What is science?What is a discipline?

The differences between disciplines and science are just because the former is not necessarily the theoretical system that conforms to objective laws, and the latter is a theoretical system that conforms to objective laws.

Science is a activity of human understanding and research on things, and a activity of people to explore objectives and essence.In a broad sense, science cannot be distinguished from other social activities.Therefore, people’s definitions of science: Science is the theoretical system of human ideological cognition. The difference between this system and other theoretical systems in which is in line with the laws of the objective world.Therefore, the definition of science should be: science is a ideological and theoretical system that conforms to the law of the objective world.

Here, science is clear from other activities, that is, it is human ideological understanding, theory, ideology, and ideological things.

However, the system of science and other ideological theory, that is, the difference between other ideology, is that the collapse of the theoretical posture is in line with the law of objective essence.The ideological system that does not meet the essential laws of objective traces is not science.

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