This educational blogger triggered a huge controversy!Let your child smash your beloved model, and quit your palm with your ruler … Netizen: Bullying Family Visit

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Recently, several videos published by the social media account “Zhao Juying Family Education”, “Home Visit China” and “Zhao Juying Chat Education” have aroused the attention and controversy of netizens.In the video, Zhao Juying not only asked a junior high school boy to smash the hand -made model he purchased with a hammer, but also used a ruler to keep holding the boy’s palm.

The profile of “Zhao Juying Family Education” wrote: “Zhao Juying is the mother of Du, who does not spend a lot of tutoring, and rely on the‘ genius teaching child ’s method to turn the child into a genius.(Son) At the age of 3, 150 pure English world masterpieces, 7 -year -old are proficient in four languages.He successfully helped tens of millions of students to love learning, and toured more than 1,000 speeches across the country.

Several videos released by Zhao Juying showed that on December 26, 2023, she carried two boxes of milk and said, “Today we came to Kunshan, Jiangsu, and visited a second grade student’s home.”

The student’s surname is Huang.At the student’s house, Zhao Juying hugged Huang’s mother and two younger brothers.Zhao Juying said to classmate Huang’s mother: “I told you, I was almost killed by your son.” Classmate Huang’s mother said, “I don’t think he doesn’t smoke, this day to night, and let you make excuses and fight wisdom all day long.Douyong’s “

After a while, Class Huang returned home from school and gently shouted “Mr. Zhao is good.”At this time, Zhao Juying still smiled with her classmate, and said to classmate Huang and his mother, “Give me ten minutes, talk about it.”

Zhao Juying asked Huang to pour the garbage in the room.She said: “My God, the garbage is on the top of her head, all day in this dirty air. There are snacks in the bedroom. What is the situation?None of my students are like you. According to the current situation, your middle school entrance examination is a bit dangerous. Have you ever thought about what to do if you ca n’t get a high school?

Subsequently, Zhao Juying read a period of comments from the teacher in the classmate of Huang, and also had a remote video with the father of Huang Huang.sheSaid: “I’m here this time, I really want to wait for the family method. If you have to clean up (classmate Huang), don’t feel bad.” Huang’s father said, “There are many sons of our family, fight with you.”

Zhao Juying also said, “Your son is not depressed, and he has depressed me. One day for the teacher to live as a mother, your son can’t get into high school. What is my conscience? How can I sleep?All of my students are excellent, and your son is still playing.I won’t talk to you anymore, let’s talk about it first.

Then, Zhao Juying was sitting on the bed of classmate Huang, holding a ruler in her hand, and Huang’s mother stood aside.Zhao Juying said to Huang who was standing by the wall, “Looking at my eyes, who smashed (hand -made models)?” Classmate Huang said, he came to smash himself.

Zhao Juying threw Huang’s model box to the ground, letting the classmate open the box, and asked him to take the cutting board of the kitchen.In a question “Can you see the flowers with a watch? Mathematics can see 140 from 41? Can English see from 36?”Become fragmented.During this period, Zhao Juying also used the ruler to beat the palm of Huang Huang.

At the beginning of the video, I also took a few lines of “retired teachers’ home visits to the Chinese blind box -education without punishment is not a good education”.In addition, there are a few lines of text on the video, saying “The video has been released after it has been released, and there is no bad guidance. The minors are released after the consent of the guardian of the minor.

It is worth mentioning that a few months ago, Zhao Juying said in a released video that he could use three moves to solve the child’s rebellion problem.“The first is to respect and believe in the child. The second is to squat down and talk to the child well. The third is listening.”

Below the video released by Zhao Juying, some netizens said:“This is the‘ bullying family visit ’. The real education method is not to let the child lose their interest.”

Some netizens said:“Education is not a kidnapped child. When you educate your children, you must first know that you keep pace with the times.

January 10 this year,The WeChat public account of “Chongqing Gansu Chamber of Commerce” published the article “[Introduction to New Directors] Chamber of Commerce -Zhao Juying.According to the article, Zhao Juying, a native of Jiayuguan City, Gansu Province, general manager of Luzhou Summer Light Culture Media Co., Ltd..The photo shows that the director Zhao Juying and the social media “Zhao Juying Family Education” Zhao Juying is the same person.

In Zhao Juying’s profile, there is“32 years of senior class teachers and Chinese teachers”, “Double Lecturer of the Certified Family School of the US Positive Disciplinary Association”, “Sadia Senior Psychological Counselor”, “Taiwan Tong Yujuan Painting Senior Psychological Counselor”Wait.

The article also mentioned that Luzhou’s Summer Light Cultural Media Co., Ltd. was rooted in Chongqing, Shancheng. It was established in 2023. It was formerly known as Beijing Jinzhi International Education Technology Co., Ltd., which was established in Beijing in 2019.

“The company’s founder Zhao Juying’s theoretical research and exploration of 32 years of teaching and optimization of tens of thousands of curriculum, the summer camp and international study camp of the summer of summer have grown into a front -line education brand that promotes young people’s growth in China.Subversion (with innovation), literary nature (connotation), gameplay (interesting), and scientificity (effective) have been accepted by many domestic parents. “

Love enterprise investigation shows,Luzhou Summer Light Cultural Media Co., Ltd. was established on April 11, 2022. It is registered in Section 398, Section 1, Yongning Street, Yongning Street, Yongning Street, Naxi District, Luzhou City, Sichuan Province.The scope of business includes education consulting services (excluding educational training activities involved in license approval), and primary and middle school students’ external custody services.

Yesterday afternoon, Orange Persima Interactive reporters have tried to dial the company’s registered phone number many times.The first two telephone voice prompts “in the call”, and the third time was notified to shut down.

The reporter found that as early as September 15, 2017, the Qualification Certificate of Psychological Counselor was canceled.Zhao Juying has repeatedly called “not English” in his writing, but has obtained a certificate from many English countries.

The reporter also found,In the WeChat public account “Midsummer Light Cloud Class” of the WeChat public account of Luzhou Summer Light Cultural Media Co., Ltd., the products sold under the account include Zhao Juying’s books, courses, and learning career planning, high -end case consultation, summer camp, winter order, winter orderCamp and other.

The staff of the Gansu Chamber of Commerce in Chongqing have responded to the media, and the Chamber of Commerce has paid attention to relevant public opinion, but because the company operated by Zhao Juying is only the director unit of the Chamber of Commerce,The Chamber of Commerce cannot play a supervision and management role in the company, so it is impossible to intervene in handling.

At the same time, the staff of the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of the Naxi District of Luzhou City responded to the media.Related, belonging to Zhao Juying’s personal behaviorEssenceAt present, no commercial transactions or business behaviors have been found, and the video release and shooting location are not in the Naxi District. Therefore, the Market Supervision Administration has no right to interfere.

In addition, some netizens said that Zhao Juying was not a retired teacher promoted in the video, but was “dismissed”.To this,The staff of the Education Bureau of Jiayuguan City said that Zhao Juying retired from a primary school in the city in 2023. The Education Bureau will intervene in the investigation in response to the issues reported by netizens.

In the evening, the reporter tried to contact the Jiayuguan Education Bureau to ask what the matter was progressing. As of the time being, there was no response.

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