What is science?What is science’s role in humanity?Think about it and terrify

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Science has promoted human progress, but it is not a good thing to make progress too fast. What follows is more confusing, why people live, and what is the ultimate result of human beings.Isn’t there a famous saying that the end of science is theology? Humans eventually return to themselves, inside instead of outward.
Science is the way to understand the world, it is means, not the purpose, and talent is the ultimate goal.
What is the ultimate goal of science and science creation, is it better for the earth for the earth?To say that the earth is better, it is better to think about human beings.The earth has always been very good. Only the species are worse and destruction.It is better to say everything, all kinds of so -called scientific improvement, various species experiments.As a result, better disputes in species, and even war.I don’t know the goal or the end.Looking at it is progress, if you think about it, it is the same as it is.Can you start from the heart and give up science?For example, why should you curb the development of nuclear weapons? Can nuclear countries take the initiative to destroy, and why make science a threatening.Give up some studies, do you have to fly into the universe.Afraid that the earth is broken, or human beings can live eternal life, then other planets will definitely not be broken, can they live forever?Science is not clear about these, and the science theory and practice are already sin.
The following is the disadvantage of the scientific development summarized by a netizen. Let’s understand in depth. If you are not vigilant, human beings are dangerous.
Nowadays, everyone can enjoy the ca n’t enjoy the historical past characters. At the same time that everyone has ignored the development of this technology, the acceleration of the pace of people’s life, and the improvement of living standards.All kinds of harm.
1. The development of atomic physics
Yes, humans have mastered nuclear energy technology. This technology has unprecedentedly changed the world energy and military pattern, but it also brings the nuclear disaster of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and brought the “horrible peace” of human beings for 50 years.For the first time, I have the ability to destroy myself.In addition, there are endless nuclear accidents, and the Soviet Union’s Chelnobelli is the most famous (specific data can be searched online).
The development of chemistry has made us have unprecedented ability to transform nature, but our gunpowder and explosives also hurt tens of millions of human compatriots.Through chemical synthesis technology, we have created things that do not exist in nature, but now we are also troubled by white garbage and poisoned by chemical pollution. Why do we have so many children in our country now suffer from leukemia? The important factor is that the family is the family.The chemical adhesive used in decoration, as well as Fluolion that destroys the ozone layer.
The development of petroleum exploration technology has led to the great acceleration of human progress. At present, we can fly at a speed of supersonic speed, but this also brings too many war disturbances, causing the earth to start a cold and fever.
The development of biotechnology has given us the power to create life that was monopolized by God before, but it also brought ethical disorders.In short, the progress of science is always accompanied by the corresponding disadvantages. Today we must face up to these negative effects, otherwise we humans may eventually destroy themselves.
2. Personal safety is getting more and more guaranteed
Nowadays, tens of thousands of criminal acts occur every day, and most of their criminal means are related to the new technology at the moment, especially firearms crimes, which will make ordinary civil defense be invincible.From the Second World War, it can be seen that with the development of science and technology, the damage and losses caused by the current war are far from comparable before, and may even cause the fate of human overall perishage.
3. Human physical fitness is not as good as before
With the development of technology, cars, trains, planes, etc., the emergence of various means of transportation has caused major changes in human daily life. Human beings no longer rely on their two legs. ThereforeCompared with, it is no longer comparable. In the past, Xiang Yuli tested the mountains and rivers, and it was impossible to reproduce in today’s society.If this situation continues to develop, it is possible to shrink the limbs and make humans appear a new form.
4. Various emerging germs continue to appear
In the 21st century, the lethality of many germs has far exceeded the destructive power of the previous germs. This is likely that the rapid development of pharmaceutical technology has accelerated the variant of the virus, so that the development speed of technology can not keep up with the speed of the virus.Perhaps one day in the future, human beings will die in a large plague.
5. The acceleration of the pace of people’s life and the improvement of living standards, the amount of plastic is increasing.
In 1996, the amount of plastic packaging in my country reached 2.43 million tons, with an average annual growth rate of more than 20 %. In particular, plastic waste in garbage in cities, major transportation and tourist attractions increased rapidly.According to the survey, the annual output of domestic garbage in Beijing has reached 3 million tons, of which about 3 % of the waste plastic, with an annual growth rate of 48 %.The plastic composition in the garbage in cities in coastal areas is higher, reaching 8-10 %.If the proportion of these waste plastics in garbage is calculated in volume, it has reached more than one -third, and it has greatly increased the difficulty and cost of garbage treatment.Because the waste plastic is difficult to degrade for hundreds of years, if it is discarded in the natural environment, it will provide a hotbed for mosquito, flies and bacteria; if buried in the ground, it will easily pollute groundwater, hinder the growth of plant root systems, destroy the quality of the soil, affect the impactCross harvesting; if it is incinerated with fire, a variety of toxic gases will be generated.”White pollution” has become a major public harm that is currently endangering the social environment of the country, which seriously hinders the sustainable development of my country’s economy and environment.
6. The development of science and technology is based on destroying nature and is based on continuous summary.Therefore, further deepening his development will have a certain degree of negative impact on the environment.Judging from the long history of history, this ecological destruction will be more serious with the development of technology!
7. In today’s society, cars can be seen everywhere, which not only causes great harm to people’s physical and mental, but also cause pollution to the atmosphere.The creatures of the world are affected by this “technology product” to a certain extent. Human beings are selfish and immoral regardless of the safety of other earth creatures for their own convenience.Take a step back, cars are also very harmful to humans.Freon in the air conditioner and refrigerator also destroyed our valuable atmosphere.The so -called high -tech products make the world dirty, rigid, and free land are swallowed by humans. The free sky is narrowed by humans a little bit, and the free sea is also occupied by humans.
8. At present, with the rapid development of biotechnology, biological safety issues have become major propositions that affect the entire country and the entire world politics, economy, security and peace.In recent years, especially after the “anthrax infection” in the United States, biological safety issues have attracted much attention at home and abroad. The term of biological safety has also been seen in the government or non -governmental organization documents, and all kinds of media are seen.The global popularity of SARS and Neo -Crown Viruses will undoubtedly make countries around the world pay more attention to biological safety issues and use it as a component of national security.
People may have unexpected safety issues when developing and using biotechnology.Just as the various types of genetically modified living organisms that are currently widely concerned are harmful to biological diversity after the release of biological diversity.In addition, genetic engineering drugs, vaccines, genetically modified foods, gene therapy, cloning technology, etc. there may be similar problems.The misuse of biotechnology and non -moral applications of biotechnology may also bring great hidden safety hazards.The study of the body cell cloning is a prominent example.
9. Other problems brought by technology
1) Environmental pollution, this is the most direct and most conspicuous disadvantage.
2) Species are accelerating, which is caused by environmental pollution and human haunting, and it is also the disadvantage of scientific and technological development.
3) Car and population swell. If each person has a car, is there still room for human beings?
4) Computer, because of the computer, with the Internet, with online games, making teenagers indulge in the virtual world of the Internet and get rid of reality.As a result, they are obsessed with them, unable to extricate themselves, abandon their studies, do nothing, and even cause autism.Many students blur the difference between real people and game objects because of playing some violent games, and often unconsciously imitate the game to treat the people around them.The bad information and cyber crimes in the Internet are harmful and threatened to the physical and mental health and safety of young people.

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