What are the benefits of insisting on running?What preparations should be made before running?

4 min read

Life lies in exercise, and there are various types of sports, including swimming, skipping, running, walking, yoga, etc., can choose suitable projects according to their own endurance, strong exercise ability, and patients will find many benefits close after a period of time.

Those who insist on running should pay attention to the main points and prepare in advance, and prepare in advance to do well in order to improve the organic function through running and strengthen the organ function.

What are the functions of running?

Weight control
There are many benefits to persist in running, and effective control of weight is one of the effects.Nowadays, the level of living is getting better and better. Many people basically do not have to worry about eating. Big fish and large meat, high -calorie diet, and the accumulation of fatty substances in the body after nutrition.Gradually fat, and excessive obesity is the root cause of many diseases.

If you can control your weight and promote heat consumption by running and transform fat into energy provision, you can keep your weight within a reasonable range.

Enhance physical fitness
The immunity must be enhanced without exercise, and more and more people have poor physical condition, so that various pathogens involve. In the autumn and winter seasons, it is common for colds to change during the season.

Frequent diseases will have an impact on normal life, and frequent medication can also drag the body, so it is necessary to pay attention to the improvement of immune capacity.In the process of adhering to running, there is sufficient exercise amount, which can activate immune cell function, and the resistance naturally plays normally.

Adjustment indicator
Effectively regulate blood lipids, assist the dilatation of blood vessels, and make blood sugar more stable, which is one of the benefits brought by exercise.

Many people have chronic diseases and unstable indicators, but they are not adjusted in the correct way. These indicators will cause harm to multiple organs during the fluctuations, and even accelerate vascular lesions.wait.

If you can persist in exercise, you will find that the blood flow is fast and the viscous situation improves.During the exercise, the transformation of sugar substances into energy provision can help regulate blood sugar, and also expand blood vessels to a certain extent and stabilize blood pressure.

Enhance heart function
To have a healthy heart, exercise is a feasible method.Many people’s heart function is reduced, and blood circulation in other parts will be affected when the power is insufficient.

If there is an atherosclerosis, it is still in poor habits, lack of exercise, inappropriate diet, smoking, alcohol and drinking, and improper chronic diseases, and will cause serious heart problems in the future.Persistence exercise can increase myocardial contraction ability, while improving cycle and metabolism, which is conducive to heart maintenance.

What preparations should be made before running?

Warm up first
One thing to do before exercise is to warm up first. Many people usually do not exercise, but suddenly want to strengthen the body by exercise, but do not pay attention to the details, and directly invest in a stronger running movement. It is easy to strain.sprain.

Through the correct warm -up exercise, you can stretch the muscles, move the joints, while promoting blood circulation, running in flexibility and easily, and long -lasting time, more smoothly can reduce unexpected risks.

selectChoose suitable shoes
Before running, you must also prepare suitable for running shoes to help during the running process. In addition to strong friction, it is not easy to fall, and you can also protect people’s feet to the greatest extent.

Many people are uncomfortable when they run, and they are not suitable for running. They may run for a while with various discomfort, it is easy to pain, and even the possibility of sprains.

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Medical Federation Media

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