Notice of the General Office of the State Council on issuing ecological environment monitoring network construction plan

Notice of the General Office of the State Council on issuing ecological environment monitoring network construction plan

(July 26, 2015 National Office [2015] No. 56)

The “Ecological Environmental Monitoring Network Construction Plan” has agreed to the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and it is now issued to you. Please implement it carefully.

Ecological environment monitoring network construction plan

Ecological environmental monitoring is the basis of ecological environmental protection and an important support for the construction of ecological civilization.At present, the existence of the ecological environment monitoring network in my country is incomplete. Construction planning, standard specifications and information release are not uniform, the level of informationization and sharing is not high, the combination of monitoring and supervision is not close, and the quality of monitoring data needs to be improved. It is difficult to meet the needs of ecological civilization, which affects the scientific, authoritative and government credibility of monitoring, and must accelerate the construction of ecological environment monitoring network construction.

1. Overall requirements

(1) Guiding ideas.Comprehensively implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Eighteenth Central Committee of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.The Opinions of Construction requested the new pattern of ecological environment monitoring of government -led, departmental coordination, social participation, and public supervision in accordance with the establishment of points, nationwide networking, automatic warning, and accountability in accordance with the law, and provided a strong guarantee for accelerating the construction of ecological civilization.

(2) Basic principles.

Clear power and implement responsibilities.Determine the right to ecological environmental monitoring of all parties in accordance with the law, promote the division of labor cooperation, strengthen monitoring quality supervision, and implement the government, enterprises, social responsibilities and rights.

Improve the system and overall planning.We will improve the system of ecological environmental monitoring laws and regulations, standards and technical standards, and uniformly plan the monitoring network.

Scientific monitoring and innovation drive.Relying on scientific and technological innovation and technological progress, strengthening monitoring scientific research and comprehensive analysis, strengthening the application of high -tech, advanced equipment and systems such as satellite remote sensing, and improving the level of three -dimensional, automation, and intelligence of ecological environment monitoring.

Comprehensive integration and measuring pipeline collaboration.Promote the network and sharing of ecological environment monitoring data, carry out monitoring big data analysis, and achieve effective linkage of ecological environment monitoring and supervision.

(3) Main goals.By 2020, the national ecological environment monitoring network will basically realize the full coverage of environmental quality, key pollution sources, and monitoring of ecological status, and the interconnection and sharing of various monitoring data systems at all levels, significant improvement of monitoring and early warning, informatization capabilities and guarantee levels, monitoring and supervision collaborationsLinks, the ecological environment monitoring network that has initially completed the integration of land and sea, integration of heaven and earth, coordinated up and down, and information sharing enables ecological environment monitoring capabilities to adapt to the requirements of ecological civilization construction.

Second, set up points to improve the ecological environment monitoring network

(4) Establish a unified environmental quality monitoring network.The Ministry of Environmental Protection, together with the relevant departments, uniformly plan, integrate and optimize the monitoring point of environmental quality, build elements such as atmospheric, water, soil, noise, radiation and other elements, layout the national environmental quality monitoring network with a reasonable layout and complete function.And evaluation, objectively and accurately reflect environmental quality.

(5) Improve the monitoring system for key pollution sources.The key sewage units determined by environmental protection departments at all levels must implement the legal responsibility of self -monitoring and information disclosure of pollutant emissions, and strictly implement the monitoring requirements of discharge standards and relevant laws and regulations.The national key monitoring of pollutant discharge units should build a stable and operated pollutant emissions online monitoring system.Environmental protection departments at all levels should carry out supervision monitoring in accordance with the law, and organize monitoring and statistical work such as facial source, mobile source and other monitoring and statistical work.

(6) Strengthen the construction of the ecological monitoring system.Establish a heaven and earth integrated ecological remote sensing monitoring system, develop and launch a series of series of atmospheric environment monitoring satellites and environmental satellite follow -up stars and network operations; strengthen drone remote sensing monitoring and ground ecological monitoring to achieve important ecological function areas and natural protectionA large -scale and all -weather monitoring.

Third, the nationwide network, realize the integration and sharing of ecological environment monitoring information

(7) Establish an integrated sharing mechanism for ecological environment monitoring data.Environmental protection departments at all levels, as well as the environmental quality, pollution sources, and ecological status monitoring data obtained by land and resources, housing urban and rural construction, transportation, transportation, water conservancy, agriculture, health, forestry, meteorology, ocean and other departments and units, it is necessary to achieve effective integration and interconnection sharing.State and localities establish a mechanism for sharing and release mechanisms for key pollution source monitoring data. Key sewage discharge units shall be uploaded in time in accordance with the requirements of the environmental protection department.

(8) Establish a big data platform for ecological environment monitoring.Accelerate the construction of ecological environment monitoring information transmission network and big data platform, strengthen the development and application of ecological environment monitoring data resources, carry out analysis of big data associations, and provide data support for ecological environmental protection decision -making, management and law enforcement.

(9) Uniformly release ecological environment monitoring information.Establish a unified ecological environment monitoring information release mechanism in accordance with the law, standardize the release of content, processes, permissions, channels, etc., timely and accurately release the national environmental quality, key pollution sources and ecological status monitoring information, improve the authority and credibility of government environment information, ensure the publicThe right to know.

Fourth, automatic warning, scientifically guided environmental management and risk prevention

(10) Strengthen environmental quality monitoring and forecast and early warning.Improve air quality forecast and pollution early warning level, and strengthen the tracking and analysis of pollution sources.Strengthen water quality monitoring and forecast warning of important water body, water sources, source areas, and water conservation areas.Strengthen the surveillance of durability in the soil, biomass, and pollutants that are harmful to human health.Improve radiation automatic monitoring and early warning capabilities.

(11) Strictly monitor pollution emissions of enterprises.Improve the automatic monitoring and anomalian alarm mechanism of pollution emissions and abnormal alarm of key sewage discharge units, improve information tracking, capture and alarm capabilities such as online monitoring equipment, and the abnormal information of nuclear facilities, as well as intelligent monitoring levels of corporate pollution conditions.Enhance the capacity for environmental risk warning and disposal of industrial parks.

(12) Improve the ability of ecological environmental risk monitoring and early warning.Regularly carry out the national ecological status investigation and evaluation, establish an ecological protection red line regulatory platform, and monitor, evaluate and early warning of human interference, ecological destruction and other activities in important ecological functional areas.Carry out the monitoring of environmental health hazards such as chemicals, persistent organic pollutants, new characteristic pollutants and hazardous wastes, and improve environmental risk prevention and control and emergency monitoring capabilities.

5. Person in accordance with the law and establish a linkage mechanism for ecological environment monitoring and supervision

(13) Provide technical support for assessment accountability.Improve the system quality monitoring and evaluation index system, use monitoring and evaluation results, and implement the environmental quality improvement, pollution prevention and control of local governments to implement the administrative region, control, ecological protection, nuclear and radiation safety supervision, etc.Responsibilities and tasks provide scientific basis and technical support.

(14) Synchronization of ecological environment monitoring and law enforcement.Environmental protection departments at all levels fulfill the responsibilities of environmental supervision of pollutant discharge units in accordance with the law, rely on pollution source monitoring to carry out supervision and law enforcement, establish a rapid response mechanism for monitoring and supervision and law enforcement, and implement on -site simultaneous monitoring and law enforcement according to pollutant emissions and automatic alarm information.

(15) Strengthen supervision of ecological environment monitoring agencies.Relevant departments at all levels belong to ecological environment monitoring agencies, environmental monitoring equipment operation and maintenance agencies, social environment monitoring agencies and heads of leaders must carry out monitoring in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations and technical specifications, improve and implement monitoring data quality control and management systems, and monitor the monitoringThe authenticity and accuracy of the data are responsible.The Ministry of Environmental Protection establishes and improves the supervision system of different types of ecological environmental monitoring agencies and environmental monitoring equipment operation and maintenance agencies, and formulates the method of dealing with counterfeit behaviors of environmental monitoring data.Environmental protection departments at all levels should increase the inspection and inspection of monitoring quality, seriously investigate and deal with the behavior of intentional violations of environmental monitoring technical specifications, and tampering and forging monitoring data.The party and government leaders who have instructed the tampering and forged monitoring data shall be dealt with seriously in accordance with the relevant regulations such as the “Measures for the Hygintest Responsibility Responsibility Responsibility of the Party and Government Leading Cadres (Trial)”.

6. Improve the ecological environment monitoring system and security system

(16) Improve the laws and regulations and standard specifications of ecological environment monitoring.Study and formulate regulations and regulations such as environmental monitoring regulations, ecological environmental quality monitoring network management measures, and regulations on the release of ecological environment monitoring information.The monitoring cloth points, monitoring and evaluation technical standards such as unified atmosphere, surface water, groundwater, soil, ocean, ecology, pollution sources, noise, vibration, radiation and other monitoring cloths, monitoring and evaluation of technical standards, and timely revisions and improvement according to work needs.Strengthen the comparability of ecological environmental monitoring data of each department, and ensure that the monitoring activities of pollutant discharge units and various monitoring agencies implement unified technical standards and specifications.

(17) Clarify the power of ecological environment monitoring.Environmental protection departments at all levels are mainly responsible for the monitoring of ecological environmental quality, supervision monitoring of key pollution sources, environmental law enforcement monitoring, environmental emergency monitoring and forecasting and early warning.The Ministry of Environmental Protection is moderately collecting the right to monitor the quality of the ecological environment, and accurately grasps and objectively evaluates the overall situation of the national ecological environment quality.The supervision and regulatory focus of key pollution sources has moved downward, and the management of supervision monitoring of local key pollution sources is strengthened.The local environmental protection departments at all levels collect the right to monitor ecological environmental quality monitoring, and assume the functions of supervising the supervision of key pollution sources and environmental emergency monitoring step by step.

(18) Actively cultivate the ecological environment monitoring market.Open service monitoring market, encourage social environmental monitoring agencies to participate in pollution sources of pollution from pollution, self -monitoring, automatic monitoring and maintenance of pollution sources, evaluation and monitoring of ecological environmental damage, environmental impact assessment monitoring, clean production audit, and independent investigation of enterprise institutionsEssenceActively promote government purchase services in the field of basic public welfare monitoring, including operation and maintenance of automatic environmental quality monitoring stations.The Ministry of Environmental Protection should formulate relevant policies and measures to promote the socialization, institutionalization, and standardization of environmental monitoring services.

(19) Strengthen the ability to monitor scientific and technological innovation.Promote the research of new technologies and methods of environmental monitoring, improve the technical system of ecological environment monitoring, and promote and encourage high -tech products and technical means to promote and applied and apply in the field of environmental monitoring.Encourage domestic scientific research departments and related enterprises to develop environmental monitoring instruments and equipment with independent intellectual property rights, and promote the localization of monitoring instruments and equipment; prioritize domestic equipment under the conditions of meeting demand to promote the development of the domestic monitoring instrument industry.Actively carry out international cooperation, learn from the advanced experience of monitoring science and technology, and improve my country’s technological innovation capabilities.

(20) Improve the comprehensive ability of ecological environment monitoring.Study and formulate standards for the establishment of environmental monitoring agencies, and strengthen the construction of environmental monitoring teams.Accelerate the implementation of the development of ecological environmental protection talents, and continuously improve the comprehensive quality and ability level of monitoring personnel.Improve the fiscal guarantee mechanism that is compatible with the development of ecological environment monitoring networks, and focus on strengthening the construction of ecological environmental quality monitoring, monitoring data quality control, satellite and drone remote sensing monitoring, environmental emergency monitoring, nuclear and radiation monitoring, etc., Laboratory test analysis and fast analysis testing ability.Improve the policy of environmental protection monitoring positions.According to the right to monitor the ecological environment, the funds required are included in the key guarantee of fiscal budgets at all levels.

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