Why is Langya 丨 Gao Laide Food Culture Museum: Traditional regional cuisine glows with bright cultural light

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  Langya News Network News This May 1st holiday, many guests who came to Yinan to travel to Yinan, poured out the Museum of Food and Culture Culture.”This trip!” While tasteing delicious roast chicken, tourists also strolled in the museum to visit, check in, and use the most fashionable way to immerse themselves to experience the unique heritage of this traditional regional food, enjoy cultural creativityBring a beautiful experience.

  “This chicken” is very good

  The Gaoside Food and Culture Museum is located in the historic ancient town Xinji, and is built with the theme of “Shandong Famous Eat” Gaosude Roast Chicken.Xinji Town, Yinan County has a long history. As early as the Kangxi reign of the Qing Dynasty, the temple monument was recorded in the “ancient name and prosperity, today’s name Xinji”.Today, the completion of the Gaoside Food Culture Museum has added a ray of the most popular fireworks to this ancient town, and it has also become one of the important punch locations for tourists to visit Xinji.

  Being a museum with a theme of a roasted chicken brand, “this chicken” must be very good.In fact, Gao Laide has been inherited for a century.According to records, as early as 1896, his founder Gao Gang Shan picked a pair of flats alone to the area area of Dazhuang Town, Yinan County. Occasionally, Gao Gangchen produced “Gao Laide Roasted Chicken”.After a long period of exploration, Gao Gang Shan not only summarized the unique secret recipe of Gao Laide’s roast chicken, but also set up a family rules ancestor for his descendants in the selection of chicken standards and operations.

  The descendants of Gao’s roasted chicken inherited and promoted the family rules and ancestors left by the ancestors, and continued to innovate the production skills of Gao’s roast chicken.”There are shredded meat, chewing and fragrant fragrance.” For many years, Gao Laide’s roasted chicken is one of the unforgettable memories of the Tongnan people from generation to generation, attracting diners in Tiannanhai.

  Cultural and creative interactive interaction

  How to integrate the local specialties of Gao Laide Roasted Chicken with traditional culture, and turn the resource advantage into economic advantages?Following the ideas of interacting with cultural creativity and tourism, Yinan County deeply digs the cultural elements behind the Gaole -roasted chicken, and constantly penetrates cultural infiltration and radiates into the tourism value chain, so that this traditional regional food is brightened brightly.The light of culture.

  In July 2021, the Gaosude Food Culture Museum was completed and opened to tourists for free.Come here, not only can you buy the authentic Gao Laide roasted chicken, but also to see the traditional famous production skills, and understand the culture of Gao Laide’s roasted chicken in all aspects.The biggest feeling is that the biggest feeling is that the “eating” culture to the extreme here is to the extreme.This 1,000 -square -meter museum has a total of 6 display rooms. Since its operation, there have been continuous visits to diners in the South China Sea. As of now, more than 800 inspection groups, visiting groups, and tour groups have been received.There are more than 21,000 visitors.

  The traditional regional name eats the blooming era Fanghua

  There are 301 collections (sets) in the museum, mainly the production tools, daily necessities, daily old objects, etc.It is impressive that many old objects such as bills, licenses, and prizes are collected in the museum, such as the “individual business tax registration certificate” issued by the Yinan County Taxation Bureau on May 23, 1986, and April 8, 1989The day of business license, tax ticket with a tax payment amount of 5.00 yuan on September 12, 1987 … Seemingly ordinary but every piece of items that are full of age, carrying the memory of the family inheritance.

  From the humble roadside snack bar, to today’s Shandong Dexiangyuan Food Co., Ltd.; from providing meals for pedestrians to make a living, to today, the five major series of more than 10 provinces and cities with the main brand of more than 10 varieties of the five major seriesGao Laide Food.After a hundred years of vicissitudes, Gao Laide Food has always promoted the ancestral training of “Gao Qiang Nuo, Six Dei Lai Righteousness”, doing things honestly, honestly, so that this Linyi traditional regional name will bloom in the era.One side of the soil and water raises one party, creating a food and breeding one culture.The success of Gao Laide’s roast chicken, isn’t it the true portrayal of Linyi people Chongde to good, hardworking and simple character?Why not the vivid epitome of the era of the Yimeng people who dare to break through and innovate?

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