Seeing spring, you have to run!These running routes in Beijing, like it!collect!Pickup!

8 min read



Running venue and route


Along the Mentai River of the South Second Ring Road

Southeast Second Ring River City Leisure Park, from east to the east, the east to the Yuliang Bridge, the green space on the bank of the river planting trees, shrubs, spring flowers, autumn leaves, etc., stand on the viewing platform of the river, stand on the river.You can overlook the waterfront landscape along the southern second ring moat.

Photo source: Xiaohongshu@图 & &, runway Xiaoluo Jeff, Fit4life

Running route


Picture source: Xiaohongshu@图 小 图 小 图, shallow walnuts


Olympic Forest Park

The Olympic Forest Park is divided into two -north and south parks in the five -ring. It is the largest city forest landscape in Asia.Nanyuan is an ecological forest park mainly based on landscape landscapes, while Beiyuan is dominated by natural wildlife forests.

A 10 -kilometer plastic runway was built in the park, and fitness supporting service facilities such as rest service stations were set up.The runway is a circular route with a total length of about 3 kilometers to 10 kilometers, and there is a solicit card every 500 meters.Orson Keep’s technology smart runway combines the KEEP online service system with Ossen offline scene. The smart information screen is set in the park to display the daily park dynamics, smart runway information and running rankings.Interactive devices, users can get professional guidance such as sports warm -up prompts.

Running route


Picture source: Xiaohongshu@图 红 图


Wenyu River Wetland Park

The Wenyu River Wetland Park is located on the northeast edge of the central area of Beijing. It is adjacent to the three areas of Chaoyang, Shunyi and Changping. It is the largest “green lung” in Beijing.The scenery has both the pavilion and the pavilion, but also the terraced field. The area is equivalent to 6.5 Olympic Forest Park.

The park has a high -end plastic runway with a total length of 6.8 kilometers. It is equipped with national fitness venues such as fitness trails, badminton, table tennis, and door balls that are open to the public, which can meet the differentiated needs of different sports enthusiasts.

Picture source: “Beijing Chaoyang” WeChat public account

Running route


Picture source: Xiaohongshu@图 图 图 图 图


Chaoyang Park

Chaoyang Park is close to Beijing East Fourth Ring Road, and the green land share is as high as 87%.There are 4 types of running channels of different lengths. Set up street lights every 30 meters, and the ground is planted with a ruler and racing logo.

The creative route “Little Monster” is a very popular running route. There is also a sign of “Little Monster” in the park.

(Please note: Chaoyang Park may have more people’s flow during the morning and evening peak hours and weekends. It is recommended to choose non -peak hours for running to ensure smoothness and safety.)

Picture source: “Beijing Chaoyang” WeChat public account, Xiaohongshu@图 图 图 图 官 官 官 官 图 图 图 图 图 图 图

Running route


Photo source: survive: Beijing early knows, Xiaohongshu@图 夜 图, crispy leather base life


Longtan Park

Longtan Park is located on the southeast of Beijing City, and the southeast side of Guangming Bridge. The classical architecture and modern gardening art of the northern northern northern city highlight the “dragon” cultural theme of the Chinese nation.The overall running route here is a circular route around Longtan Lake.

Running route


Photo Source: Council: Beijing early knows, Xiaohongshu @JUDY fruit 蝈


Beijing Winter Olympics Park

Beijing Winter Olympics Park is located in the west of Shijingshan District and along the Yongding River. It is a valuable heritage left by the Winter Olympics. It connects Shougang Park and many parks in the western Beijing to form a perfect integration of nature and modern steel city.

The 42 -kilometer -long closed marathon route is one of the highlights of the Winter Olympic Park. After the runner departs from the south side camp, it can pass north to Yongding River Leisure Forest Park, Shougang Ski Power, and Xinshukan Steel Bridge.The route also has various functions such as “Smart Run”, “Waterfront Run” and “Running on the Embankment”.

In addition, there is a 10 -kilometer night running route designed for night runners to connect each theme scene. The runway is equipped with a dynamic lamp belt, as if shuttle between light and shadow.

Picture source: “Beijing Winter Olympics Park” WeChat public account, Beijing Daily client

Running route


Picture source: Xiaohongshu @Ereic running toast, Fan Lawyer who loves running


Tiantan Park

Tiantan Park covers a large area and stable terrain. The vegetation coverage in the park is high, rich in negative oxygen ions, and the air is fresh.There are two walls, which are divided into two parts: inner altar and outer altar. It is suitable for running and fitness in the morning and evening.The park has many cultural and historical attractions, which is convenient for people to visit during leisure and fitness.

Running route


Picture source: Xiaohongshu@图 图, I am Laiser



Fun Ecological Competition


4.27 “Flower Painted Beijing Yue Run Daxing” Half Marathon

Rose line

2024 Beijing Daxing Half Marathon and the eighth “Flower Painted Beijing Yue Run Daxing” Half Marathon, there are two modes: half marathon and 7 km happy running.

In the first half of the half marathon, the players will pass through the beautiful environment of Weizhuang Village, Half Store Village, Napo Bay Rose Garden, Plain Ecological Forest and other areas.Cultural parks, listen to ancient stone monuments and stories, feel deep cultural heritage.

Previous information map

Picture source: Here is Daxing, Beijing Daily client

5.26 Miyun Ecological Marathon

Ecological line

The Miyun Ecological Marathon targets the target group of children, family, running enthusiasts, and professional runners. With the help of high -quality outdoor resources, we will strive to cover full coverage of various event activities, such as parent -child running, online marathon, Mima market, obstacle competition, etc.

The Mima Channel is set on the embankment on both sides of the Chaohe on the lower reaches of the Miyun Reservoir. The water is clear and green, and the scenery is pleasant. Runners can fully experience the natural and beautiful scenery.

Exercise little knowledge

Scientific running does not hurt your knees

The error running posture is the most hurtful

Running can not only exercise our cardiopulmonary ability, but also strengthen muscle endurance. The most important thing is to regulate mood and release stress.However, I often encounter runners say that I have injured my knees, but I do n’t know how to be injured. I ca n’t run away when I run. It ’s more serious after insisting on it for a while, and even walking has become a problem.

In this regard, Wu Dongming, an associate researcher at the National Physical Fitness and Science Fitness Research Center of the State Sports General Administration, said: “According to the research, there is no necessary connection between running and knee damage.Knee joint injuries are mainly caused by improper running posture, weak knee muscle strength, long -term long -term overload of running strength. To maintain knee joint health, in addition to maintaining the correct running position, you must also strengthen the power of power around the knee joint.At the same time, scientifically plan your own running load. “

First of all, the position of running should be correct.”Many people think that the running posture is not just opening their legs, can they just run up? Actually, it is not.” Wu Dongming explained that the correct running posture is that the body is slightly leaning forward when running.The elbow is naturally bent at 90 °, the arms are relaxed, the arm is relaxed, the arm is swinging naturally, the lower limbs are naturally stepped, the knee joints are slightly bent, and the knees are slightly bent.The other legs naturally swing forward to prepare for the next landing position.”It should be noted that inner eight characters, full feet landing, toes are first on the ground, knee joints are straight when landing, and the left and right bands are all wrong running positions. You should be corrected during the running process.”

Not relaxing before and after exercise

Wu Dongming reminded that the preparations before exercise and relaxation after exercise cannot be ignored.”The soldiers and horses do not move the grain and grass first”, the preparation activity is to tell the muscles and sports organs to “exercise” through various stretching actions before running.Related hormones to stimulate muscles entering the working state, and at the same time, the knee joint will also secrete a certain amount of lubricant to lubricate the knee joint to reduce the wear caused by exercise to the knee joint.

In addition, every time you run, you need to stretch it, because the muscles are highly excited at this time, showing a stiff and tension state, and the legs are touched by hard states., Which is conducive to fatigue elimination and maintaining muscle elasticity.If this link is missing, muscles will rely on the natural transition process to prolong the accumulation time of metabolic waste, slower fatigue elimination, and muscle elasticity decrease. In the long run, it is easy to cause physical damage.Therefore, the front and rear sides of the thigh, the inside of the thigh, the hip and hip, and calves should be stretched enough. Each part is stretched for 30 seconds at a time, and repeated three times.

Strengthen strength and support

“The muscle group around the knee is an important support for maintaining the stability and flexibility of the knee joint. In reality, the various types of tears are mostly in the direction of the muscles that exceed their own ability.For strength training, muscle strength produces strong protection to prevent the knee from damage.Groups, 10 to 15 times of self -weight semi -squats or squats in each group to strengthen the power of knee joints.

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