The rise of healthy consumption, how do brands take Dongfeng?

Liu Mengmeng
“In the first half of your life to change money, and change the money in the second half of your life” is the “post -70s” warning of the “post -80s”.Punk health for “beer bottle in the beer bottle”.Different from the previous generation of young people, today’s “crispy” young people attach great importance to health issues and have “rescued themselves”.In addition, the aging population in my country has intensified year by year, and the prevalence of immune diseases has continued to rise. “Health” has become a consumer in modern society.
Data show that the scale of China’s large health industry market will reach 24 trillion yuan by 2029, and the average annual compound annual growth rate of China’s large health industry will exceed 10%from 2024 ~ 2029.
The big health industry is booming, and some related brands are also facing new challenges.Why is healthy consumption hot?How to continuously consume the popularity of health consumption?Under the heat, we also need to think coldly. How should the brand improve their competitiveness in health consumption?
Demand changing brand dividends initial display
According to the data released by the Seventh Census of the National Bureau of Statistics, the proportion of population in my country is 18.7%, of which the proportion of population 65 and over reached 13.5%.Although the aging of the population will affect the supply of labor, it can also promote the development of the “silver economy” and promote the prosperity of the large health industry.
Bao Wen, the founder of technology -based enterprises, said that since the construction of health China, my country has paid more attention to the health consumption needs of silver -haired people. How to improve the quality of life of silver -haired people is a problem that the big health industry must pay attention to.In addition, after the epidemic, the Chinese people re -examined the concept of health, and the intake of nutrients such as vitamins became essential in daily life. How to strengthen the protection of human immunity has become a topic of life of most people.
The glamorous creatures are separated from the silver -haired population and the first old people, and launched the special diet and SGF bone source regeneration factor products of the IG golden globulum protein factor.need.
This year’s “Government Work Report” of the National Two Associations also clearly stated that it has cultivated new types of consumption, vigorously develop digital consumption, green consumption, healthy consumption, stabilize and expand traditional consumption, stimulate potential consumption, and strive to expand domestic demand.
The arrival of new market opportunities indicates that many brands will accelerate the launch of the Great Health Circuit.
“Healthy Wind” blows into the new tea drink, and it has become a new fashion with medicine.Tongrentang opened the first tea shop called “Tea Making Division” in Shenzhen with the concept of “Oriental herbal philosophy, natural raising tea”.The Chinese medicine shop style coffee shop “Yongle Hall” puts the coffee into the Chinese medicine cup, and the Guiling paste latte and Luo Han Guo become a “signboard”.The old -fashioned brand Dong’er Ejiao and the new tea brand Naixue Break the wall launching Ejiao milk tea.Following the trend of health, many brands have developed innovative products to fill market demand.
Technical boosted brand borrowing to upgrade
In the digital era, scientific and technological innovation is the cornerstone, empowering the high -quality development of the economy and society, and the large health industry has also quickly transformed under the influence of the new scientific and technological revolution, and iterates upgraded by the product form.
Enterprises are the main body of scientific and technological innovation and the main body of branding. Only by improving the ability of enterprises’ scientific and technological innovation, improving the quality and performance of products, and giving brands more innovative connotation, can we truly establish a brand image with excellent quality, improve the brand’s international influenceCognition of society.
Relying on its own technological strength, glamorous creatures focus on the production and research and development of civilian biological activated peptides, and apply these substances to their pharmaceutical terminals, functional foods and other products.Taking the upgraded version of the SGF bone source regeneration factor 2.0 as an example, the new scientific and technological achievement -CahMB strong muscle factors are introduced.Realize innovation in preparation technology, functional technology, formula technology, patented technology, etc., and create high -quality products with high -quality materials.
Bao Wen believes that it can build an excellent domestic brand and make the world cognition by relying on products produced by innovation and technology.
In the era of health and dividends, the brand must stand out on the large health track and continue to consume the popularity of health consumption. It is more to rely on technology to build the core element of brand connotation.
The brand is rejuvenated by the momentum
The big health industry under policy support and technical empowerment has stood at a new historical starting point. my country’s vast consumer market not only provides long -term power for the development of healthy brands, but also provides a broad stage for health brand innovation. On the other hand, the big health brand still has a long way to go.For example, some manufacturers only lack brand awareness according to market demand, and only care about the brutal growth of the interests in front of the eyes, causing the market to be saturated in a short time.
Chinese food industry analyst Zhu Danpeng believes that head brands should do better in this wave of health, because they have advantages in terms of quality, ingredients, industrial chains, brand endorsements, and professional configuration.
Researchers with glory biological combination with domestic and foreign medical and food sciences attach importance to talent training and technological research and development, innovative investment, signing the Olympic champion, so that the brand can maintain its own characteristics and differences.Bao Wen said that in the future, he will continue to cultivate the field of health industry, keep up with the strategic pace of “healthy China”, actively deploy the large health industry, build corporate brands, and contribute your own power in the wave of high -quality development.
In order to do the trend, the big health industry brand needs to actively establish contact with consumers, and generate emotional resonance and identification with consumers, so as to occupy a unique position in consumers.Through the positioning of brand stories, providing health services, and social responsibility, companies can make the brand and consumers meet the emotional needs of consumers to achieve market recognition and cast exquisite brands.

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