Lunan Prison explores the "Supervision District School System" to promote the high -quality development of education and transformation.

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Lunan Prison innovatively explores the “supervisory district district system”, builds a new pattern of education and transformation of “unit of responsibility, management of management, and combat positions”, and effectively promotes the high -quality development of education and transformation.

Persist in process reconstruction.Organize and reconstruct the education transformation work method and operating system. Establish a “school district” in the supervisory area.Professional positions, police officers with corresponding expertise are matched according to job needs, carried out physical teaching, and improved the “school district” operation system.

Optimize resource allocation.Adhere to the principle of “standardized construction and personalized construction”, optimize the configuration of institutional planning, software and hardware facilities, and teachers, and consolidate the foundation of the standard operation of the school district.In terms of overall planning, led by the Education and Reconstruction Section, formulate development target plans, equip software and hardware infrastructure, unify the standardized construction of school districts, and create the main position of education and transformation.In the construction of the school district, adhere to the “classification and implementation, open the door to run schools”, widely introduce social resources, select psychological counseling, entrepreneurial guidance and other auxiliary teachers to improve the quality of education and transformation.

Jianyou Teachers Team.Within the school district, the development of development -based education “schools” such as educational teaching, curriculum development, and development of innovative learning content are developed, and practical teaching research is carried out.Focusing on the main business of education and transformation, build an expert -type teacher team, build five education and transformation of the “famous teacher studio”, form an educational transformation of the “tip of talent pool”, and promote the transition from the “guard” to “correction”.

Original title: “Lu Nan Prison Explore the” Supervision District School System “to promote the high -quality development of education and transformation work”

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