On the road of strong country, surging reading power

  It is another year of World Reading Day, and the power of reading has attracted attention again.

  ”Many people read a lot of books, our national spirit will become thick and deep.” The Supreme Leadership Secretary has repeatedly talked about the benefits of reading, especially concerned about young people reading and learning, encouraging them to cherish Shaohua, devote themselves to study, and be sensitive to knowledge. “The buttons of life have to be buckled from the beginning. “

  On this sense of ritual, the reading operations of young students in the country have gone through the first anniversary.Over the past year, the education departments of various places have jointly organized a variety of reading activities. Beijing, Hebei and other places have incorporated reading into the key work of moral education.Reading boutique selection activities … There are a variety of reading forms, increasingly rich reading space, and long -term mechanisms. In the past year, the function of the national smart education reading platform has become increasingly prominent.The school has spurred horse construction culture. 64 regions and 99 schools have been identified as outstanding cases and “Shuxiang Campus” …

  After a year of hard work, organizational reading activities are becoming more and more common.In the new journey of accelerating the modernization of Chinese -style modernization, the power of reading has been released again.

  Reading of adolescents is becoming a booster for the reading of the whole people, and it is also a powerful starting point for shaping the learning society. Reading has become an important way to cultivate more innovative talents.The important promotion of the great rejuvenation of the nation.

  April of the world, reading was just at the time.Let’s respond to the call of the General Secretary of the Supreme Leader together, continue the cultural tradition of farming and reading, learn from excellent reading examples, pay tribute to the masters who make great contributions to human civilization, guide young people to cherish the value of reading and master reading methods.Become a lifelong learner who loves to read, read good books, and read well “.


  On the road of strong country, reading traditions need to be continued.

  ”The Chinese culture has a long history and profound and profound. Like a treasure, once it is explored, it will be used for life.”

  Two years ago, 10 years ago, at the picturesque new campus of the University of Macau, the Supreme Supreme Leadership Secretary participated in the theme salon of “Chinese traditional culture and contemporary youth”.Seeing young students love reading, the General Secretary of the Supreme Leaders told them that they also liked reading Chinese cultural classics very much during their youth.Essence

  ”Don’t learn poems, nothing to say”, “sensitive and easy to learn, and ask as shamelessly”, “Learning to learn it when you learn,” … Since ancient times, China has has a fine tradition of learning and concentrating on learning.Because the readers are popular and the reading is popular, the brilliant national culture is more abundant.

  Among China’s “four major inventions”, papermaking and printing are closely related to reading.Behind the seemingly occasion, it is actually the people’s desire for reading.Li Mi, who reads the Confucius of the Three Miso, Li Mi, who reads the night, and the horns of Li Mi … Reading has achieved countless wisdoms; everyone in Chinese history knows the great Confucianism, nor does it advocate reading.

  ”I think about it all day and think about it, it is better to learn what to do.” “Reading through 10,000 volumes, and writing as a god.”Nothing to learn, there is no way to learn, and the road of success.Consensus has formed a tradition of learning for thousands of years.

  A long -accumulated cultural classic of a nation can best represent the achievements of the national spirit.The tradition of reading has shaped the tough and confident character of the Chinese people, and cultivated the national spirit of the descendants of Huaxia.Glory.It is precisely because of the strong reading genes into the beginning of the beginning of the Chinese culture.

  Knowledge is power, technology is productivity, and both are inseparable from reading.It’s time to hold the banner of reading to make the nation’s reading lights brighter; it is time to use reading to open the eyes and minds of teenagers to improve their comprehensive literacy; it is time to review the value of reading again, so that reading can cultivate the spirit of adolescents.Quality, establish their lofty ideals.


  On the road of strong country, reading value is particularly cherished.

  ”I can talk about the ancient poetry books now, and many of them recite when they are young, and have benefited for life.” From Beijing to Liangjiahe, from Liangjiahe to Zhongnanhai, from the grassroots grassroots to the leading China, reading is always the highest leader of the highest leader.Hobby”.

  When I went to the line in Shaanxi, the top leader under the age of 16 brought two boxes, which was filled with books.Hearing that someone had a good book in his hands, he borrowed it for dozens of miles, and he couldn’t wait to finish reading all night.Comrades who have worked together in Zhengding, Hebei, still remembers that the highest leader comrades must read books before going to bed; comrades who have worked together in Fuzhou, Fujian still remember that when the highest leader comrades are idle, the favorite thing is the favorite is the favorite is the favorite is the favorite thing.Buy books.

  Reading is useful, reflected in the inheritance of knowledge, the development of personality, and the “for yourself” that is known as the knowledge of the lattice, and the sincerity of the heart.”In the noble feelings;” stand for the heavens and the earth, establish a life for the people, to learn the people, and to open the peace in the sanctuary, and to open the peace for the world. “There is also a shadow of reading.

  Reading can keep people’s ideological vitality, inspire wisdom, and nourish people.Especially reading excellent traditional culture books can improve humanistic literacy, enhance the ability to understand and grasp the relationship between people, people and society, people and nature, and properly handle righteousness and interests, self, power and people, material enjoyment and material enjoyment and material enjoyment and material enjoyment.Essays such as spiritual enjoyment.

  The teenagers are at the time of teenagers, and they must cherish Shaohua and read themselves. They use more time to read books and think about it, take the initiative to accelerate the update of knowledge, optimize the knowledge structure of knowledge, and use reading learning as a life attitude, a work responsibility, one work, one oneThe spiritual pursuit, draw wisdom and nutrition from the book, see yourself, heaven and earth, and sentient beings from the book.

  The great cause of national rejuvenation urgently needs to be innovative and innovative. In particular, it is necessary to give full play to the role of educating people to read the knowledge of the younger generation, and to sharpen their minds.After reading, when adolescents resist impetuous and condensed their hearts, they will turn the crystal sequences of wisdom from ancient times to the present, and turn into knowledge, literacy and insights.The ambition to make greater contributions to the country and the nation has become the beam of the country that can be greatly allowed.


  On the road of strong country, reading methods need to be remembered.

  When all kinds of books are so vast, how to master reading methods, reading and reading good books?The answer given by the General Secretary of the Supreme Leadership is that it is combined with reading, combining reading, closeing the classics, and learning.

  The General Secretary of the Supreme Leader once persuaded himself: “On the one hand, you must use ‘ingenuity’ with ‘巧’.Mind; on the other hand, you can’t see reading too easily. Don’t understand it.

  Reading and thoughtfulness complement each other, only “learning, interrogation, thinking carefully”, without writing nerds, can you distinguish between right and wrong, you can do it.Non -learning is not to be widely talented, and non -Zhi cannot be academic.Thinking is the deepening of reading, the inevitable of cognition, and the key to reading the book.Reading with questions, developing the habit of thinking while reading, on the basis of extensive reading, in -depth thinking on the doubts in reality, it can improve ideological level, solve practical problems, and realize self -transcendence.

  Reading is learning, use is also learning, and is more important learning.I have to feel shallow on the paper.Hearing it is not as good as seeing it, it is not as good as seeing it.The process of reading and learning is actually a process of continuous deepening cognition.The opening of the volume is good, reading and morality, but letting a person’s continuous reading method, or the reading habits that benefit a person’s lifelong, are in middle school, practice while reading, and learn to use them to promote learning.Mastering the method of reading, the root of reading, and reading poems will eventually become the best self.

  Classic reading is a cultural reading with a high gold content.Classic, full of the essence of national culture, condenses the temperament of national culture, constitutes the foundation of the values and moral outlook on a nation and society.In the classics, the soul of civilization is moving, and the wisdom of flashing is everywhere.Literary works have the way to live in the world, historical classics tells the learning of the rise and fall, the philosophical works are full of speculative science, follow the classic guidance, lay the foundation of philosophical thinking, from Shi Mingzhi, ancient and present, and self -study.Wisdom, to learn self -cultivation, learn to increase talents, and cultivate virtue.


  On the road of strong country, reading teams need to grow.

  Reading is not a single person, but a group of people.In the World Reading Day in 2022, the General Leadership General Secretary said in the congratulatory letter organized by the first National Reading Conference that hoping that the whole society would participate in reading to form a strong atmosphere of reading, reading good books, and good reading.

  Spring is like this, just reading.Today, the reading of the whole people is in full swing, and the reading actions of young students in the country are also continuing to deepen.Reading is an important source of young people to obtain knowledge and enlighten wisdom.Promoting the reading of young people, a strong youth, based on the moment, pointing to the future, guiding the younger generation to effectively enhance historical consciousness and cultural self -confidence, and determine to read books for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

  Promoting the reading of young people is important. It is a strategic arrangement of the “foundation” of the “foundation” of Lideshu people.Reading “Sonata” is an effective way to integrate into the “Symphony” to read the “Symphony”. It is also a key trick that transforms the “maximum variable” of digital technology into the “maximum increase” of reading quality.

  Standing in school first, schooling is based on reading.Reading of adolescents requires those who need to lead, and they need to be peers.To build a community of teachers and students, the country has formed consensus. Schools and schools are continuously strengthening the construction of school reading and guiding teams, giving full play to the important role of teachers, experts and scholars, “five old” teams, and parents of students to help young people master scienceReading methods to promote young people to read more stable and farther, and walk.

  From the reading room to the library, cultural museum, from the blackboard newspaper, the propaganda column to the cultural wall … accompanied by the continuous deepening of the reading of the whole people, relying on the reading actions of national youth students, the environment of encouraging reading has been built. The atmosphere of reading reading is becoming richGet up, the strong joint force of the school society is constantly condensed.On the road of reading, contemporary teenagers will eventually be attracted by classic charm and call for the power of reading to become the dream chaser of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


  On the road of strong country, reading fashion needs to be admired.

  Entering the new era, the wind of reading blows across Shenzhou, and the reading of the whole people has gradually entered a good realm. A group of numbers are witnessed:

  ——In the end of 2021, the actual number of readers in the nation’s public library exceeded 103 million; more than 400 cities in more than 400 cities nationwide, reading festivals, reading monthly, etc.; my country’s comprehensive reading rate increased from 76.3 % in 2012 to 81.8 in 2022 % …

  ——From the rhythm of the whole people, the reading of teenagers continues to improve.Early reading is getting more and more attention and popularity. Nearly 70 % of children started reading before the age of 6; three -quarters of children reported that they prefer and like to read, 12.2 percentage points higher than parents think …

  —— not just the day of the World Reading Day, in many places across the country, it is built in different forms of books.Guangxi carried out the “Book Fragrant Campus · Reading Dream” for 7 consecutive years. Dunzhou Henan regarded reading activities as an important carrier to promote quality education; in Shuangfeng, Hunan, school children were all “small books fans”.The high -quality development of compulsory education in county -owned areas in the economy is underdeveloped.Since 2016, Shuangfeng County has participated in the monitoring of the quality of national compulsory education three times, and has lived at the forefront of the province …

  ——Suxiang campus drives learning fashion and give birth to more learning cities.In Shanghai, 650,000 young people at the same time scrambled to fight for night schools at the same time. Most of the course places were “spike” within one minute, “more difficult than grabbing tickets during holidays”; in Hangzhou, young people are willing to two hours in advance to read for reading to read for reading for reading for reading for reading for reading for reading for reading for reading for reading for reading for reading for reading for reading for reading for reading for reading for reading for reading for reading for reading for reading for reading for reading for reading for reading for reading for reading for reading for reading for reading for reading for reading for reading, to readLineup; in Shenzhen, the whole city linked to the reading carnival, special book bar, library everywhere …

  A book is a world, and one reading is a journey of mind.During the critical period of the spiritual growth of adolescents, the whole society must work together to create a strong reading atmosphere, guide them to have the original beautiful impression of reading, and treat reading as a spiritual pursuit, a state of life, and expanding the infinite possibilities of life. It will be the possibility of life.Family, campus, society becomes a reading field, studying field, and educating field.

  Facing the future, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform have quietly opened. The growth of national wealth and the improvement of the well -being of the people, increasingly relying on the accumulation of knowledge and the burst of innovation.From a large population country and a large human resources country to a strong country, you need to build more scholarly families, Shuxiang School, and Shuxiang City.

  Accompanied by the book, let reading become the lifestyle of each person, the daily scenery of each family, the characteristics of each school’s school running, and the popular culture of each city; friends with books, let the reading be a good spirit for young peopleColor, refine their tenacious will, stir up their minds.

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