Taobao "switch" for catering?The New Year’s Eve is here!What are the food representatives of 34?Chinese Food Map

Taobao has been replaced for the first time in 18 years. I heard that the logo upgrade has spent 3 million.”Did you make a catering?Haha, a year -on -year energy -saving allows us to remember the representative food of each province is also a good idea!What are the representative foods across the country?Let’s see it first!

Friends who travel to Beijing, I believe that I must have been to Quan Jude. I have never eaten roast ducks.Beijing roast duck is a world -renowned dish with a world reputation. It uses high -quality meat duck Beijing duck. The fruit charcoal is grilled. The color is rosy, the meat is fat but not greasy. It is crispy and tender outside.

Shanghai Xiaolongbao, especially Nanxiang Xiaolongbao, is the most famous.The filling is made of meat sauce with sandwich legs. Without onion and garlic, only a little ginger and meat jelly, salt, soy sauce, sugar and water are adjusted.The skin of Xiaolongbao is made of non -fermented fine flour.After steaming, the little flushing bag is small and exquisite, looks like a pagoda, is transparent, crystal clear, and bites a packet of soup.If you eat ginger and vinegar, with a bowl of egg soup, it tastes better.

The beef balls in Chaoshan area in Guangdong have a history of more than 100 years. Nicholas Tse “Twelve Fighting Taste” once specifically made a program. My previous picture and text also introduced “Chaoshan Beef Pills”.Elastic.

The authentic Chaoshan beef ball must be used with the freshest beef. To what extent?With temperature, you can see that the muscles are still beating, and your fingers can touch it. You can feel the slight stickiness of the meat surface.Use a wooden stick to make the beef into meat, and pour in the water into the water. The mature meatballs q bounked and chewy.

I do n’t understand this famous Tianjin snack. According to reports, this was the exquisite snacks that the Manchu royal family and the people at that time.I used to stay in Tianjin for eight years, and the famous snacks in Tianjin have known as Jinmen Sanju: “Dogs ignore buns, eighteen street twist, ears and fried cakes.”Name snacks?Is it because the dog ignores the decline of the buns recently?

Baked noodles are one of the special snacks in Mishan City, Jixi City, Heilongjiang Province. At first, there were many methods of grilled cold noodles, including fried, high -temperature iron plate crushing, etc., and then improved into iron plates and fried.Now the cold noodles are all over the country, north and south of the country.When did it become a special food in Liaoning?And why is such a cold Liaoning Province who likes this kind of “grilled cold noodles” that sounds like goosebumps?

Chongqing avocado hot pot can be said to be a well -known Chongqing snack.Foreigners know that Chongqing may start with this square butter hot pot base.The use of pure butter+broth is slowly boiled, absorbing a variety of ingredients such as pepper and peppercorns, making the taste more mellow. The hot and spicy butter hot pot seductive appetite, which is coveted!

This is even more incredible, can’t touch it, Sichuan, your food is the first choice for your food?At the least, it should also be hot pot, watercress sauce, spicy tofu, spicy hot and so on!sausage?Sausal, hahaha!

Shanxi noodle noodle world, Shanxi said first, no one dare to accept it.Shanxi noodles have a history of more than 2,000 years. They have a long history and many varieties, especially the knife noodles, especially the Shanxi Datong knife noodles are the most famous.Shanxi knife is thin and thin in the noodles, looks like a willow leaf;It is with Beijing’s fried noodles, stew noodles in Henan, hot dry noodles in Hubei, Sichuan

If ginseng is a specialty of Jilin, there is no controversy. If it is a food, it is a bit far -fetched. Who eats ginseng every day? Friends, what do you say?

If you use a word to describe Hunan people, “smelly” may not be willing, but Hunan stinky tofu is famous all over the country!”Eat smelly, smell the incense, and eat in the belly!”, Stinky tofu is a well -known snack in the country. Whether handsome guys and women, whether men and women and children, eat a bowl of hot stinky tofu, it is called a coolIntersection

The unique black land planting in the northeast makes the rice full of rice full of grain, bright and fragrant, and the northeast rice, especially the most famous rice.

Rather than saying that Anhui’s well -known food is an old hen, it is more suitable to say “old hen soup”.”Fat West Old Rooster Soup” is a traditional classic dish of Anhui Hefei (belonging to the Luzhou cuisine).It is named for its “Fat West” regional name.Hefei, Anhui, was called Luzhou in ancient times.There are dialects in the local area. “From Feidong to Feixi, I bought an old hen.”

It is not just that there are hairy crabs in Yangcheng Lake in Suzhou, and there are very delicious hairy crabs all over the Jiangsu: Taihu hairy crabs, Hualijin Lake hairy crabs, Gucheng Lake hairy crabs, Xinghua hairy crabs, Shaobo Lake hairy crabs, Gaoyou Lake hairy crabs, Baoying Lake hairy crabs, Hongze Lake hairy hairy crabsWait for hairy crabs to be famous at home and abroad.

In fact, the sand tea noodles originated from Malaysia. The wonderfulness is that it is made of sand tea sauce, and the sand tea sauce is used to make the soup.The main ingredients of sand tea sauce are made of dried shrimp, dried fish, shallots, garlic, ginger, and other more than a dozen kinds of ingredients. They are fried and crispy and then grinded to make sand tea sauce.The sand tea noodles in Fujian look much more horizontal than the northern noodles. It can be seen that it is a coastal city. Seafood is like no money.

It seems that people in Central China are more like to drink soup. There are old hen soup in Anhui, and the black chicken soup in Jiangxi.The reason why the black chicken soup in Jiangxi is famous because the black chicken is native to Wanghuangtu Village, Wu Shanxi, Wu Shanxi, Taihe County, Jiangxi Province.History.Growing knowledge.Black chicken soup is made from ingredients such as black chicken, Ejiao, Huangjing, longan, red dates, wolfberry and other ingredients.

Jinhua ham is bright in color, red and white, lean meat and salty, sweet and sweet, fat but not greasy, delicious and delicious; rich in protein and fat, a variety of vitamins and minerals.It is a national landmark product and is famous for the country.

Rather than saying that pork trotters are well -known food in Guizhou, it is better to say that Qingyan’s marinated pig’s feet are more accurate.As the ancient town of Qingyan, the four famous towns in Guizhou, the most famous is not the building here, but the green rock marinated pig’s feet here, also known as the “champion hoof”.Select the four -hoof processing of pigs about one -year -old pigs raised in the local countryside of Qingyan, and take more than ten kinds of valuable Chinese medicine to taste.Not greasy, glutinous flavor.

People in Yunnan — Eat ham raw, a high -quality Yunnan ham uses good pigs, thin skin, tight meat, and tangy after cutting, which can be comparable to the Spanish Iberian ham!

The hot dry noodles are one of the most famous snacks in Wuhan and one of the top ten noodles in China.The alkaline water surface is used as an auxiliary materials for eating oil, sesame sauce, coloring oil, sesame oil, fine shallots, garlic, radish diced, sour beans, brine juice, raw soy sauce, etc.The hot and dry surface is yellow and oily, and the taste is delicious. Due to the high calories, it can also be used as a staple food. Nutritional breakfast can supplement the energy required by the human body.

In fact, the trousers are uncertain, and it should be said that “Biángbiáng Noodles” belongs to a rare word, and the input method cannot be hit.Select the flour made of Guanzhong wheat, and hand -wide wide -growing noodles.Use soy sauce, vinegar, monosodium glutamate, peppercorns and other sauces to adjust the noodle soup, fish into the noodles, and pour the heat -burned vegetable oil.This is what we often call oily noodles.

As a Baoding person, the food in my hometown can become a food representing Hebei. I am very proud.Not only is Baoding, there is a donkey meat burning, but also in Hejian, but the name is fire burning donkey meat.The earliest burning of the carbon furnace was now changed to an electric heating furnace.Break the fire from the middle and cut it from the middle, and put the donkey meat, brewed, and pepper into the fire. It tastes crispy and delicious. It is really the best delicious food in the world.

The snail powder can become a food representing Guangxi without any controversy.Not only Guangxi, but now the snail powder has the potential to become China’s first food.Snail powder is a well -known snack in Liuzhou, which has the unique flavor of spicy, refreshing, fresh, sour, and hot.The reason why snail powder is so delicious is because it has a unique soup.The soup is prepared by snails, Yamana, star anise, cinnamon, cloves, various peppers, and other natural spices and flavor.

Shandong pancakes, shaped like lotus leaves, thin soft as paper, aroma, delicious taste.Different from pancakes elsewhere, Shandong big pancakes are one of the staple foods. Locals generally burn a lot, and then take it at any time.For the first time, the foreigners went to Shandong and ate big pancakes. The first bite would definitely not bite.Do n’t bite a lot of layers in one sip, so you ca n’t bite it. Take a bite and tear it down and chew it slowly.Shandong pancakes can roll everything. Generally, Shandong people will eat green onions and pancakes. The people in other places cannot be understood.The raw materials used in Shandong big pancakes are coarse grains, which have leather shells and rude fiber, which is very helpful for digestion and is very good for people’s physical health.

I always thought that the decoction bun was a well -known snack in Shandong. I did not expect it to be a food representing Henan.Shandong decoction buns are particularly famous east. The decoction buns are stuffed with noodles, put in a pan, add water or thin noodles to fry, pour small grinding oil when they are cooked, turn over and fry.The history of the decoction buns in Henan will be traced back to the Northern Song Dynasty.Essence

“Coconut Rice”, also known as coconut boat, is steamed by Hainan’s high -quality glutinous rice, natural coconut meat and coconut juice. It is a traditional farm snack in Hainan.

Yakan beef jerky is a must -order food for Tibet. Although it looks hard, it tastes crispy and delicate.Yak is a specialty of the Qinghai -Tibet Plateau. The yak beef is delicate and delicious.Has high nutritional value.It is rich in protein and amino acids, as well as trace elements such as carotene, calcium, and phosphorus. The fat content is particularly low and the calories are particularly high.It is a good original green food.

How did Lily become the representative food of Gansu Province?It is said that specialty products are more appropriate. Isn’t Gansu cuisine beef noodles all over the country?It turns out that Lanzhou Lily is the only sweet lily in the country.Specialty Products of Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, China National Geographic Mark Product.Lanzhou lily tastes very sweet, with few fibers. It is large, white as jade, and has no bitterness.

Qingya is a specialty of Qinghai Turkey, with staple foods. All kinds of foods are related to Qingya. The green noodles, green pupa pots, green cakes, and green wine.The green cymbals are actually barley. Because the shells are separated from their inside and outside, the grains are exposed, so they are also called nude barley, Yuanmai, and rice barley.It is mainly produced in Tibet, Qinghai, Sichuan, Yunnan and other places, and is the main food of the Tibetan people.

Inner Mongolia lamb is famous, Chinese people know.The sheep on the prairie are very fresh and fat, and the sheep grow very healthy. Because the activity area is large, many sheep have muscles.It is very important. The key is that there will be a variety of Chinese herbal medicines on the prairie. If you accidentally eat it, it will be good for its body, and it will be good for us.The sheep in other places are raised. The amount of activity is not large. The feed is feed and dried grass. The meat is definitely not as delicious as here.

Wolfberry is a specialty of Ningxia. Wolfberry can make a lot of food, wolfberry soup, wolfberry wine, wolfberry juice, etc.

If you ask Xinjiang’s food?There are too many, cantaloupe, Korla fragrant pear, Turpan grapes, roasted buns, 馕, etc.Why is lamb rice a representative of Xinjiang?It is said that the lamb rice is a bit unsatisfactory. It should be said that Xinjiang mutton hand grabbing rice is more appropriate. The main raw materials are onions, yellow radish, lamb pieces, rice, etc.Xinjiang mutton hand has a rich nutrition and food supplement.(Does India grab the way to eat with Xinjiang? Hahaha)

Hong Kong’s West Point is very famous. Many of the hearts, big class, San Anna, Donghai Hall, Ronghua, etc. are listed companies. The group chain has won awards internationally internationally.On holidays, Hong Kong -style West Points also become a food that people are crazy.

Macau Chenpi Cake is one of the well -known food in Macau. It is appropriate to use Xinhui Chenpi with various stuffing.

Taiwan’s pineapple crisp is the famous name of Treasure Island. It uses low -gluten flour and other raw materials, and pineapple filling, butter, milk powder, etc. as the seasoning.The food is made by baking ingredients in the oven.

I am a Fanmai food baking, and the creator in the field of food. It is not easy to create.

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