The leasing demand in Beijing’s major business districts gradually recovered the reporter on the spot →

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Since the beginning of this year, my country’s main consumption data has been steadily rising.Recently, the reporter visited Beijing and found that with the rise in offline consumption, the leasing demand in major business districts gradually recovered.

On the afternoon of working on working days, at a shopping mall in the core business district of Dawang Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, the reporter saw that many shops set up a enclosure.The person in charge told reporters that there are currently more than 600 shopping malls at the camps, and more than ten shops are being renovated or upgraded.

Qiu Yanhui, China Merchants Operation Director of a Shopping Center in Chaoyang District, Beijing:In the first quarter, we reached more than 99%, and the sales performance in the first quarter increased by more than 30%year -on -year.Many brands need to expand the area this year, and some brand contracts have been updated after the expiration of the expiration to improve the overall ping effects.

The reporter learned that among the many new and upgraded shops, outdoor sports, catering, new energy vehicles and other formats have performed the most eye -catching.In the first quarter, sales are generally higher than expected.In a shopping mall in the Beijing Xidan Business District, the staff said that this year they used space such as the atrium square to investigate, adding a lot of flash cooperative stores, and planned to transform and upgrade the catering area. The brand shop adjustment rate will reach 17%.Signing rents are also increasing normally.

Zhang Jisu, general manager of a commercial real estate consulting company North China:After the beginning of this year, the leasing of our retail shops began to become very active, and the lease ability of brand customers was stronger.In the future, commercial rent has begun to achieve stability and even return to growth.

(Source: CCTV Finance)

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