The environment determines the behavior, what kind of the environment is divided into, and fully understand the environment in which you live

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The environment in which we are in a decisive role in our development.The environment here includesLiving environment, working environment and social environmentEssenceTo accurately and comprehensively understand the environment is the prerequisite for grasping the trend.The living environment determines the development trend of the family; the working environment determines the trend of career development; the social environment determines all the trends in the future.In response to the trend, you can go smoothly; it is like walking against the water against the water; if you can’t see the trend, you can only fall into the workers.The environment is external factors, external causes and internal causes determine our life, so it is an essential step to accurately self -position and understand the environment where we are in the present.
Let’s talk about the living environment first.
The living environment includes the status quo of family, family status and local development status.EssenceThe quality of the living environment directly affects the rhythm of personal development.Analysis of the status quo of the family needs to understand the family composition, family history, family relationship, family strengths, family shortcomings, etc. The family environment is a scene that has a direct impact on us in the living environment.To understand the status quo of the family, it is necessary to include family composition, family history, family relationship, family status, family weight, etc. The family environment determines the origin and continuation of a person.The current status of local development is closely related to the survival and development direction of individuals and even families, and it needs to be taken regularly.The status quo composition includes local specialty products, folk customs, policies, economic conditions, pillar industries, etc.
The working environment includes the current status of the work, the current status and the current status of the industryEssenceThe working environment is directly related to the development of personal career. It should not underestimate the force of the environment, let alone overestimate its ability to change the environment.The current status of the work includes resumes, positions, permissions, salary, colleagues, stability, participation, etc.The status quo of the affiliated unit includes nature, introduction, product, culture, structure, atmosphere, system, strategy, etc.The current status of the industry includes attributes, characteristics, rules, policies, associations, advantages, disadvantages, etc.The matching of the working environment and its own advantages determines the durability of our current work.
The social environment has an important impact on our lives. The social environment includes the world’s current status, the status quo of the country, the status of policy, and the current status of survival.The world’s environment includes situations, focus, bias, balance, major events, etc.The status quo of the country includes geographical location, state status, economic conditions, custom characteristics, population composition, pillar industry, political situation, etc.The status quo of the policy includes policies such as education, medical care, pension, science and technology, economy, and culture.The status quo of survival includes the status of material and spiritual status.The social environment is an effective space -time in life. Especially with the development of transportation and the Internet, the world is becoming more and more systematic development, and even every movement is closely related to everyone.
To accurately and comprehensively understand the all -level environment of being, is an important prerequisite for its own positioning.Although we can’t change some environments, we can find out conditions that are conducive to our development by combing, and provide scientific planning and implementation.

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