Pay attention to weight management and protect your own health

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Pay attention to weight management and protect your own health

Spring is here. Some friends plan to start losing weight and wear light spring clothes to go out.So how to eat during weight loss?What are the recommended recipes to lose weight in different regions?Recently, the National Health and Health Commission released the “Guidelines for Adults Obesity Food (2024 Edition)”, which is based on food care, based on modern nutritional theory and related evidence, as well as the theoretical and recuperation plan of traditional Chinese medicine, and proposes to have multiple disciplinesThe basic principles and recipe examples of adult obese patients with complementary adult obese patients, and teach everyone to lose weight scientifically.

1. How much do you eat?

Controlling total energy intake and maintaining a reasonable diet is the key to weight management.The total energy intake of control can be based on the daily energy requirements of different people (Table 1). It is recommended to reduce the daily energy intake by 30%to 50%or 500kcal to 1000kcal., Women’s 1000kcal to 1200kcal Energy Limited Energy Balanced Diet.

Reasonable meals should ensure diversified and balanced diets while controlling total energy intake, ensuring sufficient intake of nutrients, and replenishing composite nutrient supplements if necessary.The “Adult obesity and food care guide (2024 edition)” recommends that the energy supply ratio of the three major macro nutrients is: 20%to 30%of fat, 15%to 20%of protein, 50%to 60%of carbohydrates; recommended early mid -middle, middle, middleThe energy ratio of three meals in the evening is 3: 4: 3.

2. What to eat?

Scientifically and reasonable choice of food is essential for successful weight loss.”Guidelines for Adults Obesity Food (2024 Edition)” pointed out that during the weight loss period, high -energy foods such as fried foods, sugar -rich pastry, candy, and fat (high -energy food usually refers to providing 400kcal/100g of energy above energy.Food); Lightly diet, the daily salt intake does not exceed 5g, and the cooking oil does not exceed 20g to 25g.The energy value generated by carbohydrates and protein of the same quality.

In addition, dietary nutrition and physical activity are the two important factors of obesity prevention.The key three -point movement of weight loss, eating seven points, which ones should be eaten more?What should I eat less or not?The following picture teaches you how to choose food.

How to eat?

1. Forming regularly.We must pay attention to breakfast, do not miss meals, and do not eat dinner too late. It is recommended to eat dinner from 17:00 to 19:00. After dinner, you should not eat any food, but you can drink water.

2. Eat less snacks and drink less drinks.Regardless of or dining at home or outside, they should be strived to be restrained, scientifically matched with diet, do not overeating, controlling snacks, drinking drinks at will, and avoiding supper.

3. Chew slowly when eating.Take the same food, chewing slowhalm is conducive to reducing the total amount of food, and slowing down the meal speed to increase satiety and reduce hunger.

4. Properly change the order of dining, and eat in the order of “one meat, one meat, one meat”, which will help reduce the amount of high -energy food.

4. What kind of obesity do you belong to?Chinese medicine teaches you to distinguish.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that obesity belongs to the deficiency evidence of this deficiency, and the syndrome involves pathological factors such as phlegm, wetness, and heat. It often also has the symptoms such as sputum dampness, blood stasis, and qi depression., And can involve the five internal organs.Common syndrome differentiation and clinical manifestations are divided into 5 categories.

1. Stomach fever stagnation certificate

Obesity and eating, eliminating the valley and hunger, uncomfortable stool, or even dryness, yellow urine, or dry mouth bitter, drinking water, red tongue, yellow moss, pulse number.Food and drug substances with stomach heat and stagnation can be used, such as Dendrobium candidum, malt, etc.

2. Phlegm wet internal evidence

Body obesity, heavy body, sleepy limbs, full of chest and chest, can be accompanied by dizziness, dry mouth without drinking, stubborn stool, eating fat and alcoholic wine, lazy tongue, pale or big, white and greasy tongue, white and greasy fur, white and greasy tongueOr white and slippery.Food and drug substances that can be used to reduce the stagnation effect, such as coix seed, orange peel, and amomum.

3. Qi depression and blood stasis syndrome

Obesity is lazy, so happy, full of chest tightness, dull lips, limbs are not fresh, or even blue, can be accompanied by dryness and insomnia.Food substances that can use qi and stasis can be used, such as orange peel, hawthorn, angelica, etc.

4. Spleen deficiency and not transportation

Obesity and bloated, fatigue, severe body, stuffy abdomen, or mild swelling of limbs, mild morning, especially labor, and less diet.The stool or constipation, the tongue is pale, there are tooth prints, the moss is thin or white, and the pulse is fine.Food substances that can strengthen spleen and qi, such as Poria, yam, lotus seeds, etc.

5. Spleen and kidney yang deficiency syndrome

The body is obese, it is easy to fatigue, the limbs are not warm, or even the limbs are cold, like hot drinks, urinate clear, pale tongue, thin white tongue coating, and thin pulse.Food substances that can be used to nourish deficiency, such as cumin, yam, cinnamon, etc.

Fifth, the state will teach you to lose weight. The recipe for “three meals and four seasons” is here!

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