Luoxi Yao Township: Special rectification of campus food safety special rectification to protect the "safety on the tip of the tongue" of teachers and students

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Huasheng Online News (Correspondent: Yi Pingping) Campus food safety issues have always been the focus and hot issue of social attention.In order to strengthen the supervision of food safety supervision of schools and peripherals, timely discover and eliminate hidden food safety hazards, since the launch of special campus food safety rectification activities in Luoxi Yao Township, Dongkou County, the relevant person in charge of the Xiang Emergency Office and the joint school of law enforcement brigades will be organized.The teaching point canteen and peripheral food safety carpet investigation and rectification, effectively purify the food consumption environment around the campus, and fully guard the “safety on the tongue” of teachers and students.
During the inspection and rectification process, the staff focused on special inspections on food business licenses, health management, health management of employees, kitchen environmental hygiene, ingredients processing, raw material purchase inspection, catering tool cleaning and disinfection, food samples, gas stoves, etc.Focus on checking the food raw material procurement channels and designated purchasers’ qualifications, the procurement of raw material procurement claims, disinfection of catering utensils, and food samples.The staff instructed the person in charge of the school cafeteria to firmly establish a sense of safety and risk, strengthen the control of the food safety risk process, strictly clean and disinfect the food processing operation room, catering utensils, and kitchenware, and strengthen maintenance inspection of food storage and disinfection equipment and facilities.Improve employees’ emergency response capabilities, ensure the safety of school cafeteria, and build a campus food safety defense line.
In the next step, Luoxi Yao Township will strengthen departmental linkage, urge the emergency office and law enforcement brigade to continue to carry out special rectification operations on campus and peripheral food safety., Achieving the normal and long -term governance of campus food safety guarantee, fully guard the “safety on the tongue” of teachers and students, and continuously enhance the sense of gain, happiness, and security of students and parents.
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