The name of the traditional Japanese food "tempura" that you absolutely don’t know is like this!IntersectionIntersection

I believe that many people know that there is a traditional food in Japan called “Tema Robber”. It can be seen in any Japanese restaurant. Because of the relatively close price, it frequently appears on the table.It is no exaggeration to eat at all.

sky woman Luo, Japanese Chinese characters are written as “Temple Time”, pronounced pseudonym “て ん ぷら”, which refers to fried foods that use flour, eggs and water and pulp in Japanese dishes.
You may have eaten tempura, but you may not know that “Tianshi” is not a native Japanese word, but from Portuguese.
The word tempura came from Portuguese?
Tianda comes from Portuguese “Rápido” (Roman: TenPura) Japanese pronunciation テ ン テ ラ ー ル, which is very similar to the current て ん ぷら.

There are two sayings of the name of tempura:
Talking first, the cooking methods of the sailor fish in the European caravan are very simple. If you throw it directly into the oil pan, you can eat it.The “TEMPERO” in grape language means “cooking” and “a little bit”. At that time, it was to obtain hungry food at a faster speed. Later, the word was also the source of Japanese tempura (Tempura).
Speaking two, from Portuguese missionaries to Japan in the 16th century, from “Tempora”, the meaning of “time” in Latin, in Spain and Portugal, referring to the fasting period of Christianity.The meaning of Dazhai period.During this period, you can’t eat meat, you can only eat vegetables or fish.At that time, the “fried” cooking method was not widely used in Japan. The people felt very fresh, and they imitated it, so tempura gradually became a very popular food in Japan.
Hami History

The Portuguese missionaries were introduced to Japan in the 16th century, and later became popular in Japan. Japan’s literature records in 1669 AD, Kyoto Physician Okunuki was mentioned in the “Esophageal Book” he wrote.Frying seafood or vegetables wrapped with starch pulp (flour or the like) traditionally.In the 2nd year of Tianhe (1682), Japan received the visiting North Korean messenger, and later found the record file of the entertainment messenger at the time in the museum, which was recorded with chicken to make tempura.
However, the tempura that referred to at that time was different from that of Japanese tempura in Japan. It used to process raw materials such as seafood, vegetables, fruits and other raw materials into a certain shape, and then fry them with oil, butIt cannot be consumed directly, but as a procedure for semi -finished product processing, it can be used as a raw material for steaming, cooking, burning or making soup.The tempura referred to today is fried foods that season and paste before fried, and then fried with fried and can be directly eaten.
The latter approach originated in the Edo period of Japan. In the book “The Fairy of the Cooking Singer” published by 4 years (1747), the method of making the frying frying tempura food is carried out in detail.With the increase of oil varieties, fried technology has been continuously updated, and tempura series food has become an important part of Japanese cuisine, and it is also the Japanese food that can accept the most people in the world.
Himberly practice
There is an old saying in Japan, “Everything can be mashlog”, which shows the tolerance of this dish.In addition to the seafood tempura (fresh shrimp, various fish, fresh shell, cuttlefish, etc.) headed by fried shrimp, there are vegetable tempura (fresh bamboo shoots, onions, eggplant, pumpkin, lotus root, even vegetable leaves, etc.),The sacrifice tempura (the tempura of meat, seafood, and vegetables), the selection of ingredients will change according to seasonal changes.

Although the tempura looks simple, the production process is not so easy, and the requirements for ingredients and cooking time are relatively high.Making tempura, oil is one of the key.In Japan, Kanto uses sesame oil, and Kansai uses oil, and the flavor of fried is different.In addition, oil temperature is the key to the key.Too hot, the noodles and raw materials will be zoomed, and the oil absorbs too much; it is low, the noodles are not crispy, and the raw materials will also be soft due to oil absorption. Therefore, the oil temperature must be controlled at about 175 to 180 degrees when making.
The dried juice, soy sauce, and sea rice juice are the main sauce of tempura. It can be marinated before fried. It is also used for fried and dipped in juice.
Of course, more than tempura, almost all Japanese cuisine business cards are “introduced by foreign technology” -the pork chop rice was become Japanese -style food because the government advocated meat during the Meiji Restoration period; ramen and iron plate roasted were in World War II.Later, it began to popularize; even the sought -after sushi that was sought after around the world was also introduced by Southeast Asians in invention to Japan.However, it is impossible to deny that these foods have been localized by the Japanese, becoming part of Japanese cuisine, which has transformed the unique charm of Japanese colors.

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