Yantai introduced the 4.0 business environmental work plan to determine the "126" work strategy

Shandong.com, China· New Perception May 22nd NewsOn May 22, the Yantai Municipal Government Information Office held a press conference on the optimization of the business environment in Yantai City. Fan Zhongli, Deputy Secretary-General of the Yantai Municipal Government, interpreted the “Yantai City Business Environment Innovation Action Plan (2024-2025)” in detail.
This year, in order to better stimulate the vitality and social creativity of the market, in accordance with the latest requirements of the country and the province, the research measures for business environment for business and business business in Beijing, Shanghai, etc., in accordance with the principle of “feasible and feasible here”, iteratory was issued.The 5.0 business environment work plan — “Yantai City Business Environment Innovation Action Plan (2024-2025)”, which determines the “126” business environment work strategy.
Anchor “1” target
Always adhere to the improvement of the nature of the business environment as the starting point, and make every effort to build a first -class business environment with good ecological ecosystems, complete factor guarantee, standardized government service specifications, complete rule of law systems, convenient trade and investment, and complete social services.
Build a “2” platform
Upgrade the “Yantai Government and Enterprise Connect” enterprise comprehensive service platform, optimize the eight major functional sections such as “supply and demand” and “service”, and create a comprehensive service platform that revolves around the enterprise’s full life cycle and the entire industry’s full chain.
Upgrade the “Joint Inspection Platform of Enterprises” and establish a “eight -in -one” joint inspection mechanism for enterprise -related inspection to maximize the disturbance of enterprises.
Create the “6” environment
Create an “four -chain” industrial ecological environment.Implement the industrial chain integration and development action, focus on the accurate layout of the industrial chain, configure the capital chain, and make up for the talent chain, plan the launch of the “industrial chain+cluster ecology” investment promotion, industry -university -research linkage project support mechanism, etc., to promote industrial agglomeration development,Expansion and fission.
Create a market development environment with complete elements.Comprehensively optimize the configuration of market -oriented factors, explore and implement measures such as “verification and cooperation”, online “employment supermarkets”, etc., further reduce institutional transaction costs, and boost the confidence of market players.
Create a warm and efficient government service environment.Focus on “efficiently doing one thing”, promote the precision of policy services, “one thing” to handle intensiveization, value -added of enterprise -related services, and facilitate public facilities services.People serve the new ecology.
Create a fair and fair hardcore rule of law.Adhering to the concept of “the rule of law is the best business environment”, strive to strengthen the guarantee of the rule of law, comprehensive supervision of full -chain, full coverage of fair competition, launch measures such as “rule of law” and “comprehensive investigation” in the field of administrative law enforcement.Home peaceful management, assured investment, and focusing on entrepreneurship to create a transparent environment can be expected.
Create free and convenient high -level open environment.Efforts will be made to improve the facilities of cross -border flow and trade investment, and to introduce measures such as exploring the pilot piloting of large resource commodities, cultivating digital trade special service export bases, etc., to create new frontiers of open cooperation, inclusive and inclusive, and shared and win -win.
Create a diverse human environment for livable and livable.Houzhi thoughtful social security, reliable credit services, and comfortable urban environment, launched measures such as deepening the construction of “Credit Yantai” and creating a provincial “Beautiful Bay” to provide enterprises with a better experience and a warm society with a better experience.Services and more beautiful and beautiful urban environment.
Chinese Shandong.com reporter Han Yu intern Xu Yongqi reported

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