Novoxin’s first quarter financial report released

2023In the first quarter of the year, Novoxin achieved the performance beyond the expected performance. Organic sales increased5%,andconfirm2023Annual growth expectation is4-7%Essence

In the first three months of fiscal year in 2023, Novoxin achieved 5%of organic sales growth, and 17.7%of the special project return on investment (including goodwill).Due to the good start in the first quarter, the company confirmed that the annual organic sales growth was expected to be 4-7%.

Novoxin Global President and CEO Ester
Baiget said: “In the first quarter, we ended with excellent performance and achieved the growth of performance beyond expected, including the seasonal factors of orders. Due to the performance in the first quarter, we confirmed that the annual sales growth expectations were 4-7%.

Novoxin Global President and CEO Ester Baiget

She continued to add: “Last month, we completed an important milestone. The merger of Novoxin and Kohansen passed the approval of their respective shareholders, which made us a step closer to creating the world’s leading biotechnology companies.Next, we will focus on obtaining corresponding supervision and approval.

At the special shareholders meeting held on March 30, the merger of Novoxin and Kohansen has been firmly supported and approved by their respective shareholders.The merger is expected to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2023 or the first quarter of 2024.

Biological energy fields and agriculture, animal health and nutrition have achieved significant growth

In the first three months of this year, the organic performance of various business areas has increased as follows: the field of home care is 2%, the field of food, beverages and human health is -8%, the biological energy field is 28%, the field of grain and technology processing is -9%The field of agriculture, animal health and nutrition is 19%.

Organic growth rate in various regions in the first quarter

Europe, the Middle East and Africa are 2%, the North America is 7%, the Asia-Pacific region is -2%, and the Latin America is 21%.

2023Annual performance outlook

The growth of organic sales is expected to remain within 4-7%.It is expected that the annual growth will be dual -driven compared to 2022 compared with the dual -driven price and sales growth.Innovation and market penetration will be the main driving force for sales growth.Although the performance exceeded the expected performance in the first quarter, this part of this part of the peak sales season, we are still expected to achieve a stable growth in the first half of this year.Sales growth is expected to be based on the hypothesis of no major changes in the current global economic situation.The return on investment before special projects (including goodwill) is expected to be 16-17%.

Novoxin Global Headquarters

Case sharing: “From farmland to dining tables” all -chain change change food system

To understand Novoxin to achieve healthEarth commitmentOne of the contributions

In recent decades, the world has been trying to meet food needs of more and more people.However, the growing population, rising nutritional needs, and the impact of climate change means that we must reshape the way of food production and consumption.Novin’s biological solution plays an important role in the entire food value chain.

“Biological solutions can help build a full -chain sustainable food system from the field to the dining table. With the help of biological solutions, we can help farmers increase the area of crop unit area, cope with harsh weather conditions, increase the yield of livestock, and help significantly reduce pollution, improve the pollution, improve the improvement of pollution, improve the improvementAnimal health.Great potential, waiting for us to dig. ”

Intersection Morten English rasmussen, Novo Employees, Sustainable Development and Brand Executive Vice President

Increase crop yield

In order to promote the reform of the global food system, it is important to start with the way to plant food and feed.Biological solutions help improve the ability of crops to adapt to climate change, improve crop yield, reduce the use of chemical fertilizers, and reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

Improve raw material utilization

The new coronary pneumonia and geopolitical conflict have exacerbated the shortage of global food production raw materials.On the “Ecological Ecology Excellence Day” in July last year, we have run out of the total amount of natural resources that can be renewed on the earth.Biological solutions allow us to use existing raw materials to be used to produce more starch and protein with the same amount of corn, produce more vegetable oil with the same amount of raw materials, and so on.

Reduce food waste

Reducing waste of food is essential for saving scarce resources, reducing carbon emissions, and solving hunger.One of the ways to reduce food waste is to extend the shelf period of baked goods.Novoxin’s biological solution helps to keep bread, thin muffin, corn bakery and cake for longer.

Plant -based food

In order to nurture the new population, the world also needs to find different sources of protein.In fact, if you use alternative protein to meet the needs of 10%of protein, the achievement of food is enough to make 50%of cultivated land for Europe.

More and more consumers have begun to turn to plant base foods, but if these products want to become the mainstream, they must ensure good taste, good taste and preferential price.Novin’s biological solution helps improve the taste and texture of plant base foods and beverages to better meet consumer needs.

The protein produced by the fermentation process can also improve the taste, texture and nutritional value of plant meat. They can reduce carbon emissions by 90%compared to animal protein.Novoxin is increasing investment in the production of new generation of protein to meet the growing demand for plant -based protein.

Contributions to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Objective (SDG)

Novin’s biological solutions improve agricultural output by improving the use of plants to use soil nutrients and animal use of energy, protein and minerals in feed.This helps improve the efficiency of the use of cultivated land for consumption and feed, reduce the use of chemicals, and reduce the discharge of manure emissions of livestock breeding.In addition, by reducing food waste and realizing the principle of “local materials” production in raw materials, the biological solutions in the field of Food and Beverages in the field of Food and Beverages help reduce the impact of food production and consumption on the environment.

About Novoxin

Novin is a global leader in the field of biological solutions.We cooperate with our customers, partners and global communities to protect the efficiency of industrial efficiency while protecting Earth resources while helping to create a better life.As a global large -scale biological solution provider, Norwin’s biological innovation can improve agricultural output, achieve low -temperature washing, energy -saving production, renewable fuel and other benefits to benefit human beings’ present and future.We call it “Rethink
Tomorrow “”!

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