The important release of the Nanchang Education Bureau is related to primary and secondary school students

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Recently, Nanchang Education Bureau issued

“Implementation Opinions on Strengthening Labor Education in Primary and Middle Schools”

(Here referred to as “Implementation Opinions”).

How is the “Implementation Opinions” set in the content of labor education?

In the new era of high -quality implementation of labor education,

What are the specific measures for “Implementation Opinions”?

total requirements

Implement the three major systems and realize the curriculum system

4. Implement the three major systems of labor and education.

Implement the labor compulsory course system.The requirements of the “Compulsory Education Curriculum Opinions and Course Standards (2022 Edition)” requires that the labor education course for primary and secondary schools is a compulsory course. On average, the average of no less than one lesson per week shall not be crowded and misappropriated.Carry out the “exposure schedule” and “period of insurance” to ensure labor education classesCheng Kaiqi opened.Implement the labor week system.Primary and secondary schools set up a labor week according to the school year.Time can be arranged within the school year or winter and summer vacations. Forms can be used in special lectures, keynote speeches, labor skills competitions, laborer achievements, and labor project practice.Implement the labor education list system.Primary and secondary schools should scientifically formulate a list of labor education in accordance with the actual situation of the school, implement the “one school, one case”, “one school, one list” and publicize.

5. System design labor course system.

Organize curriculum settings, penetrate academic segments, and target the characteristics of different sections and types of students.The main content is based on daily labor, production labor and service laborEssenceOptimize the curriculum structure,Incorporate non -genetic inheritance, nation, traditional craftsmanship, etc. into labor education; pay attention to the laborers such as housekeeping, cooking, handicrafts, and gardeningEssenceEnriching curriculum resources, labor education curriculum resources can be text, resource packages, audio and video, etc. Different segments can adopt different forms, and can also conduct different combinations of resources.Encourage schools to combine reality and closely combine the actual development and use of curriculum resources in local economic culture and student life.Create a school -based course. By 2025, each school combines the labor list to fully implement the “Jiangxi Provincial Labor Practice Guidance Manual” and encourage “one school, one bright spot” and “one school, one brand”.

Expand labor venues and enrich practical activities

6. Vigorously expand the place of labor practiceEssenceFurther improve the school construction standards; speed up the construction of labor practice sites in the school; select and identify a number of labor practice classrooms, practical places and comprehensive practice demonstration bases, of which2024 before,The administrative department of territorial education shall introduce the “Administrative Measures for the Comprehensive Practice Practical Demonstration Base of Outside School”, and the school shall formulate the “Administrative Measures for the Places of Labor Practice (including Classrooms) in the school”; create a labor environment of “county with bases and school venues”.By 2025, Elected no less than 50 municipal -level labor education characteristic demonstration schools, no less than 30 municipal -level off -school labor education comprehensive practice demonstration bases, no less than 40 internal labor practice places and classrooms in the school, to the school’s labor practice classroom, to the school.2026,It is confirmed that a group of factory and mining enterprises are used as a practical base for study and work, and identified a batch of science and technology museums and libraries as service -oriented labor bases.In addition, the comprehensive practice education schools, juvenile palaces, enterprises and institutions, and social institutions of Nanchang primary and secondary schools are used to actively organize and carry out students’ production labor and service labor.

7. Extensive labor practice activities.Make good use of various labor practice places (classrooms, bases) inside and outside the school to carry out labor practice activities.Implement documents such as the Central Committee’s “Double Settling” and the four departments such as the four departments of the Ministry of Education’s Office on Further Regulating the Related Works of Compulsory Education after the Class “and other documents, and include labor activities into the content of after -school service content.Through labor education publicity and display month, labor month, labor festival and other festivals and theme activities, there are targets and planning organizations.There are various forms of exchanges and lectures in counties and schools.In accordance with the principles of “all participation, layered classification implementation”, actively organize competitions such as labor skills competitions, and exhibition of labor achievements to promote teaching with competitions, to promote students to stimulate students’ labor enthusiasm, cultivate students’ ability to create their ability, enhance the ability of teachers’ abilityLevel and improve the quality of teaching.


Strengthen teachers’ construction and deepen teaching research

8. Strengthen the construction of labor education teachers.Primary and secondary schools in the cityEfforts to create a team of labor education teachers with excellent quality and combined workBy 2026, primary and secondary schools in the city should fully set up labor model studios, skills master studios, honorary teachers’ positions, etc. At least one related industry professionals will be hired as a instructor in labor practice.The proportion of labor full -time teachers in primary and secondary schools in the city has increased.Incorporate labor education into the content of teacher training, rely on the “National Training Plan” and “Provincial Training Plan”,Organize special training for teachers of labor education at least once a yearEssencecomprehensiveEstablish an assessment index system for labor education teachersAnd link with teachers’ title review, post -level adjustment (promotion) to ensure that labor teachers enjoy equal treatment with other professional teachers in terms of performance assessment, professional title review, evaluation of the evaluation, and professional development.

9. Deepen the research of labor education.Relying on the development of teachers in cities and counties (districts)Establish a full -time labor teaching and research team,Guide the design, practice, and research and development of labor education curriculum in primary and secondary schools in the city.Carry out the selection of boutique courses, demonstration courses, and selection of excellent teaching teachersStrive for 2026, no less than 10 offices, no less than 100 sessions of exemplary courses, no less than 100 demonstrations, and no less than 100 teachers for outstanding labor education.Establish a high -quality resource sharing mechanism for labor education,The development of the Labor Discipline Curriculum Package in the Nanchang City’s Compulsory Education Stage will be fully implemented in 2026.Promote the implementation of labor education into textual planning and teaching reform and research on the discipline of labor,Project planning, key topics, etc.Encourage the Education Society, professional institutions, etc., and actively participate in the education research of labor disciplines.

Improve literacy evaluation and promote the digitalization of labor education

10. Improve the labor literacy evaluation system.Establish an evaluation mechanism for integration of “doing, learning, teaching, and evaluation”.The school should study and formulate the evaluation standards, establish an evaluation publicity and review system, comprehensively and objectively record the labor process and results inside and outside the class, and strengthen the assessment of actual labor skills and value body recognition;Increase students into the comprehensive quality evaluation system of studentsThe evaluation results are one of the important references and graduation basis for measuring the comprehensive development of students, the evaluation and evaluation first, and the admission of the recruitment.

11. Promote the digitalization of labor education and monitoring.Fully popularize the smart platform and basic education management service platform of primary and secondary schools.Each county and schools must register, release, publicity and display, and publicity publicity through the relevant user end of the Nanchang City Quality Education Platform; labor practice activities inside and outside the city must be included in the information and data management of Nanchang Quality Education Platform to ensure that all activities are ensuredCan be monitored with quality.With the help of modern technical means such as big data, cloud platforms, and the Internet of Things to carry out the monitoring of the quality of labor education, it is used to evaluate the function of educating people and feedback improvement functions.

Strengthen organizational leadership and implement comprehensive guarantee implementation

12. Strengthen organizational leadership.All counties and schools should strengthen organizational leadership, put labor education on important agendas, establish a mechanism for labor education resources for primary and secondary schools (including secondary vocational schools), mainly county and government planning for the preparation of county -based and government.With the long -term linkage mechanism of “government responsibility, social collaboration, and departmental participation”, it is clear that the internal institutions and strengthening personnel are responsible for labor and education.Introduce relevant policies and measures, effectively solve major problems in the implementation of labor education, and make good supervision and implementation.The development of labor education is the basis for the important indicators and levels of the quality and level of regional education in the county government’s implementation of education responsibilities and evaluation of the county government.The evaluation system, the assessment results are disclosed to the society in an appropriate manner.Actively coordinate and guide the organization of enterprise companies, factories and farms to perform social responsibilities and open practical places.

13. Strengthen funding guarantee.Incorporate labor education into the annual budget and increase the investment in labor education. In addition to arranging funds such as public funding in accordance with regulations, we can raise funds and financial resources through overall funds and financial resources, and to attract government purchase services.Social forces provide labor education services.Strengthen the standardization of school labor education facilities.Establish a guarantee mechanism such as the reform of the school’s labor education curriculum, the construction of teaching materials, the training of teachers, and the supplementary equipment consumption, and ensure the smooth implementation of labor education.

14. Strengthen safety supervision.Establish a security control mechanism for government responsibility, social cooperation, and relevant departments step by step.Establish a mechanism for labor education risks to jointly participate in the governments, schools, families, and society.Encourage the purchase of labor education related insurance to ensure the normal development of labor education.Formulate the risk prevention and control plan for labor practice activities, and improve the emergency and accident handling mechanism.Strengthen the labor and safety education of teachers and students, and give all teachers and students at least once a special lecture every year to effectively strengthen the awareness of labor risk.Establish and improve the labor safety security system with equal emphasis on safety education and management, scientifically evaluate the safety risks of labor practice activities, carefully investigate and clear all kinds of hidden dangers in students’ labor practice, especially radiation, disease infection, etc.Equipment and protective supplies are used to formulate safe and scientific operating specifications in terms of use, activity processes, etc., strengthen the management of each position of the labor process, and clarify the responsibilities of all parties.Carry out safety inspections and hidden dangers on a regular basis to prevent problems before they occur.

15. Strengthen publicity and guidance.Effectively give play to the responsibility of the school’s labor education subject, and clarify the implementation of institutions, personnel and education requirements.Use the main position of the campus, through the opening of columns, micro -videos, and telling things around you to create a “glory of labor” campus style, extensively publicize the typical characters and deeds of hard work, honest labor, and creative labor, and guide parents to support schools to carry out labor labor to carry out labor laboreducate.Establish a good family style that advocates labor, encourage children to do housework workers daily, and learn 1 or 2 living skills every year.Gathering social coordination and strengthening cooperation with group organizations and social forces, group organizations such as trade unions, Communist Youth League, Women’s Federation, and various public welfare foundations and social welfare organizations must organize mobilization related forces, participate in social labor, participate in public welfare governance, etc.Platform; jointly carry out the “Modelmaking preaching into the campus” activities with the trade union, and organize the spirit of model workers and students to enter the factory and rural areas for each semester.Encourage and support the school society to promote the glory of labor and create great main theme in the form of singing and dancing, literary works, paintings, painting and other forms, and clearly oppose the wrong concepts of obtaining all the obedience, greeding, and advocating wealth, creating a good care and support for labor education.Atmosphere.

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