Science of Environmental Protection | You should know these ecological environmental protection knowledge

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What is environmental protection

Environmental protection is to adopt various measures of administrative, legal, economic, and scientific and technological, reasonably use resources, prevent environmental pollution, maintain ecological balance, ensure the healthy development of human society, and better adapt to human labor and the environment of human beings.Life, as well as the survival of natural creatures.

The importance of environmental protection

The unity of environmental protection and economic development is an important task to achieve sustainable development strategies.

With the development of productive forces and the modernization of industry and agriculture, protection and improvement have become a necessary condition for labor reproduction.

The long -term impact of environmental pollution is a serious threat to human health. It is not only carcinogenic, but also may endanger the fetus through the placenta and cause genetic mutation. Chromatology distortion and genetic gene degeneration can harm their descendants.


Global climate warming problem

Due to global warming, various impacts will have various impacts worldwide.Global warming may also affect the changes in rainfall and atmospheric circulation, make the climate abnormal, and easily cause drought and flood disasters. These may lead to changes and damage of the ecosystem. Global climate change will have a series of major impacts on human life.


Ozone consumption and destruction

The ozone layer is a very fragile atmosphere. If you enter some gases that destroy ozone, they will have a chemical effect with the ozone, and the ozone layer will be destroyed.The destruction of the ozone layer will increase the strength of the ground with ultraviolet radiation, which will cause great harm to the life on the earth.


Biological diversity decrease

Biological diversity refers to the various sources of various sources. These sources include land, ocean, and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes it constitute; it includes the diversity of the species, between species and ecosystems.Some new species will be produced during the long biological evolution. At the same time, with the changes in ecological environmental conditions, some species will also disappear.


Human activities have changed the climate and environment, causing global warming, ozone layer to be empty, etc., affecting air, water, and food supply … In the end, it threatens human health and survival.See how climate change affects our health, and what can we do?


Don’t waste food
Environmental Protection

Today, about one -third of the food will eventually become garbage.

This means that some forests and wetlands have become farmland, and some waters and land have lost their biodiversity in vain, and some marine creatures have suffered pollution of chemical fertilizers.In addition, food will also discharge greenhouse gases during processing and transportation to make the earth get hotter.Finally, the waste of food will rot in the garbage landfill, and the methane produces is the first strong greenhouse gase.

 The report released by the World Bank in 2020 “Reduction of Food Losses and Waste: Understanding Global Issues according to local conditions” said that agriculture is the fourth largest greenhouse gas emissions industry, accounting for 24%of total emissions.If food waste is eliminated, it will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 8%, 19% of fertilizers, 21% freshwater resources, 18% of agricultural land, and 21% of garbage landfill space.


Eat less meat, eat more vegetables
Environmental Protection

Protecting the environment does not mean that you have to become a vegetarian at once.Everyone has their own dietary needs; we are not in a consumer system that is convenient and friendly to vegetarians.But you can adjust your diet, such as replacing beef and mutton with chicken and pork, or simply eat more of the crops.This may not be considered at the personal level, but it can reduce the consumption of red meat or promote a more environmentally friendly industrial form at the large base.


Take a few planes, take a economy class if you want to sit
Environmental Protection

Each person per person in the carbon footprint ranking of long -distance transportation:
Short flight (≤ 384 kilometers) -255 grams
Flying halfway -156 grams
Long -distance flight (≥ 3700 kilometers) -150 grams
Bus -105 grams
Train -41 grams
Cruise -19 grams
High -speed train -6 grams
*Calculate based on the British standard transportation tools

If you have to take a plane, try to take an economy class.The research of the World Bank’s “Calculation of Carbon Footsteps of Different Class of Aviation Travel” pointed out that due to more travel space, the carbon emissions of high -level cabins (including first -class and business class) are three times the economy class.This may push the airline to adjust the proportion of the cabin, or set up a green tax different from the cabin.


Take less cars, take bicycles and public transportation
Environmental Protection

The carbon footprint ranking of short -distance transportation:

Gasoline light car -243 grams

Ordinary electric vehicle -209 grams

Double people take gasoline cars -122 grams

Motorcycles -119 grams

Electric train -29 grams

Bus -17 grams

Green Energy Electric Vehicle -0g

Bicycle -0g

Walk -0g

*Calculation based on Australian standard transportation

Interestingly, someone once asked questions, which carbon footprint is higher in riding a bicycle or electric bicycle?If you count the additional calories that we take by bicycles … riding electric bicycles is more environmentally friendly.


Recycling, recycling, recycling
Environmental Protection

Each year, the world’s solid garbage is 2 billion tons.

From 2016 to 2021, China has more than 200 million tons of urban life solid garbage every year, and the total amount of garbage is second only to the United States.Beginning in 2019, Shanghai has entered the era of “mandatory garbage classification”.

The classification of garbage does help discern plastic waste in domestic waste, as well as different incineration, landfills, and power generation methods for developing dry and wet garbage.If your city has a garbage classification policy, supervision and practice are not a bad thing.

However, for environmental protection, dry and wet garbage is at the end of the recycling chain, respectively.”What we should do is to reduce, reuse, and cycle regeneration in this order. At the stage of determining the incineration or burial of garbage, we have failed too many times.”The employees of the British Green Peace Organization suggest that.
source:Guizhou Shuitou Liangshan Ecological Environment Company
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Letter and visits of the Ecological Environment Bureau of Zhumadian City and Reporting Methods

Letter: Zhumadian Ecological and Environment Bureau (the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision and Supervision and Supervision and Supervision Team)

Come to visit: The Eighteenth Central Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Zhumadian City (Room 1418, Guangtai Building)

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