[Longteng.com] European and American netizens: European VS American

Original translation: Longteng.com http://www.ltaaaa.com Translation: YZY86 Reprinted, please indicate the source

(Illustration: Kapsalon in the Netherlands)

So I ” ‘Ve get the opportunity to go visit almost anywhere I’ ” d like and i’s I ” ” ” y, and/or the netherlands specifyly.) Not Sure if I can get to all 3 or just 1, but i try and search some things and it ” ‘s very hard to find the info I’ ” d line to know.

I now have a chance to visit almost any place I want to go, and I really want to go to several European countries (Poland, Germany, especially the Netherlands).I’m not sure if I can go to these three countries or only one of them, but I tried to search some of the content, but it is difficult to find the information I want to know.

What is Food like in the countries? Or all of the Europ? From what I ” ” ‘ve aes, the Food seems very different than the usa; Supermarkets. Like the us I hear people are surprised by theSUGARY CANDY and JUNK FOOD. Are there Doritos, Oreos, Macaroni, White Rice, ETC, Those Things in Stores? Sorry if this is dumbing dumb. ttle about other plants, but do want to learn.

What are the foods of these countries?What is the whole European?From the perspective of my reading, it seems to be very different from the United States, whether it is a restaurant or a store/supermarket.For example, in the United States, I heard that people would be surprised to have high sugar and junk foods with high sugar.Are there any three -dimensional crispy, Oreo, pink powder, white rice, etc. in the store?If this is a stupid problem, or I sound stupid, then I am sorry.I know very little about other places, but I really want to understand.

I wonder if I Will Eat in EUROPE BeECAUSE I am a very picky Eater Lol.

I want to know if I am willing to eat in Europe, because I am a very picky person.

Original translation: Longteng.com http://www.ltaaaa.com Translation: YZY86 Reprinted, please indicate the source

1. Some General Things.

(Sweden) There are a few points:

Europe is a big play with tons of food variety. Every country has their own cuisine so it is sort of hard work, Generalizing Cuisine from Poland, Germany and the Netherlands Since TheRE PLENTY of Regional VariantsThen, then

Europe is large and has extremely rich food diversity.Each country has its own cooking style, so it is a bit difficult to summarize those dishes with great differences.It is difficult to even summarize dishes in Poland, Germany and the Netherlands, because there are too many places for dishes.

Are you going to cook/stay at a Place with a Kitchen or are you going to ear? Maybe you can make it your yourself, but mobileIt will be different from proper American mac and cheese. Same things with mexican/tex mex food, it can be hard to find thing that are similar to the America. It l most likely be a local version with alling degrees of authencity.

Are you going to cook/stay in a place with a kitchen, or go outside?I don’t think you can buy American -style cheese -like fans here, at least prefabricated.Maybe you can do it yourself, but what you do is likely to be different from decent American cheese.The same is true of Mexican cuisine in Texas, and it is difficult to find the American version.It is likely to find the local version, which is uneven.

Kebabs. Food of the Gods. Kapsalon is from the netherlands and is a local variety that gets a lot of plaise. I havent tried it mySelf Thought.
Try the local break and cheese. Most likely better than what you exceient in the us.
Poland is famous for their soups and break.
Go to a Large Grocery Store/Supermarket in Germany and Check Out Their Sextion of Chocolates.

Barbecue skewers.This is the food of the gods.Kapsalon is a Dutch cuisine and a variant derived from the local area, which has received a lot of praise.But I haven’t tried it myself.
Try local bread and cheese.It’s likely to be better than you have eaten in the United States.
Poland is famous for its soup and bread.At least it is worth trying.
In Germany, go to their large -scale miscellaneous shops/supermarkets, and then explore the chocolate area.Usually I will impress you.

(Translated note: Kapsalon is a Dutch dish, which is based on French fries. Put Turkish barbecue rolls or Shawima barbecue on it, then grilled with a layer of cheese to melt, and then cover a layer of flavoring vegetables. See the head of the text.. Usually with garlic sauce)

I really liked zubrowka with apple juice. Try it in point! Tastes a bit like apple pie with cinnamon.
Go to a bakery, all three countries have amazing passedries.
Germany and Poland are very famous for their sausages. If you like sausage you should try their sausages.

I really like the bull grass vodka with apple juice.Drink and watch in Poland!The taste is a bit like an apple school with cinnamon.
Go to the bakery to see, the desserts of these three countries are amazing. 
Sausage in Germany and Poland is particularly famous.If you like sausage, you should try them.

(Translated Note: Bull grass Volt is made from rye, seasoning with Poland’s unique wildef grass, a bottle of cattle grass vodka has a wildef grass, the wine is light green)

2. Judging from American Vlogs About Living in Poland

(Poland) Judging from the Podcast of the United States to judge the living conditions of the Netherlands:

Quality is generally better in Europ
taste is more natural in Europ
taste in us enhanced by a fuck ton by various addictives

-The food quality in Europe is generally higher
-The food in Europe is more natural
-The taste of American food is blessed by a large number of additives

It ” S Hard to get good break in us
there ” ‘s way more variety in us
There is ” s not as many ready food in stores, most people cook themslves or ear
it ” s hard to get mexican food in point

-It hard to find high -quality bread in the United States
-In in the United States, there are many more food types
-The cooked food in European stores is not as much as the United States. Most people will cook or eat outside

Are there doritos, oreos, macaroni, white rice, etc,
Off, usually they are a bit more extensive or Harder to get (eg. Hershey ” ”)

“Is there any three -dimensional crispy, Oreo, pink powder, white rice, etc.”? “
Of course, but it is usually more expensive, or it is more difficult to find (such as good chocolate)

(Reply 1) IT ’s Not Hard to get good break in the us.

(Indiana) It is not difficult to find high -quality bread in the United States.

3. I Glanced Through The Other Comments and didn ” TSE ANYONE MENTION ThIS YIS YET.

(Finland) I glanced at other comments, and I haven’t seen anyone mentioned this:

If you ” ” re Internet in the local cuisine, Avoid McDonalds and Ideally Follow Recomments by Locals If You know any. e restaurant where you are.

If you are interested in local food, then bypassed McDonald’s, the ideal approach is to obey the recommendations of the locals, if you know people.Or, directly ask the restaurant waiter where you are located.

5. There is more than the entrance here in every supermarket, but there are also More healthy objects that are cheaper than in the states. n ” ‘t have sugar.

(Netherlands) Each supermarket here will sell more garbage foods, but there are healthier choices, and it costs lower here than in the United States.For example, our bread will not put sugar.

6. Doritos aka Tortilla Chips Became Very Popular During Last Decade.
Oreos are pretty common. Macaroni are pretty common.
White rice is most common type of rice here.

(Slovakia) Three -dimensional crispy, that is, fried corn slices, has become very popular in the past decade.
Oreo is quite common.Tongxin powder is also quite common.
White rice is the most common rice here.

If you love pork, you will love center Europ. We have so many types of public sausages, that you will go crazy lol. lly Breasts. Other Poultry Like Duck or Turkey is Common. Fish is Kinda Common(You Know, No Sea), We Eat It usually during Christmas. Beef is rare and most people I know lamber and disgusting (I ” ‘Ve Heard they love it in C ENTRAL SLOVAKIA Thought).

If you like pork, then you will fall in love with China Europe.There are too many pork intestines here, and you will eat crazy.The second -ranked meat is chicken, especially chicken breasts.Other poultry meat such as ducks or turkey is also common.Fish are still common (we do not rely on the sea here, you know), we usually eat fish during Christmas.The beef is rare, and most of the people I know will feel that the lamb is too stubborn and disgusting (but I heard that they like to eat mutton in central Slovakia).

Our bread is great as well, so many kinds and so tasty.
When it comes to comeets, milk chocolate is the king.

Our bread is also great, there are many varieties, and they are quite delicious.
Speaking of candy, king is called milk chocolate.

The Most Common Supermarkets in Slovakia:
Lidl/kaufland (Germany) -Well Known for Low Prices and DECENT FOOD Quality.
Billa (Austria) -Average Food Quality, High Prices and Always Have Only 1 Cashier Ready … Probably Worst Supermarket.
TESCO (UK) -DECENT FOOOD Quality, Average/High Prices
Coop Jednota (CZECH/SLOVAK) -High PriceS and Good Food Quality.

The most common supermarkets in Slovakia are:
Lidl/kaufland (Germany): famous for its low quality and excellent.
Billa (Austria): The quality of food is average, the price is high, and usually only one cashier is cashier … it may be the worst supermarket.
Tesco (UK): Food quality is excellent, the price is medium and high
Coop Jednota (Czech Republic/Slovakia): High price and high food quality.

Well for like 5-7 €, in some restaurants (like hoffer) you can get: Appetizer, Soup, Main Dish, Dessert and DRINK (Like Coke/Pepsi/Kofola).
Also do not deep from everything, we use mainly oven.

Well, in some restaurants (such as HOFFER), you can buy it with 5 to 7 euros: appetizers, soups, main dishes, desserts and drinks (such as cola/Pepsi/mouth blessing).
And we won’t get fried in any ingredients, we mainly use oven.

(Translation: Kofola (Kofola) is a Czech soft beverage company)

7. Quality Wise Food is Way Better than in the states. Everything is fresher and healthier.

(Poland) In terms of quality, European food is much better than the United States.Everything is fresh and healthier.Don’t eat American food outside the United States, try new things.

8. I ReMember My Friend Coming Back from A Trip to the US (Specified WHRAND CANYON IS), and when I asked how it was, she said the bread was sweet.

I remember that I had a friend who returned from traveling to the United States (especially the Grand Canyon), and then I asked her how it was. She said that the bread there was very sweet.

Their normal sandwich loaves we sweet-tasting, like something had put sugar in they.

Their conventional sandwich bread is sweet, and it seems that someone has added sugar in it.

She was so disgusted she said if she ever lived there.

She really felt disgusting about this. She said that if one day she was going to live there, she would definitely make bread. I feel that this is too cola.

That doesn ” torely Answer the Question, Except to Reinforce the STEREOTYPE that American Food is more, F SALT.

This story does not answer your question, it just strengthens the rigid impression that American food is sweeter than other places, so you can keep an attitude towards this.

9. In Poland -Food is amazing. Go to a TraDitional Eastern EURO RESTAURANT OR A Zapiecek Chain -It ” ‘S Al Delicious. Get some pierogi.

Poland: Food is great.Going to the traditional Eastern European pavilion, or the Zapiecek chain store, are all delicious.Click Polish dumplings.

11. The us all sort of Freachy Chemicals to be used that are banned in the eu. It has a lot to do with the Powerful Lobby of Multinational Corporations OV Er theRe, ETC, ETC.

The United States allows all kinds of weird chemicals to be used on crops, and they are prohibited in the European Union.This situation has a lot to do with the strong lobbying groups of multinational companies over there.

It Also Means that Food is More Expensive in the Eu Precisly Because the Don ” T Allow Transgenic Crops and Other Nonsense.

This also means that foods in the European Union are more expensive, and this is because they will not allow the emergence of genetically modified crops and other ghosts.

Long Story Short: Food in EUROPE IS LKELY to Be Healthier and POSSIBLY TAN in The US

Long words: European food may be healthier and more delicious than the United States.

12. Bear in MIND that in Europe It will proparly be a Lot Different from what you ” ‘” Panies Get Away with Less Selling Actual Indible Shit to People Than THEY DoIn North America.

(Latvia) Remember, Europe may be very different from where you are accustomed to, because our food safety law is more comprehensive, and those companies can be lucky to go out to sell.Essence 

13. ASKING for Food and the First Things you name is doritos and overos Hhaahhaah

(Spain) When you ask the food, as soon as you speak, you are three -dimensional crispy and Oreo, ahahahaha

14. Best of the Best: PIERROGI GERMANY: Döner and Hackepeter (Last One is Strange for An American) Netherlans: Have the Most Amazing Fest Food … FRIKANDEL- Frikandel-

The best in the best:
Poland: Poland dumplings
Germany: Turkish barbecue rolls and hackepeter (the latter is very strange for Americans)
Dutch: Go to eat the most amazing fast food Dutch meat intestines

(Translated Note: Hackepeter is also called Mett, which means that there are no mixed bacon or other meats and chopped pork. This raw pork meal is usually directly adding salt and black pepper.

But if you go to the netherlands driving to Germany is ez … no matter where you stay in nl …

But if you go to the Netherlands and drive to Germany, it is also very simple, no matter which part you stay in the Netherlands …

15. In Germany and Poland it ” ‘s good (if you find a nice places and not a touch trap), but smoc. ETY You May Find in France, ItalyOR SPAIN. I ” ‘M Sure that if you go to the extensive restaurants you can find amazing things but I think don’ ” t really About that part of th Eir Culture as Much.

Germany and Poland are not bad (if you can find a good restaurant instead of any travel trap), but it is relatively single.There are not many dishes to choose from, which is not as rich as you can find in France, Italy or Spain.I dare to be sure that if you go to those expensive restaurants, you can still eat stunning things, but I don’t think they really have (Fa Yixi) so much care of their own culture.

In the netherlands it ” ‘s just awful, and simple, and not tasty at all. I’ ” venly ben inNLY BEEN inLEDAM so take your operations butyah.

It is too bad in the Netherlands, and it is very poor and not delicious at all.I have only been to Amsterdam, so you can draw conclusions by yourself, but huh.

All I ” M saying is that in that part of Europ, Food is not as big as in the Other Country spain or it it, in the other food is live

I just want to say that in those countries in Europe, the significance of food is not as significant as other countries, such as Spain or Italy. The two countries regard food as their lives.

16. Picky Eater WHO Only Eats Junk Food, Gotta Love American

People with a lot of mouths, only eat junk food, will fall in love with the United States.

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