Nutrition experts: sports nutrition food must not be added blindly

4 min read
Xinhua News Agency, Chongqing, May 17th (Reporter Valley Xun) Cassis, nitrogen pumps, protein powder, L -carnitine … For sports enthusiasts, these terms must be no stranger.From May 12th to 18th is the 2024 National Nutrition Week. The reporter interviewed nutrition experts on the efficacy of sports nutrition foods and applicable people.
According to reports, sports nutritional foods are a type of products that distinguish between “health food” and “ordinary food”. It is designed to meet the nutritional needs of the sports population. It is a category of special food foods.
According to the GB24154-2015 “National Standard Sports Nutrition Food General Principles” released by relevant departments in 2015, sports nutritional foods referThe physical metabolic status, motion ability, and special needs for certain nutrients are processed by the above -mentioned exercise intensity reaching the medium and above people).
What role does sports nutrition foods do?Zhao Yong, a professor at the School of Public Health and Nutrition of Chongqing Medical University, said that the main effects of sports nutritional foods are muscle increase, fat reduction and improvement of sports performance.Music supplements include creatine, branches of amino acids, testing tests, etc., which can promote muscle growth, reduce fatigue, extend the training time, and accelerate the recovery of the body.There are dietary fiber that increases satiety, common aid linoleic acid that accelerates fat degradation, and L -carnitine that promote the transformation of fat into energy.Supplements that improve the performance of exercise include β-alanine, one-hydrophone, caffeine, etc., which can reduce fatigue and increase the level of endurance, increase nerve excitement, etc., thereby increasing the overall exercise achievement.
Common nitrogen pumps are composite supplements.Different brands of nitrogen pump formulas are different. Most nitrogen pump products contain main ingredients such as creatine, caffeine, arginine, and taurine.Zhao Yong said that the long -term safety of composite fitness supplements such as nitrogen pumps still needs further research.
In addition to the athletes of sports nutritional foods, there are also sports enthusiasts who have conducted long or high -intensity training, such as marathons, three iron people, swimming and fitness enthusiasts, and people with special nutritional needs, such as long -term vegetarian food, foodPeople who have poor eating habits, lack of certain nutrients, muscle increase or fat loss.
If you are not exercising enough, can you “make up for technology”?Zhao Yong said that not all people who perform sports need to supplement exercise nutrition food.The first consideration of ordinary people to determine whether they need to exercise nutritional foods is the strength of the exercise. Blind nutrition may produce side effects if the strength is not large and consumes much.For example, weight loss auxiliary nutritional supplement L -carnitine needs to control diet and increase exercise during use to achieve the ideal results.Secondly, you must observe whether the body’s reactions are inadequate such as fatigue, fatigue, or slow recovery.In addition, it is necessary to consider daily eating habits and basic health.Finally, according to your goals, such as muscle increase, fat loss, or increase endurance, you can choose appropriate sports nutritional foods to supplement.If it is difficult to judge by yourself, you should follow the advice of doctors or nutritionist.
In fact, “eating pair” ordinary food can bring the benefits of not being inferior to the supplementary agent.Experts suggest that before exercise, you can eat a banana rich in carbohydrates and potassium to provide fast energy; with some oats rich in high fiber and complex carbohydrates, as well as nuts containing healthy fat and protein, provide durable energy.After exercise, high -quality protein such as white meat, beans, dairy products, and fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants can help muscle growth and promote body recovery.

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