

13 min read

Original Gao Bo, Wang Dan Democratic and Legal Weekly

Hainan created county practice in the business environment of rule of law


In recent years, Hainan has continued to promote the construction of comprehensive deepening reform and opening up and the construction of free trade port with Chinese characteristics, strive to build a first -class business environment of marketization, rule of law, and internationalization, implement a series of pioneering measures, achieve a series of iconic results, and promote a series of seriesThe change in turns to inject fresh content into Chinese -style modernization.

In January 2024, this magazine has reportedly reported that Hainan Province, Haikou, Sanya, and Puzhou and other municipal law agencies have achieved the results of helping the construction of free trade ports and innovating the first -class business environment of the rule of law.Essence

This issue focuses on the level of Hainan’s county. Taking the four counties such as Lingang, Baoting, Changjiang, and Qiong, it shows the efforts made by Hainan’s grass -roots political and legal forces to create a business environment for the rule of law.

Longevity hometown, health paradise.

It is located in Lingao County, northern Hainan Island, with rich products and developed transportation.In 2023, the regional GDP increased by 8%throughout the year; 18 investment cooperation agreements were signed throughout the year, with an agreement investment of 10.8 billion yuan.In terms of expanding employment, improving people’s livelihood, and promoting innovation and entrepreneurship, the local private economy has contributed, and to create a good business environment for rule of law and help the private economy’s high -quality development, local political and legal agencies are impossible to resign.

>> On February 17, a large number of vehicles were waiting for the reporter of Xinhua News Agency, Xinhua News Agency, Xinhua News Agency, Haikou

In recent years, Lingo Higher Political and Legal Organs have based on political and legal functions, adhered to problem -oriented, and systematically deployed the service guarantee of the service guarantee of the high -quality development of the private economy, further optimizing the business environment of the rule of law, continuously stimulating the vitality of private enterprises, and boosting the confidence of private entrepreneurs.Sending the rule of law for private enterprises, “Xinxin Pills” and handed over a high -level answer sheet in serving the private economy.

Multi -measure governance, business help enterprises are more effective

Without peace, there is no development.The stable public security environment is the basis for creating a business environment of the rule of law.

The principle of “the crime of crime is a crime is not let go, not a crime of crime is not a number” principle, and normalize the fight against evil.The Public Security Bureau of Lingao County takes the construction of the Synthetic Battle Center as the starting point, coordinates the public security organs and social resources, and closely focuses on the key tasks of combating the “two cards” crime, warning discouragement, and the persuasion of overseas fraudulent personnel., Resolutely curb the high incidence of telecommunications network fraud crimes, achieve rising cases, increased the number of cases, increased the number of cases, decreased the number of cases, and decreased the “two liters and two drops” work goals.Deepen the prominent alarm and multiple regulation mechanisms such as the nourishment of wine and nourishment, and improve the ability to prevent and control the murder; resolutely win the three -year conference of the three -year conference to fight against the governance of telecommunications network fraud crimes; strictly fight the stolen, scramble, gambling poison, and fight on their heads.The full chain blow; maintain a high pressure on drug crimes; carry out special actions for minors ‘seedlings to protect seedlings, and promote the “three declines” of minors’ violations of cases, non -normal deaths and criminals.

The People’s Procuratorate of Lingao County severely punished telecommunications network fraud crimes and its upstream and downstream crimes, and actively participated in the special operation of the “broken card” and crack down on three years of illegal crimes to govern money laundering.Self -laundering criminal behavior.

The Lingao County People’s Court firmly relied on the county party committee and county government to establish a linkage mechanism to actively solve the problem of “difficult implementation”, dare to move the truth and real hard, and strive to improve the quality and efficiency of implementation.On the LED screen in the bustling area of the county seat, the information of the person executed by the dishonesty is constantly playing the information of the dishonesty, and the information of the person who is executed is not regularly played on the television station. The announcement column is set up in the place where the traffic is large to announce the information of the dishonest personnel.By expanding the exposure channels and methods of the executed person, expanding the list of punishment and improving public awareness, punishment to deter “Lao Lai”, so that the dishonesty is “restricted in one place and restricted”;For compulsory methods such as judicial detention, the executing person was decisively attacked, and a large number of difficult cases were resolved.

Strengthen the protection, and the safe protection enterprise is more powerful

The rule of law is the best business environment.Optimizing the business environment is a basic and systematic project.Continue to optimize the business environment, facing high political and legal agencies, and has a long way to go.

>> February 28th, Zhang Liyun, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency, Sanya Yacht Wharf, Hainan

The public security organs of Lingao County continued to strengthen public security patrols in public and complicated places such as the society, especially the prosperous business districts, squares and campuses, and adopt car patrols, step patrols, armed joint patrols and other ways to go deep into the community.”See the police, see the police light, see the police car”, improve the rate of seeing the alarm, the management rate, eliminate the blind spots of law and order, effectively prevent deterrence to combat various types of illegal and criminal activities, strengthen social security control and control, and check and eliminate all kinds of various types that affect the safety of the people’s lives and propertyHidden dangers improve the sense of gain, happiness, and security of the people.

The People’s Procuratorate of Lingao County organized the “Six Stability ‘Six Insurance” Prosecutor’s Development “Prosecutor’s Open Day activities.Familiar with procuratorial work, close contact with private enterprises, listen to the voices of private enterprises, and escort the healthy development of private enterprises.The units of the County Public Security Bureau, the County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau and other units will sign the work provisions of the intellectual property administrative law enforcement and criminal judicial connection work to promote the formation of the joint effort of intellectual property protection.

The Lingao County People’s Court adhered to the trial function, extended the tentacles of judicial services, integrated the service and optimization of the business environment of the rule of law into the entire process of judicial cases, and promoted the quality and efficiency of trial implementation.The Court of Traffic Tour Court actively guided the traffic management departments, insurance industry institutions, and relevant government functional departments to all sectors of society to transform the handling of traffic accident cases into a combination of the pre -laws of the insurance industry and the pre -litigation people’s mediation.The diversified regulation model allows traffic accident cases to connect with judicial procedures when the traffic management department is handled to achieve a short period of time, which greatly reduces contradictions and disputes to enter the litigation procedure, and realize new Taoism case disposal of resource sharing, complementary advantages, and multi -party linkage.pattern.The court strengthened the linkage with the administrative department and group organizations, led the establishment of the “Lingao County Pre -Launa People’s Mediation Committee”, established a special invited mediation organization and register of mediation officers, and fully mobilized the power of mediation organizations at all levels in the county, realized and realized withJudicial mediation is effectively connected.The people’s court integrates the forces of the judicial office, the town party committees, and the village committee, etc., and use the mediation work of the pre -claim as the priority choice for resolving contradictions and disputes.The new working mechanism of dealing with disputes, propaganda, and maintenance of stability, maximize the resolution of contradictions and disputes to the initial stage and solve the local level.

The Lingao County Judiciary Bureau and the County Federation of Industry and Commerce were carried out to carry out the “rule of law inspection” of enterprises and private enterprises to conduct in -depth research on the implementation of laws and regulations and related policies of enterprises, the performance of the labor contract between enterprises and employees, and listened to the construction of the rule of law in the enterprise.With legal service needs, and organize lawyers to preach laws and regulations such as “Civil Code” and “Safety Production Law”, and review labor contracts for enterprise employees, effectively improve private enterprises’ capabilities in accordance with the law, standardize management, and compliance development capabilities, promote the health and stability of private enterprisesdevelop.

If the service is accurate, the business warming the company is more intimate

“I did not expect that in the comprehensive window, not only can I make up the ID card, but I can also make up the lost driver’s license. It is too convenient to run a car management office without a detour!”Mr. Chen’s emotion after getting the temporary ID and driving license at the same time.

>> Pu Xiaoxu, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency, Ling Gao Duan, Hainan Hainan Tourism Highway/Photo

Since 2023, the Lingao County Public Security Bureau has integrated police resources to the maximum extent, broke the barriers of police species, scientifically adjusted the division of labor and window settings, optimizing the business processing process, and integrating the high -frequency businesses such as household administration, vehicle driving, entry and exit, and integrated integration.”Multi -window” is “one window”. According to the “unified acceptance of the front desk, classification approval of background classification, and a unified window issuance” service model, it not only greatly improves the efficiency of the police police work, but also effectively shortens the time of the masses.The service is transformed and upgraded from the “one -door office” to the “one window” to press the “acceleration key” for the masses.By promoting the “tolerance acceptance” and “informing commitments”, actively provide the masses with services such as business consulting, pre -review of materials, and smart guidance, and actively guide the masses to carry out self -service processing through self -service aircraft and online equipment.Special groups provide services such as helping and offering, through online and offline homogeneous office, flexible office office, unblocking various processing channels, and doing the “fine -hand office” model, so that enterprises and the masses can fully enjoy the convenience of “customized” services.Implement the promise of “one window” and “one -time running” of Lingao Public Security Government Services.

The People’s Procuratorate of Lingao County solves the demands of the masses in a timely manner, communicates the channels for faith, reduces the cost of rights protection of the enterprise, and conscientiously implements the “recovery” system for the people’s letters and visits.A reply to the masses within the day.For the acceptance case of the acceptance of the acceptance, the substantive resolution was achieved through interpretation, and the appellant signed a letter of interest to the promise, and worked hard to resolve conflicts and disputes at the grassroots level and budding stage.Adhere to the “where the construction of major projects is built, and the procuratorial service guarantee is followed up”, and strengthen the construction of major projects for service guarantee.Relying on the procuratorial workstation, actively conduct visits, investigations, discussions, duty, etc., and provide legal consultation and help for major projects; combined with procuratorial functions, actively participate in the special rectification work of “Three None” ships in combination with procuratorial functions. NormalizationCarry out coastline inspections.In 2019, the hospital connected the centralized monitoring and management platform to the Xinying Ocean Procuratorate, and established a collaborative and cooperative mechanism with the Puzhou Maritime Police Station to set up a prosecutor’s office at the maritime police to rely on ship monitoring big data platforms to collect illegal illegal collectionClues to fishing and transfer to maritime police inspection.

The Lingao County People’s Court carried out the “I do practical work for the masses” in depth, and actively constructed a new mechanism for litigation services with one -stop solution.Deliven to create a new model of “smart litigation services”, take the initiative to deeply integrate Internet technology and litigation services, combine traditional cases with the Internet, and vigorously promote the use of “mobile micro Court”, “people’s court lawyer service platform”, “24 -hour self -service court courts”Platforms, promote the” online and offline “dual -track litigation model of on -site filing, mailing cases, online cases, cross -domain cases, batch cases, appraisal, and security matters.On July 11, 2022, the Lingao County People’s Court officially launched the “24 -hour self -service court” to provide the parties with all -weather litigation services, realizing the self -service office and one stop office of the litigation business, so that the data is more running, let the masses run less legs less legs,, Truly realize “fingertips”, and continuously improve the efficiency of smart litigation services.

The Lingao County Judiciary Bureau gives full play to the important role in corporate prevention of risk, safeguarding rights and interests, and promoting development, and strives to meet the growing demand for high -quality legal services of private enterprises.At the same time, we will effectively enhance the awareness of “law” by private enterprises, protect the legitimate rights and interests of the working people, and support the “protective umbrella” of the rule of law in order to further protect and improve people’s livelihood.The bureau actively coordinated and resolved the legal problems encountered in the process of enterprise project construction, implemented regulations and regulations in business environment and regulations such as Hainan Free Trade Port Intellectual Property Protection Regulations, and protected various ownership of the property rights and independent management rights in accordance with the law.Special governance operations involved in government property rights disputes; carry out a series of special activities for “helping migrant workers’ rights to protect rights in the end of the year”, invite volunteer lawyers into enterprises to provide legal consulting services to the masses, effectively protect the legitimate interests of migrant workers, and strive to improve the concept of the rule of law of enterprises and individuals.To create a harmonious and orderly social atmosphere; make full use of the new media such as the Internet and WeChat public account to strengthen the publicity of relevant policies, carry out various forms of law education activities at various important time nodes, and continue to promote the implementation of “who law enforcement and whomThe law system for Pushing the law will effectively improve the quality of the law.Organize the implementation of the “legal understanding of people” and cultivate the general law team around the masses.

The business environment is not the best, only better.With the “blue sky and white clouds” of the rule of law environment, the “green mountains and green mountains” of the business environment, Lingao will be bound to harvest high -quality “Jinshan Yinshan”.

Text/Reporter from our agency Gao Bo Wangdan

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