Today’s Gu Yu, health care pay attention to these points, good health and less sick, treasure forwarding ~

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Gu Yu, the last solar term in spring.After Gu Yu, it was Lixia.”Qingming broken snow, valley rain broken frost”, before and after the solar terms of Guyu, the temperature in various places began to rise, the rainfall increased, the air was large, and the weather was unpredictable.

We should carry out the rain of the climate characteristics.Lay the foundation for the arrival of summer and a year of health!

The main points of Gu Yu health


Prevent “wet evil” injury

Wet and rain is the climate characteristics at this time. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that wetness is yin evil, easy to damage yang qi, and easily hurt the spleen and stomach.

If people’s diets have a little careless diet, it is easy to feel wet evil, and spleen deficiency and dampness symptoms such as poor appetite, diarrhea, physical difficulties, and joint muscles are not suitable.Therefore, strengthening the spleen and dehumidification and spleen transportation is the focus of health conditioning during the Guyu period.When the rain, the humidity is large during the rain, and the Yinlingquan acupoint in the lower side of the calf and the sides of the inside of the tibia under the knee can strengthen the spleen and dampness.Also pay attention to opening the windows and ventilation, strengthen warmth, do not cool, dry the sun, and exercise appropriately.If there are already “wet evil” invasion, in daily diet, some foods that are wet can be added, such as red beans, Poria, winter melon, barley, etc.



Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the spleen is soil and is the center of the internal organs.Think about it, do not fight for fame, quiet and quiet to nourish the spleen.

The spleen does not turn into a real, and does not like food as a virtual; more doubtful people are spleen; the complexion is a spleen injury; the sweet -sweet person is insufficient temper;Therefore, going to bed early and getting up early, the taste is light, and avoiding thick and fat is the key to protecting the spleen.

Sweet potato, yam, potatoes, shiitake mushrooms, etc. are all foods for nourishing the spleen and stomach. It has the effects of nourishing the spleen and nourishing qi. In the rainy season, it is better to eat it.Especially yam, Chinese medicine believes that yam tastes sweet, returns to the spleen and stomach meridian, has the effects of strengthening the spleen and qi, nourishing the kidney, nourishing yin and nourishing the lungs.You can also eat more red dates, which is not only good for the spleen, but also can nourish qi and blood, especially suitable for women. You can cook porridge or chopped tea.


Rubbing liver and liver

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine health, spring is wood, corresponding to the liver.After the beginning of the spring, the liver qi in the body became stronger with the deepening of the spring, and it reached the most during the Qingming and Gu Yu season.

At this time, if the seven emotions are not smooth, it will affect the liver’s abolition and the birth of the yang, which will cause disorders of the visceral function.Therefore, soft liver and liver, and adjusting the love is also the focus of this solar terms.Taichong pushed towards an ankle at the binding of the big toes and the two toe on the instep, and the end of the two bones to the two bones was the Taichong acupoint, which is the largest point of the human body.It is the fire hole of the liver meridian, which can dissipate liver qi and liver fire.By pressing the “Taichong Point”, you can make the human body stagnate to the maximum extent.Pressing method: Find the most painful point, and then rub it from “Taichong Point” to kneading to the direction of “Xingjian Point”, which helps the liver fire out.You can also eat more black rice, beans, amaranth, celery, rapeseed, spinach, carrot, lettuce, etc.


Xiehuo and Destroyer

After Gu Yu, the temperature gradually rose, and there were more people who got angry.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the rising yang in the spring is likely to disturb the internal heat of the human liver and gallbladder and gastrointestinal accumulation. In addition, it is difficult to maintain the balance of metabolism in the human body, and it is easy to cause the physiological function to disorders and cause fire.Click on the inner court, it is best to be carried out after breakfast at 7-9 am. At this time, the stomach is the most vigorous.You can use your thumbs to press or match the header of the match. It is advisable to massage 1-2 times a day.


Avoid contact with allergens

Feng Dasha is a significant characteristic of this solar terms. You should try to avoid outdoor activities in the dusty weather. When going out, you should choose the period when the floating dust is lighter.Clear lungs and moisturize the lungs.

In addition, before and after Gu Yu, the poplar catkins dance with the wind, which can easily cause symptoms such as nasal itching, nasal congestion, cough, and skin allergies. Therefore, if outdoor activities are performed, you must protect it.Rub the nose in the morning and evening (Yingxiang Point) can help relieve allergies.

Gu Yu dietary points


Boil water is the first choice for hydration

Photo source: network

Especially when you get up in the morning, you can drink a cup of white boiled water about 200 ml, add the body metabolism of the body all night, “clean” the stomach of the empty stomach, can also prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases; drink a cup of 50 before going to bed at night ~ 50 ~ 50 ~100 ml of boiled water also has a very good protection and regulation effect on the stomach, blood vessels, and nerves.Generally speaking, an adult with a medium-weight and physical activity requires 1500-1700 ml of water a day.[Note] Water temperature should be close to body temperature.Drinking water must drink a small mouth, especially for the elderly, if the water is too fast and the movement is too fierce, it may cause headaches, nausea, vomiting, and even increased blood pressure.


The second choice of hydration is fruit

Fruits can not only supplement human moisture, but also supplement various nutrients.Healthy adults eat eight or two fruits every day, equivalent to the weight of a fist -sized apple.

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