Walking with green and environmental protection

4 min read
April 22, 2024 is the 55th World Earth Day.The theme of the World Earth Day this year is “Planet vs. Plastics”, which aims to call on the public, enterprises, government, and non -governmental organizations to unite to end plastic harm to ensure human and earth health.As a firm advocate and action faction of public welfare undertakings, the well -known financial brand ATFX actively responded to the call, summoned the Vietnamese team to participate in the cleaning of beach plastic waste, and used actual actions to protect the blue planet and defend the local marine environment.
The environmental protection work was launched on the local beach in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. More than 30 employees of the ATFX Vietnamese team were divided into several small teams to jointly clean up more than 650 kg of marine garbage.At the event site, the ATFX environmental protection team and the volunteers were clearly divided into division of labor. Some were responsible for cleaning the plastic waste on the beach, and some focused on collecting recyclables.Environmental protection effectiveness and social influence.
The beach garbage cleanup activity has achieved remarkable results. It not only successfully cleaned up a large number of plastic waste left on the beach, but also greatly improved the environmental awareness of the ATFX team and made positive contributions to protecting the security of the marine environment.It is not only another successful practice in the ATFX public welfare environmental protection cause, but also establishes ATFX’s brand image that ATFX is actively engaged in public welfare and caring for the earth, adding a strong stroke to the improvement of corporate reputation and social influence.
Help environmental protection, ATFX public welfare blooms everywhere
As a loving fintech brand, ATFX has always adhered to the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR), which is “value growth and giving back to the society”, actively devoted to social public welfare undertakings worldwide, carried out public welfare schools, helped environmental protection, and environmental protection.Caring for the healthy growth of young people and paying attention to the disadvantaged groups, and can continue to contribute to the public welfare undertakings.
This time the Vietnamese beach cleaning marine garbage activity is the real reproduction of ATFX to help environmental protection. Earlier, ATFX corporate social responsibility departments ATFX CARES had carried out coastal cleanup and coral reef restoration with local volunteers in the Philippines.Sponsoring the Arayat tree tree planting project, these activities all show ATFX’s hot heart to protect the ecology of the Earth.And this is just the tip of the iceberg of the ATFX Charity.
So far, ATFX has sponsored the Edinburgh Duke Cup Golf game for six consecutive years, bringing a better growth environment to young people around the world to promote its healthy and comprehensive development. Only on this project, ATFX has transported good to 15 countries in the five continents.The model is over 5 million US dollars; not only that, in the public welfare actions of donating funds, helping to relieve disaster relief, public health and safety, and the physical and mental health of children, adolescents, and the elderly, ATFX also shows selfless love and responsibility.In 2023, in the face of the strong rainstorm disaster in Baoding, Hebei and the earthquake in Jishi Mountain County, Linxia Prefecture, Gansu, ATFX quickly responded to emergency rescue operations, providing the affected families with a value of 200,000 yuan in life materials and aid, and transferred with actual actions to pass on practical actions.Warm and hope.
For a long time, ATFX is committed to creating a community of environmental protection, healthy, and sustainable development to contribute more to the improvement of the community and the environment.This activity gave Vietnamese teams a deeper understanding of the marine ecology, and said that they would continue to pay attention to public welfare and actively participate in various environmental activities.We also look forward to continuing to play a positive role in future public welfare undertakings and make greater contributions to the improvement of communities and environment.

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