Wuyuan Liu Kai: The evolution of investment in technology supply chain

Since the mobile Internet period, we have begun to think about hard technology investment and introduce a concept, technology supply chain.Looking back at our investment in hard technology in the past 10 years, we will find that the investment methodology of Wuyuan Technology Supply Chain has undergone the evolution of the ecology from the bamboo forest, to the tropical rain forest ecology, and then to the ecology of Gaoshan Grassland.

The word “bamboo forest ecology” comes from the origin of us and Xiaomi. Xiaomi is the first heavy -duty and very successful project after the establishment of Wuyuan.At that time, there was a book called “Investment Notes for Xiaomi Ecological Chain Battlefield”. One of the words was widely praised, and I wrote that Xiaomi made investment like a bamboo.Bamboo grows up. Most of the time, it seems to be quiet, but it grows up quickly after the rain. The roots of bamboo are connected together underground, with a powerful ecological synergy effect.

The methodology of our technology supply chain investment was also similar to Xiaomi.In the early days of the outbreak of the mobile Internet, 1 billion people had not used smartphones. At that time, the biggest opportunity was to increase the penetration rate. How to quickly popularize various smart hardware devices into users.The investment in Wuyuan in the field of hard technology has begun since 10 years ago. Since investing in Xiaomi, we have been investing around this theme five years later, and the companies that invest in the investment have basically been listed or acquired.

To make early investment, a particularly important point is that continuous evolution, especially in the Chinese market with a particularly large change.With the evolution of the market, since 2016, we have entered the second stage (tropical rain forest investment) and have a very mature play.

The tropical rain forest ecosystem is a complex and rich biological network. Tall trees constitute the basis of the ecosystem. They are “chain owners”.There are many shrubs and small animals under the towering tree, which must be based on the tree with nutrients and rain. They are “chain -long ecological enterprises”.This describes a concept of investing in investment, that is, we must invest in “chain main” enterprises that can grow into industry leaders, such as Xiaomi, Kuaishou, Xiaopeng Automobile, Horizon, Galaxy Aerospace, etc., and we must also have to be.Pay attention to those “chain -long ecological enterprises”. Only in this way can the entire ecosystem be established.At this stage, Wuyuan also invests in head companies and ecological chain companies.

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