Scientific framework, free thought.

4 min read
What is scienceIntersectionScience is based on the laws and laws summarized by human beings that have been summarized and summarized by cognitionAnd the way to cognitive something, Also arranged according to human logical thinkingway of thinking,,AllHumanityBased on the current understanding instituteDefined.If it exceeds the scope of human cognition, it is considered to be non -scientific or pseudo -science.I think this view is very ambitious.The current scope of human cognition is still very small. Now many things that are not explained by science are defined by pseudo -science and non -scientific interpretation, which is very narrow.Therefore, science is not necessarily righteous, and non -science is not necessarily derogatory, but it is relative, mainly depending on the meaning of research to human beings.The universe is everything, and it does not necessarily exist according to human thinking logic. Human beings are very small, and the world of the universe has its own logic and existence.The end of science is theology, and this sentence explains the narrowness of science clearly.Therefore, science is not science, nor science is not science.
Relding the unknown list of science is all to deceive themselves, dare not face up and tolerate objective existence, and there will be no explosive power to break through the scientific bottleneck. It can always be limited in the limited cognition.Extra surprise and truth.It’s like fortune -telling predictions and the ghosts. They often use scientific self -righteous logic to be far -fetched, and they have not understood the principle of existence in the fundamental understanding.
For example, a certain valley always heard the sound of people crying. In the end, the Science Association stood up to explain that this was the sound of air -powered impact, because air power is the theory of knowledge that humans already have.
Another example is the mirage, science is explained as a refraction of light. I don’t know how many people are convinced of this explanation.Because light refraction is a physical theory and phenomenon that humans have already mastered.
I said that there was no explanation of scientific, because I was not qualified to question.
I just give this example to explain this truth.Perhaps there are more phenomena that can be recognized and analyzed with their own logical thinking science.
Actually I am a little worriedIs the truth, the fundamental facts of the facts being recognized by humans, and really do not be a person who covers the ears and stole the bell to comfort himself.
The development of science really needs the truth and the facts.In addition, it is also worried that the current human scientific cognitive method and direction will misunderstand the real answers to these questions.
Because there are really too many puzzles of human beings.Even forcibly explaining with the current science is different.The unsolved puzzle includes the unsolved natural mystery on the planet, the origin of human beings, the direction of human civilization, etc. This is just the unprepared mystery on the earth, let alone the unknown secret of the universe, which is countless.There are currently many speculations about the universe, and science cannot explore the truth of the universe.Regarding the universe, it should not be limited to the existing scientific knowledge, and it should also jump out of the scientific category and boldly explore and verify.
Finally, I declare it again. I am not a scientist, nor to promote science knowledge for everyone.I just want to use my own imagination to reasonably describe my own imagination and ideas to this unknown universe.I do n’t demonstrate my thoughts. First, I do n’t have the ability to verify, and not everyone has Hawking’s wisdom.Just imagine the universe and share your thoughts.Perhaps it has nothing to do with existing technology.Everyone’s thoughts are worth sharing and respected, and many people who laugh at Newton are also there, but it turns out that the idea of respecting others is exactly to protect their own vision and not let themselves be ridiculed in the future.In the later period, I will slowly share with you countless wonderful thoughts in the universe, hoping to explore with everyone.

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