Qian Xuesen Space Science Experimental Class of Xi’an University of Electronic Science and Technology: Promote the spiritual cultivation of the spirit of aerospace

In the early days of the development of the “two bombs and one star” in the 1950s, Xi’an University of Electronic Science and Technology actively responded to the requirements of the National Defense Science and Technology Commission and the Fifth Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense to establish a group of aerospace leaders.In 2013, in order to accelerate the construction of the aerospace power, the school established the School of Space Science and Technology, and established Qianxuesen Space Science Experimental Class (hereinafter referred to as “Qian Xuesen Class”), and opened the road to cultivating space information.
Live fire and pass on upgrade aerospace education paradigm
Focusing on the cultivation of innovative talents in the field of space science, Qian Xuesen’s class adheres to Qian Xuesen’s “Dacheng Wisdom” and system engineering education concepts. Under the talent training paradigm of “casting soul, strong base, and empowerment”Space information with excellent disciplines, interdisciplinary cross -integration, outstanding innovation capabilities, and comprehensive quality “draws the path of innovative talent training path.
“Aerospace Chief” and the academician expert group are designing the top -level design, and the whole process of participating in talent training is comprehensive.Space information curriculum system; use the practice of “full chain, practical, collaborative” practical ability improvement system that is in line with aerospace engineering and continuously uninterrupted.
On September 20, 2015, the Long March 6 laid -up rocket successfully sent 20 tiny satellites into space, setting a new record for my country’s “one arrow and multi -star”.Ye Xiangyang, Zhang Ziheng, and Cai Xinyue of this small satellite research and development team are the first students of the West Electric Chaoxue Sen Space Science Experimental Class.In recent years, Qian Xuesen Students have won 2 national gold awards in the China International University Innovation Contest, and have won more than 200 provincial awards in the “Challenge Cup” and other innovative competitions.The “Establishment and Practice of Spatial Information of the Strategy of Serving Aerospace Strong Power Strategy” won the first prize of the 2022 National Teaching Achievement Award, and 86.45%of Qian Xuesen’s graduates chose to continue to participate in space -related fields for professional studies.
Practicing the cradle of aerospace talents
Qian Xuesen’s class has been trained through scientific selection talents and “masterpieces” to cultivate space information and innovative talents and future “aerospace chiefs”.During the training stage of undergraduate basic education, consolidate the theoretical foundation and improve the comprehensive quality.During the pendant innovation training stage, relying on major projects, facing key technical issues to enhance innovation capabilities.
Qian Xuesen’s class digs for the potential of students and gives full play to the specialty of the student. It adopts the whole process of the “one person, one plan” custom mentor, and introduces the “zero” process of aerospace “zero” process into the “actual combat” comprehensive practice.Refine real scientific issues in major scientific research projects, design experimental practice tasks, cooperate with scientific research institutes such as the China Space Technology Research Institute, create a collaborative education platform, form a linkage mechanism for talent training with closed -loop feedbackability.In 2022, Sun Bin, a graduate of Qian Xuesen’s class, as the main designer of the 501 overall design of the Fifth Academy of Aerospace, participated in the completion of the launching task of Shenzhou 15 manned spacecraft.He is responsible for ensuring the stable transmission of data such as the communication videos of astronauts. The basic technical capabilities of this work have been fully exercised when they are in their first grade.
Cultural infiltration and quenching aerospace to report to the country’s feelings
Curriculum education is the main channel for talent training. The college focuses on the two aerospace ideological and political “golden lessons” of “frontiers and practice of space technology” and “Qian Xuesen Scientific Thought and Aerospace Spirit.”Academicians, chiefs, and well -known experts from the Aerospace Research Institute and colleges and universities entered the school to teach the frontiers of the “Better Star Shipping Station”. Qian Xuesen’s former secretary Gu Jihuan college in -depth teaching the lofty spirit, noble virtue, master style and master style and style of masterExcellent achievement.In October 2023, Academician Bao was awarded the second lecture on the “Earlier and Practice of Space Technology” with “Development and Application of Contemporary Aerospace Technology”.The students burned their respectful respect for the general chief of Western Power Aerospace and were deeply encouraged, and they set up a solemn commitment to continue their struggle and inherit the mission.
2021 is the 110th anniversary of Qian Xuesen’s birthday.Under the guidance of Professor Qian Xuesen’s son, Professor Qian Yonggang, Qian Xuesen’s spiritual education base was completed at school. At present, the base has become an important platform for inheriting Qian Xuesen’s spirit and carrying out patriotic ideological education and practice.The college has held the Aerospace Culture Festival for 8 consecutive years. Through the “Master Chief Entering Campus” report, the public science popularization class, and the “Chinese Aerospace in Time” exhibitions, etc., it inspires young students to integrate personal growth into the construction of the aerospace power.In 2023, the college was selected into the national “Qian Xuesen” scientist spiritual education base consortium, and the achievements of aerospace culture and education were obtained.
In the future, the Qian Xuesen Space Science Experimental Class of Xi’an University of Electronic Science and Technology will continue to be guided by Qian Xuesen’s “Dacheng Wisdom” thinking, focusing on self -cultivation of talents, and striving to cultivate more new productive productivity creators and users.Ask “Education answer.
(Author: Liu Yanming Li Xiaoping Dai Hao)

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