Zhang Dawei: Accelerate the establishment of a modern ecological environment monitoring system with digital intelligent transformation.

The Ministry of Ecology and Environment has recently held a national ecological environmental monitoring work conference to comprehensively summarize the important progress of ecological environment monitoring work since the new era, and make clear instructions to effectively grasp the current key tasks.The meeting requires the national ecological environment monitoring system to do a good job of “accurate grasp”, that is, accurately grasp the connotation of the modern ecological environment monitoring system, accurately grasp the path to establish a modern ecological environment monitoring system, and accurately grasp the requirements for the establishment of a modern ecological environment monitoring system.It is proposed that the national ecological environment monitoring system should keep in mind that “the promotion of Chinese -style modernization must be the largest politics”, anchor the goal of beautiful Chinese construction, and accelerate the establishment of a modern ecological environment monitoring system that is compatible with it.Provides support guarantees with modernization with nature.

Accurately grasp the relationship between the establishment of a modern ecological environment monitoring system and the intelligent transformation of ecological environment monitoring.

Accelerating the establishment of a modern ecological environment monitoring system is to use the intellectual transformation of ecological environmental monitoring numbers as a driver, and fully support the continuous and in -depth and in -depth pollution control battle and the construction of beautiful China.

The modernization of ecological environment monitoring is based on monitoring, sensitive monitoring, and accurate monitoring, with higher standards to ensure the monitoring data “true, accurate, fully, fast, new” as the goal, with comprehensive support of beautiful Chinese construction as the core, scientific and objective, scientific and objectiveThe authority reflects the purpose of the quality of the ecological environment. It focuses on improving the new advantages of the integrated monitoring network of the sky and sea, shaping the new advantages of digital intelligent monitoring technology, builds high -quality monitoring data foundations, strengthens efficient energy monitoring and management, and realizes high -level business support.Bettering the role of ecological environmental monitoring on pollution control, ecological protection, climate change support, leadership, and service.

The intellectual transformation of ecological environment monitoring is to deeply integrate digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud computing with the monitoring business., Improve operational efficiency, enhance production efficiency, and effectively improve the modernization level of perception network, technical equipment, business support, quality supervision, and basic protection.

The intellectual transformation of ecological environment monitoring must be based on scientific and technological innovation in the field of monitoring, with effective support for environmental management, and the goal of reducing quality and efficiency.The monitoring system construction goals of the monitoring system of standard monitoring and the integration of the sky and the sea, and comprehensively improve the monitoring technology support capabilities.Specifically, by improving the quality of ecological environment monitoring workers, innovative ecological environment monitoring technical means and methods, and enriching the target of ecological environment monitoring, comprehensively improve the production effectiveness of ecological environment monitoring, empower the high level of ecological environment protection and high -quality economic and social high qualitydevelop.

Accelerate the specific measures for the transformation of ecological environment monitoring digital transformation

The meeting emphasized that the establishment of a modern ecological environment monitoring system must “empower science and technology and transform into a power engine with science and technology.”China Environmental Monitoring Station actively implements the spirit of the relevant instructions, and is in a hurry to study and formulate the three -year action plan of the China Environmental Monitoring Terminal.Digital technology applications are driven, and ecological environment data information products such as data perception collection, quality control, transmission storage, and analysis application are used for digital, intelligent, and intelligent transformation.It is mainly reflected in the following 4 aspects.

The first is the network efficient perception.With the goal of achieving “unmannedization”, with the intelligentization of operation and maintenance, sampling, and detection automation, the intelligentization of unusual behavior recognition, equipment and reagent consumables, and surrounding environmental perceptions, it has promoted the intelligent transformation of the traditional monitoring methods of environmental quality.Exploring the application of artificial intelligence technologies such as visual, visual recognition, multi -mode and large models and other environmental perceptions in environmental perceptions such as biodiversity and noise.Strengthen the new generation of perception technology applications that highlight the marginal effects such as remote sensing and sensors, and strengthen technical research such as intelligent remote sensing interpretation, data assimilation countermeasures, cross -technical quantity traceability.Strengthen the application of optical characteristics such as high spectrum, ultraviolet visible spectrum, and three -dimensional fluorescence.

The second is quality management.Establish an internal drive type quality management system that focuses on the goals of data quality authenticity and accuracy, and realize the transformation from the ecological environment monitoring quality management system from the laboratory quality management system that simply rely on CMA to cover the entire factor.Strengthen the construction and application of platform management, automatic monitoring operation and maintenance management, quality control and supervision and inspection management to achieve digital management of the entire process of monitoring quality.Strengthen the prevention of the preventive people in order to interfere with intelligent identification, carry out intelligent research and judgment of risks and problems, cross -associated intelligent analysis of quality risk points, and remote intelligent inspections such as abnormal video recognition, abnormal data screening, electronic fences, drone large -scale inspections, etc.Human interference risk.

The third is the depth of data.Establish a common data resource center of the ecological environment monitoring industry, and realize the full -cycle management of data life from data convergence, data governance, security control to data services.Open the underlying data of each monitoring business system, and realize the grades and classification management of poly source heterogeneous data.Establish and improve data management specifications, data governance, and data security guarantee systems. Through the Internet of Things, blockchain, federal learning and other technologies, connect the national ecological environment monitoring equipment and systems, realize monitoring data, running status data, instrument information, etc.Monitor the cloud platform to ensure data transmission and application security.

The fourth is the analysis of data intelligence.Establish a unified ecological environment monitoring open source sharing technology research and development and sharing platform. Based on digital technology applications such as blockchain, data sandboxes, establish data circulation security and credible environment, study public data authorization operation mechanism, promote the establishment of ecological environment monitoring data algorithm open sourceThe community stimulates the vitality of the whole society and fully releases the value of data.Establish a large language model of the ecological environment monitoring industry, create a high -quality artificial intelligence model training data set, integrate the data knowledge, expert experience and data analysis models in various fields, and realize intelligent application scenarios such as information inquiry, report generation, and knowledge training.It can predict business transformation and upgrading such as forecasting, traceability of pollution, and association analysis.

Study and formulate related documents, refine specific construction requirements, and provide guidance to the local area

The Ministry of Ecology and Environment has recently issued the “Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the establishment of a modern ecological environment monitoring system” (hereinafter referred to as “Opinions”). This is a guiding document for monitoring and development in the future, which is of great significance to accelerate the modernization of ecological environment monitoring.The “Opinions” clarified the planning and deployment of the “two steps” to promote the construction of a modern ecological environment monitoring system.At the same time, China Environmental Monitoring Station also studied and formulated the “Key Points of the Construction of the Modern Ecological Environment Monitoring System (Provincial Area)” (hereinafter referred to as “Points”) as an attachment to the “Opinions”.

“Key points” Clear and detailed construction requirements around the fields of sky and sea integration monitoring network, digital monitoring technology innovation, high -level monitoring business support, high -quality monitoring data, high -efficiency capacity monitoring and management, comprehensive guarantee, etc.Provide a strong starting point, encourage advanced areas to try first, guide backward areas to make up for shortcomings, and comprehensively improve local monitoring overall capabilities.

This year, the China Environmental Monitoring Station also issued the requirements for the main points of smart monitoring and innovation application work. Based on the early pilot, it proposed a list of recommendations for the technical innovation application of smart monitoring in 2024 to guide localities to focus on the actual needs of local ecological environment management, and voluntarily organize declarationsRelated business elements of frontier innovation technology application joint research projects, actively recommend special cases, and further promote the in -depth application of ecological and environmental intelligence monitoring and innovation applications.

In the next step, under the guidance of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the China Environmental Monitoring Station will also formulate the “Opinions” and “Points” to formulate the “Program for Evaluation of Modern Ecological Environment Monitoring Capability” to evaluate the level of modern monitoring capacity levels in various provincesScience and objective and accurately reflect the effectiveness of the local implementation.In accordance with the principle of mature and evaluating a batch, the eligible places voluntarily submitted an assessment application to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment completed all the evaluation work by 2028.At the same time, organize and carry out the collection and publicity activities of ecological environment monitoring modern cities and counties to build excellent cases to build a good development atmosphere of ecological environment monitoring than learning to help.

Local should actively embrace changes and accelerate the modernization process of local monitoring capabilities

At present, we must grasp a group of intelligent transformation pilots in some conditions to give full play to the leading role of the pilot on the overall situation.

The digital intelligence transformation of ecological environment monitoring is to deeply integrate digital technology with monitoring business, digital empowerment sampling analysis, quality control, analysis and processing and other monitoring data information products production products production chain supply chain, accelerate the formation of new monitoring networks.Digital transformation takes data as the productive forces, and productivity is formed under the interaction of workers, labor data and labor objects. The productivity improvement must also start from the above “three element”.Based on its own actual situation and characteristics, localities can start from three aspects.

First, improve the quality of personnel.Monitoring personnel should realize the transformation from traditional workers to new workers, and to achieve synchronization of ideological quality and professional quality.In terms of improving the quality of ideas, it is mainly to boost the mental state, maintain the attitude of struggle, and change simple linear thinking as a complex systematic thinking, and understand and grasp the development of the monitoring cause with the perspective and method of systematic thinking and systematic theory.In terms of improving professional quality, we must ensure that their own knowledge and skill qualities should be moderately advanced in job needs.On the basis of improving the work skills of daily business, actively master the development and application of digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, large models, virtual reality, the Internet of Things, and blockchain in the monitoring field, becoming the lovers, learners and applicants of new technologiesEssence

Second, improve monitoring methods.Improve monitoring by digital technology, realize the quality reduction and efficiency of monitoring activities, and achieve better monitoring quality, higher efficiency, and lower cost.

In terms of better quality, the construction of quality system monitoring quality system should be strengthened to comprehensively improve the quality of various monitoring data.In addition, it is necessary to improve the level and richness of monitoring products, and adhere to the guidance of outstanding problems and policy management needs of ecological environment, apply digital technologies such as deep learning, big data, and big models to discover the ecological environment and socio -economic and social economy through data depth.Internal laws, give full play to the “data element ×” efficiency of the ecological environment, empower the high -level protection of the ecological environment, and help the construction of beautiful China.

In terms of higher efficiency, it is necessary to cultivate a sense of efficiency, systematically sort out the data production process, grasp the key, reduce redundancy and ensure quality.At the same time, systematically optimize the entire data production system architecture, improve the level of information, automation, and intelligence. Through the implementation of digital transformation of existing monitoring equipment, the efficiency of monitoring production is continuously improved.In addition, through the integration of different systems, platforms and other data resources, the connection and sharing of information can be achieved, reducing the duplicate production of data.

In terms of lowering costs, the cost control ability of data production must be improved.Strengthen cost control by strengthening network operation monitoring, equipment full life cycle management, and personnel of personnel use.Establish a monitoring efficiency management mechanism, create a “instrument panel” running management data parameters, and maximize the use of resources such as equipment consumables, human logistics and other resources.It is necessary to reduce the cost through high -tech replacement, and in the field of traditional monitoring, a new generation of perception technology such as AI video perception, sensor and remote sensing has replaced and replaced artificial operations to minimize the cost of monitoring activities.

Third, expand monitoring objects.As a specialized labor, the object of ecological environment monitoring is also a kind of labor object, which will present four major characteristics.

The field is wider.From the perspective of the development of ecological environment monitoring, the field of expansion is accompanied by the needs of ecological environmental protection.The focus of ecological environment monitoring has gradually changed from environmental quality and pollution emissions to human living health and ecological risks. At the same time, data as a new monitoring object has received widespread attention and gradually realized the change from the number of exit to the number of use.

More indicators.With the changes of the industrial structure and pollution characteristics, the monitoring indicators present a change from a single, large -scale, large -scale, environmental monitoring indicator system to a comprehensive, different purpose of different purposes, and different purposes.The transition from single -factor pollution control to multi -pollution objects is transformed.

The dimension is richer.Scientific and technological innovation has promoted the progress and ability of monitoring technology.The application of flight monitoring makes the traditional fixed point monitoring upgrade to the monitoring that can reflect the distribution of pollution along the distance, and realize the expansion of the line to the line;Expansion of the field.The abundance of monitoring dimensions has changed the dilemma of blind people in the past and peeping in the leopard in the tube.

The granularity is thinner.The monitoring of different purposes is different for time frequency and spatial standards. At present, the focus of national and provincial environmental quality monitoring is to support the assessment ranking, and the requirements for space -time particle size are not very fine.As pollution prevention has entered deep water zones, new and higher requirements have been put on precise pollution control and refined environmental quality.Correspondingly, the monitoring particle size will be thinner.

In short, the construction of a modern ecological environment monitoring system is inseparable from the transformation of digital intelligence in monitoring. This is an inevitable trend of the current development of ecological environment monitoring. It needs to be transformed from a traditional, artificial model to a new model of intelligent and digitalization.Local should actively embrace changes, strengthen technological innovation and talent training, promote the high -quality development of monitoring with digital intelligent transformation, and accelerate the modernization process of local monitoring capabilities.

(The author is the secretary of the party committee and webmaster of the China Environmental Monitoring Station)

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