The State Council’s report is the focus of 2024 ecological and environmental protection work: take the beauty China construction as the lead!

An important agenda of the International Online Report (Reporter Cai Jingzheng) The regular meeting of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress held in Beijing is to review a report on the environment of the State Council.The report pointed out that in 2024, China’s construction of beautiful China as the lead, in -depth battle against pollution prevention, accelerating the development of green low -carbon transformations for development methods, and supporting high -quality development with high levels of protection.
The report pointed out when summarizing the ecological environment of 2023 that all departments in various regions of China have coordinated the promotion of high -quality economic development and high -level protection of the ecological environment, vigorously promoting the construction of beautiful China, and achieved new important progress and obvious results.Zhao Yingmin, deputy minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, said that in 2023, the indicators of China’s ecological environment quality improvement indicators successfully completed the annual goal.”In 2023, the national environmental quality has improved steadily. The national air quality has been maintained for a long time. The average concentration of fine particles (PM2.5) in cities and above in the prefecture level and above is 30 micrograms/cubic meter. Compared with 2019 before the epidemic, it has decreased.Reached 16.7%.
The report also admits that the current construction of China’s ecological civilization is still in a critical period of stress superposition and loading. The task of ecological environmental protection is still arduous.Zhao Yingmin, deputy minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, said: “First, the structural pressure of ecological and environmental protection is still large. ‘Fourteen Five -Year Plan’ has increased the growth rate of energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions from the” 13th Five -Year Plan “period.The inflection point of improvement from quantitative changes from quantitative changes has not yet arrived.It is necessary to be improved in the ecological environmental governance system, and the overall level of infrastructure construction is low.
The report pointed out when talking about the ecological environmental protection work arrangement in 2024 that the main goals of the ecological environment in 2024 were set in accordance with the principle of stable advancement, and ecological environmental quality indicators such as PM2.5 average concentration, excellent air quality ratio ratio and other ecological environment quality indicators in national prefecture -level and above cities.Ensure that the sequential progress requirements are better than the “14th Five -Year Plan” planning target. The discharge of carbon dioxide in the unit of GDP decreases by about 3.9%. The total amount of nitrogen oxides, volatile organic matter, chemical oxygen demand, and ammonia nitrogen discharge continues to decline.
When introducing this year’s key work, Zhao Yingmin, deputy minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, pointed out that it is necessary to actively cooperate with the legislature to promote the compilation of ecological and environmental codes and the formulation of laws and regulations; in -depth promotion of the central ecological environmental protection inspectionActivities; focus on major regional strategies to build a green development highland and build a beautiful China pilot zone.”We will be guided by the new era of socialism with the highest leader in the new era, especially the Supreme Leader’s ecological civilization thought, and leads the construction of beautiful Chinese construction.Green and low -carbon transformation, improve the stability of the ecosystem diversity stability, effectively maintain national ecological security and nuclear security, and continuously improve the modern environmental governance system to support high -quality development with high levels. “

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