Provincial Government convened a special meeting to study digitalization of education

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Provincial government holds special meetings

Study education digital matters

On May 8th, the provincial government held a special meeting to listen to the progress of the province’s promotion of the national primary and secondary school smart education platform to deepen the progress of the application pilot work, study digital education, and request an eye on target tasks and time nodes.Digitalization boosted high -quality education.

Governor Liu Xiaoming chaired the meeting.

The meeting pointed out that this year’s Ministry of Education included Hainan into the list of provinces of deepening the application pilot provinces in the national primary and secondary school smart education platform. It is a major opportunity for Hainan’s basic education to open up new tracks and achieve overtaking.

It is necessary to seize the new opportunities of digital intelligence, pay attention to the role of information technology to lead, support and promote education, plan information technology and education reform and development together, deploy together, and promote it together.Educational concepts update and change in education and teaching and management models. By demonstrating the promotion of the quality of education, especially in rural areas, the quality of education is improved, and education digitalization helps the high -quality and balanced development of basic education in Hainan.

We must adhere to precise policies, focus on resource platforms, increase publicity and training, give play to the role of teachers, strengthen expert guidance, help one -on -one help, improve the subjective initiative and digital literacy of teachers, let teachers use, use, use well, use well, use wellPlatform, continuously improve the level of digital construction and application of education; take the deepening application pilot work as the starting point, and rely on the national primary and secondary school smart education platform to promote the deep integration of digital technology and education systemsThe entire process of the whole process, focusing on the fundamental tasks of the people in Lide, use digitally to empower teaching reform, help teaching according to their aptitude, deepen teaching research, and fully realize the full realization of intelligent assistance, intellectual teaching, wisdom, and wisdom research.Multiple scene applications in orientation, shaping the new advantage of digital education development.

It is necessary to strengthen organizational guarantee, take the opportunity to deepen the application pilot work, play the role of provincial -level pilot work, make many parties to ensure funds, strengthen the construction of the basic environment of digital education, build a domestic first -class education digital highland at high levels; build the provincial province of educationGrade backbone nodes and cities and counties areas, which are rhythmically updated in a timely manner for teaching equipment for primary and secondary schools.Special resources, build a smart education platform in Hainan Province, and make Hainan’s contribution to the digitalization of national education.

Provincial leaders Xie Jing and Luo Qingming attended the meeting.

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