Strengthen scientific research and protect the frozen circle of the earth

Original title: Strengthen scientific research and protect the frozen circle of the earth
The development of frozen rings is limited to special physics, chemistry and ecosystems, and the biology of this environment and its relationship with this environment constitute the frozen ring ecosystem.Compared with other ecosystems, its special function or importance is reflected in the regulation of the ecosystem and the huge cold storage effect of carbon and nitrogen libraries.
The frozen ring is also the key area for global biological diversity protection and ecological function barrier maintenance.In my country, nearly two -thirds of the important ecological barrier functional areas are located in the frozen circle.Compared with other biological communities on the planet, most of the characteristics of biocontrollers of frozen rings still maintain relatively good originality and integrity.
At present, the global climate change has a wide range, fast speed, and strong intensity. It has not been seen for thousands of years, and the frozen ring is extremely sensitive to climate warming.Under the influence of large -scale human activities such as global greenhouse gases and gas -soluble discharge, land use, the earth frozen circle is undergoing sharp changes.
Looking at the world, evidence of frozen rings has abounded.The Arctic Sea Ice range is at least 1,000 years, and the retreat of glaciers is at least in 2000.On March 19, 2024, the “Global Climate Condition Report 2023” released by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) showed that the scope of snow in the northern hemisphere in 2023 continued to decline, the range of Arctic Sea IceThe retreat of the mountain glaciers broke the historical record.From 2010 to 2019, the global glacier losses have more than 10 years since the observation records.In the future, the snow coverage and duration of the northern hemisphere will continue to decrease, and the reduction rate will be accelerating.
It is worth noting that, as the most developed area of the low latitude frozen ring in the northern hemisphere, the number, range, snow depth, and snow water equivalent of the Qinghai -Tibet Plateau have been declining since 1961. It is expected that frozen soil will accelerate in the next years.Since 2015, the glacier leaps and ice collapse incidents in my country have increased significantly, causing increased disaster risks; the number of ice lakes in the Qinghai -Tibet Plateau has increased, the area expansion, and the risk of collapse has increased.Since the 1950s, the modern glacier of the Qinghai -Tibet Plateau has generally shrank, and the retreat has increased from northwest to southeast.After entering the 21st century, the retreat of glaciers accelerated, and the runoff running flow of glaciers generally increased. With the degradation of frozen soil, frozen disasters such as hot melting lake ponds, hot melting and frozen soil landslide also increased significantly.
Since last century, Zhu Kezhen and Shi Yafeng and other generations of older scientists have been enlightening, research and exploration of glacists, and the connotation of frozen circle research has been continuously expanded. At present, it has developed into a cross -disciplinary discipline -frozen circle science.In 2007, we founded the National Key Laboratory of the Frozen Circle Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to promote the deep cross -crossing of natural sciences and humanities and social sciences, serving the sustainable economic and social development, and a big step in the development of disciplines.
Frozen circle science has always been an important part of the global changes in scientific research programs.Since 2015, WMO has listed “Polar and High Mountain Observation, Research and Services” as one of its seven major priorities, and wrote the frozen circle into the strategic planning of the World Meteorological Organization from 2024 to 2027 to accelerate the development of comprehensive systems and servicesIn order to cope with the irreversible risks related to the irreversible changes, the changes in water resources, and the negative effects of the rising sea level.Faced with the facts of the frozen circle shrinking and the urgent needs of sustainable development, how to develop frozen rings science under the scientific framework of the earth system, how to make the frozen ring serving the green low carbon transformation of the economy and society, how to make natural ecology and economic development, human well -being of human beings, and human well -beingOrganic integration, etc., will become a major issue facing scientific workers.
Active response to climate change is the rational choice of all mankind.To this end, we must further strengthen the research on related issues, promote the training of talents in climate change and frozen circle science, and promote international cooperation and exchanges.Actively promote the “double carbon” operation under the framework of sustainable development, adhere to the road of green and low -carbon development, and make positive contributions to the construction of a community of human destiny.
(Author: Qin Dahe, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Source: Guangming Daily

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