Scientific analysis: What is science?

2 min read

Science is a systematic, knowledge system based on observation and experimental evidence. It is committed to objective, accurate and reliable explanations and predictions of the phenomena of nature and human social phenomena through theoretical construction, empirical verification and reasoning.This article will discuss the relationship between science, characteristics, methodology, and the relationship between science and other intellectual forms, as well as the role and limitations of science in social development.

1. The definition and characteristics of science

Science can be defined as a knowledge system based on observation and experimental evidence, pursuing the laws of objective, accurate, and reliable explanations and predicting nature and human society.The following are the main characteristics of science:

1.1 objectivity

Scientific pursuit of objectivity, that is, the objective truth that is independent of subjective opinions and personal beliefs.By observation, experiment and data analysis, scientists strive to eliminate subjective prejudice and personal feelings, and seek objective facts and laws.

1.2 systematic

Science is a systematic knowledge system that is based on a series of organic connection theories and empirical basis.Scientific research has gradually improved and expanded the existing scientific system through the cycle of theoretical construction and empirical verification.

1.3 Proved pseudo

Scientific theories and assumptions should have proven pseudo -pseudo, that is, inspection and verification can be performed by verification.The theory proposed by scientists must be able to observe and test in practice to verify or deny its effectiveness.

1.4 Development

Science is constantly developing and evolving.Through new observations, experiments, and theoretical construction, scientists continue to amend and expand existing scientific knowledge to adapt to new discoveries and problems.

2. Scientific methodology

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