Why 60%of German teenagers choose vocational education

  At present, young people in my country choose to engage in skill work are lower, and most young students are more inclined to choose ordinary education channels.The author observes that young German youths choose to engage in skill work is high, and about 60%of young people who choose vocational education channels in the process of universal diversion.The reason is that the system has an important impact on German youth’s willingness to invest.Below, the author will analyze the willingness investment willingness of German youth based on institutional theory.

  The system includes providing stability and significance for social life, normative, normative, and cognitive elements.The regulatory elements include rules setting, supervision, and rewards and punishments to restrict, regulate and regulate the behavior of actors.Standardized elements refer to the values and specifications formed by the explanatoryness, evaluation and obligation dimension in the social life system.Cognitive elements are about the common understanding of the nature of society.

  Regulatory, normative and cognitive elements constitute the structure of the system as the basic elements. For German youth skills investment willingness, while emphasizing the control and restriction of the system’s skills investment behavior, it is also necessary to emphasize the youth of German youths and it.Supporting role of willingness.

  The manifestation of regulatory elements in the formation of skill investment willingness

  Regulatory elements assume the compulsory function of protection and supervision in the formation of German youth skills investment willingness.As the formulars of the rules, the state uses legal means to regulate, restricts and regulate labor relations in social and economic operations.In Germany, the state plays the role of “worker protector” in the form of legislation. In the coordinated labor relations, the individual of workers is regarded as a disadvantaged party to restrict the enterprise.In addition to protecting the rights and interests of workers, the most characteristic of Germany’s perfect skill workers’ protection system is that its biggest feature is to ensure the equal relationship between workers and employers and the right to participate in corporate management.The laws and regulations of regulatory elements fundamentally ensure the equal status of skill work and other work, as well as the possibility of investing in special sexual skills for young people.

  Employment protection legislation regulates the stability of employment relationships.Employment protection refers to institutionalized employment protection. The higher the degree of employment protection, the lower the possibility of skill workers will be fired.The “German Federal Employment Protection Law” provides institutional guarantee for employees’ stable employment, and the economic guarantee provided by stable employment is also the only way for Germans to ensure long -term livelihood costs and plan for future plans.Compared with the unreliableness of the employer’s commitment, the employment protection in the form of legal form is fully credible to ensure that employees are relatively likely to be fired, which provides support for German youth investment -specific skills.

  The uncertainty of the salary level of the unemployment protection legislation regulates the level of salary.The unemployment protection system of the unemployment protection system can reduce the uncertainty of the salary level of skill workers in their careers, thereby forming a protection mechanism for investment willingness to invest in dedicated skills.The German guarantee system provides support for the risks related to employment such as unemployment and diseases for skill workers to ensure that skill workers learn and invest in the industry or enterprise special skills under relatively worry -free conditions.And in addition to the benefits enjoyed during employment, for the unemployed skill workers, the unemployment funds obtained according to law can continue to ensure their basic living capital needs, showing higher unemployment protection functions, thereby enhancing the stability of skill worksex.

  Wage protection legislation regulates the fluctuation of skill wages caused by the market economy environment.Wage protection is to protect the wage level of skill workers through collective negotiation agreements and other methods.Germany’s legal minimum wage system and the industry’s collective salary agreement system starts to protect the stable income and decent life of laborers in terms of salary, thereby protecting young people’s willingness to invest in skills.

  The performance of standardized elements in the formation of skill investment

  Standardized elements specifically stipulate how the standard system should be completed from the values and practical level.At the level of values, Germany has an equal, orderly, and practical professional culture, and encourages young people to gain a skill through learning skills to achieve personal value.At the practical level, you can ensure that young people have professional capabilities through the skill qualification certificate system and obtain corresponding salary to ensure decent life and social recognition.

  German vocational culture guides young people to achieve individual value through skill work, and vocational and professional skills investment has become an important way for individual values.The important reason for German youth to enter vocational education training skills is that skill investment provides them with opportunities to achieve expected professional goals and professional value.In Germany, people generally value and recognize the value of skill work. Young people grow up in such a social atmosphere and entering vocational education learning skills have become naturally active choices.

  The German skill qualification certificate system not only guarantees the recognition of young people’s skill investment, but also guarantees the skills of corporate and society.Skills workers have obtained skill qualification certificates and lived with their own professional skills. This is the professional security and happiness index brought by skill work. At the same time, they can also enjoy the respect and recognition of social work.In addition, the system of skill qualification certificates with high gold content also provides the relative flexibility and possibility of employment, reducing the risk of investment in the dedicated skills of young people.

  Cognitive elements in the manifestation of skill investment willingness

  Cognitive elements are a common framework formed by the subjective understanding of behavior on the basis of regulatory and normative elements.Compared with the external nature of regulatory elements and normative elements, recognition elements emphasize the understanding, understanding and internalization of individuals.To understand the investment behavior of German youth skills, while considering objective conditions, we need to deeply understand the subjective recognition of youth’s subjective identification of the value of skill work and skill learning.The professionalism and challenges of skills work not only make Germany’s competitiveness, but also attract the investment desire of young people.German vocational education, which is widely recognized worldwide, has guaranteed high -quality skill learning process, and also opened up the employment channels of young people.With the vertical and horizontal integration of German vocational education, the prospects of young people’s skill investment are becoming more and more diverse.

  The professionalism and requirements of German skill work and the competitiveness of product manufacturing in Germany have all determined the importance of the professionalism and skills of skill work.Holiday work means a high level of professionalism and the possibility of challenging and unlimited innovation.The learning skills and investment skills can be continuously explored and improved in learning and work, and continuous improvement in various aspects such as professional knowledge and skills can be achieved. This cognition has gradually transformed into a source of motivation for their willingness to invest.

  The biggest feature of the German dual vocational education is to open up the channel for young people to learn and employment, so that they can learn skills in the real working environment and requirements, to maximize the needs of the work world, and through work at work at workSkills learning obtains its own value identity and development.When skill learning and employment are integrated, the stability of the young people’s skill investment returns has also increased.

  German youth skill investment has a rising path that is more diverse than academic education. You can choose the same high education path of young people who enter the ordinary education track. You can also choose the professional path channel to become deeply cultivated in your profession or the industry in the industry.Technical expert or skill expert.The connection between the professional path is equal to the value of the academic system, which provides a richer way out and more diversified choices for skill investment, so that skill learning has a higher return on investment, thereby promoting young people’s willingness to invest in skills.

  Learn and inspire

  The regulatory elements systematically ensure the willingness to invest in German youth by establishing a stable rule. The regulatory elements of German youth skills investment are equal, work protection, degree of employment, degree of employment, and wage protection.In the form of legislation, Germany guarantees the equal relationship between the workers, the rights and benefits of the company’s rights, and ensuring the environment and conditions of the skill work. The system of employment protection, unemployment protection and wage protection systems have formed a complete social security system to engage in young people.Skills work laid the institutional foundation, so that they had no worries when investing in special skills.This is in line with the characteristics of the German social market economy order. It not only recognizes the importance of economic development, but also regards the social security system and the well -being of the people as an important aspect of social development.Enterprises relying on high -tech skills workers are more interested in the social security system.If the level of social security is high, the flexibility of employment and firing of enterprises is relatively low. Although it limits the sensitive response of enterprises in emerging business opportunities, it is conducive to the company’s excavationIt is more likely to achieve high -end manufacturing.And the higher level of social security requires the preparation for enterprises to make long -term planning and long -term investment. Therefore, the development model and product market strategy selected by the enterprise are the basis of its human resources strategy, and the human resources strategy of the enterprise affects the construction of the skill society.Effective.

  The normative elements of the system inspire German young people’s skill investment willingness at the values and practical level. The standardized elements of German youth skills investment willingness include professional values, skill qualification certificates, and the degree of salary returns.Compared with the basic guarantee provided by the regulatory elements of the system, standardized elements can also play an incentive role in the willingness to invest in youth skills.The vocational values that perform “heavenly vocational” in Germany’s professional culture gives the status of skill work and other work equality. People complete their career mission by taking care of their career responsibilities, and form a unique German professional spirit and professional norms in the work process.In addition, the high gold content of German skill qualification certificates not only ensure the reliability and returnability of young people’s skills investment, but also win social recognition and respect for skills work. Young people with skill qualification certificates are considered to be needed by enterprises and society.Skills talents can therefore get corresponding salary and decent life.

  The recognition elements of the system are transformed into endogenous sexual willingness through the understanding of German youth’s understanding of skill work. The recognition elements of German youth skill investment include the level of professional work, the quality level of the skill learning process, and the diversified development path.As a actress of skilled investment in German youth, their own understanding of skill work and skill investment is the foundation for their will.The high -quality advantages made in Germany are inseparable from professional and challenging skills. Such a work attracts young people to continue to explore and innovate in the field of occupation, and German vocational education and training provides a high -quality skill learning process. Young peopleIt can be acquired in the real working environment that combines theory and practice. It can also achieve professional growth and breakthrough through professional paths, and obtain vocational qualifications with the same value as academic education. These internalized cognition is German youth skills.Endogenous motivation for investment willingness.

  How to enhance the willingness to invest in young people is an important issue for the development of vocational education in my country and the construction of skill society.Judging from German experience, the state can provide basic guarantees for the willingness of skill investment at the level of policy and legal system.For example, actively play the role of the government’s macro -control and support, and improve the construction of related policies and legal systems of labor employment.On the basis of ensuring the competitive salary of skills workers, the ability to maintain and improve employment, unemployment protection and wage protection in legal forms to solve the worries of skill investment to enhance the confidence of youth skills investment.At the same time, maintaining the fairness of the labor market in the form of legal form, enhancing the social protection ability of skill workers, and enabling skill work to enjoy the same equal position as other tasks as other tasks, in order to motivate youth skills to invest and accumulate.

  In addition, under the premise of providing basic guarantee for the national institutional foundation, the integration of production and education, school -enterprise cooperation, developing high -quality vocational education, improving the quality of vocational education curriculum and correlation with market demand are entered.Young students are truly obtained and used, making vocational education an important part of the construction of corporate human resources.

  [Author Unit is the Institute of Vocational Education, Hunan Normal University Engineering and Design College, refer to the “East China Normal University Journal (Education Science Edition)”, the 4th article “Why are they willing to engage in skills work” in 2024]

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