Ziyan Food achieved a revenue of about 3.55 billion yuan last year and a net profit of about 332 million yuan.

Beijing News Shell Finance News (Reporter Yan Xia) On April 19, Ziyan Food released the 2023 annual report.In 2023, Ziyan Food’s operating income was about 3.55 billion yuan, a decrease of 1.46%year -on -year; net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was about 332 million yuan, an increase of 49.46%year -on -year.As of December 31, 2023, the total assets of Ziyan’s food were 2.903 billion yuan, and net assets attributed to shareholders of listed companies were 2.077 billion yuan, with a total of 6,205 stores nationwide.

In 2023, Ziyan Food’s fresh products achieved operating income of about 3.04 billion yuan, a year -on -year decrease of 1.71%, and the gross profit margin of the product was 22.76%, an increase of 7.62 percentage points year -on -year;The decline of 5.72%, the gross profit margin of the product was 10.82%, a year -on -year decrease of 1.45 percentage points.

According to the financial report, in order to accelerate overseas business expansion, in May 2023, Ziyan Food established the Overseas Division, and conducted business management and simulation practical training for the first batch of overseas market personnel.Under the leadership of the company’s senior management, the team conducted in -depth investigations and market environment inspections of the Australian and US markets, successfully signed Australian agency agreements, and reached strategic cooperation with Dahua Group and Chuangfeng Group in the U.S. market development.

The opening and sales area of Xinmen Store is one of the important driving forces of Ziyan’s food business growth. At this stage, the company’s business area is mainly East China, Central China, and Southwest. The regional concentration is high.EssenceThe expansion of the new market requires the company to fully understand the differences in the diet and taste preferences of consumers in various regions, master the needs of consumers in different markets, and formulate differentiated regional business strategies.”For the newly developed sales channels, the company has a large investment in the short term, but its investment return cycle has certain uncertainty. If the company cannot successfully expand new sales channels and markets, it may lead to a decline in future performance growth rates.”” Purple Food said.

Edit Yue Caizhou

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